“Prepare for BAD Weather and Freezing SNOW”

“Icy Roads” require Angel Service!

Do you remember … when you were in need of emergency help… when driving in freezing cold weather, and all roads were thick ice skating rinks?

Some years back, while I was at work – it started to rain – temperatures started to drop – roads took on a nice shinny glaze – icing up – just too dangerous, to be on… for any reason at all!

Do you think this “BOSS” would let anyone go home early to avoid this worst of all storms?

“NO!” … I think he was hoping that some of his employees would have accidents – he liked when bad things happened to people.

You know… there are some people in this world just like that!

You can see it in their face, when they hear of some catastrophe happening to someone they know. They are just enjoying every word about … what some poor soul must endure.

Anyway, the streets were frozen, and now it is 5:00 p.m. – and the few of us employees slide out to our cars.

It takes quite a bit of time to break up the ice from the wind shield – also the motor running to warm up the inside and help with the melting of the ice. Also, those were the days, when I was still wearing dresses or skirts and some type of tops for work, just to look like a LADY! 

That freezing cold wind was whistling “DIXIE” up my skirt – just making me colder than necessary!

Looks like I can now see out of the windows, so I start to move the car slowly. I’m keeping an eye on the other employees and what they are doing, to determine just exactly how safe will this trip be?

So, we all go to different directions, and now… I am by myself on Hwy. 141 and there just isn’t anyone else out or about.

Going westerly – all lanes to myself – slower than slow – and would you believe the light is changing and I am going to have to stop – why? – Not a soul but crazy me – no one with any sense would be out on a night like this?

Sitting at this “STOP LIGHT” with my foot on the break – the car is very slowly sliding – the rear of the car is pulling me in a slow doughnut turn and toward the ditch …  of which I look like… I might end up in for the night?

“OH God send me some help – help to know what to do – looks like I’m going to freeze out here – no way for me to walk home from here – no traffic – no houses nearby – what can I do? Please help! I am almost in tears.

While I am trying to figure this out… the light has turned green – and my eyes are ready to open the flood gates!

All of  a sudden… some man is knocking on the driver side window!

I don’t know what to do – open the window some – he ask me, “Do you know how to drive on ice?”    “NO!” –

“Well get your foot off the break, and when you are on ice keep the car in “NEUTRAL” when you are at the “STOP SIGNS” – this is so you won’t slide all over!”

“Aim your car as I tell you – I am going to be behind you and push you some… so you can get  back … on your way!”

I was still praying to myself, and doing what I was told, the car window was still open some – so I could hear and do just exactly what… I was to do to get out of this mess.

Started moving slowly back on to the highway, turned my head to holler out the window to say “THANK YOU”  – but no one was there?

It must have been an “ANGEL” – Almighty God sends his Angels if we pray often and all the time!

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“Must DO ALL That Needs Correcting, NOW”

Dull Facts make Exciting Story!

My son, Lee Jr. and I were talking on the telephone – and when talking with me… we usually get to talking about some subjects, that require using the old brain… as there are so very many things… that I have done, over these  long and many …many years… sometimes, it just takes a real good and long while to start  remembering them all, and  then … to remember them correctly.

Like most things that you want to start up… you have to put the correct key  in… and or information into that old blocked brain… something like a shot of oil to get all of those old marbles… to just start rolling around… and as “LEE”  was doing  his job…that is when… he started to give me some  real good ideas of old stuff…  I had done a long time ago… and almost completely forgot about!

All kinds of silly stuff that one would put in “FILE 13” – Lee was telling me to start to write something about that which…  everybody would like to hear about.

I’m telling “LEE” that I want to be reminded about stories… that I had told him or maybe someone in the family, that he remembers, and if I were to re-tell them now, would these  old  stories mean something special to the reader… and would  they also be… something  that…  they would really enjoy?

The time just flies so fast, when you are talking about “NOTHING!”

The days between Christmas and New Year’s – are those days, that we do not know what, in the whole wide world…  we should be doing … everything and  anything special  was all done… long ago!

And… because these days are  NOW… those “extra days of the year”  –  as some of us, are on “HOLIDAY” from work and without a regular schedule, to work from – “WE ARE LOST!”

We all have heard a million or more  times of all the “NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS”  that … we should be making… and that we are to make amends, for all of those wrongs – and then… resolve to make this coming year  “a so  much better  year, than any other year” – we are  NOW  –  moving up and to a much better than ever position, in time! 

This requires …  that maybe using our  “BRAINS”… for something more important than…  just a “HAT RACK!”

It is important, that we, NOW… take a  look back and take note of some corrections, that we can make toward  putting  forth…  a much better effort in all that we are now planning…  to make our life and the lives of our family … so very much better.

Have a pencil and pad of paper ready for this list – so that, by writing down – we are now making sure… that, we have a written record and  a date  of this… with dates, as to when… we are going to do something…  and  or start  with new resolves, to correct those ways, that were not productive in the past.

This of course does takes time – but we will find  that, this will be the best start for a new and fully indigenous new person… that we will be in this NEW YEAR!

Time spent now on these plans to make ourselves a better person… to be and to live with – will make wondrous results in all aspects of our life – today, tomorrow and forever!        D.V.

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“This Holiday Season is of Real Memories”

Bing Crosby – I’ll Be Home For Christmas

We’ll Meet Again – Hayley Westenra & Vera Lynn


Just Someone I Used to Know

Beautiful Christmas Music, The Most Popular Christmas Carols, ,”Christmas Home” By Tim Janis

Elvis Presley – I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Official Lyric Video)

“Enjoy  this Holiday Season… this year… with my LOVE and all of our wonderful memories … of the last 60 years”

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“The 5th of December is TODAY”



“Happy Birthday”


Brother Lee…

“Lord Hardrock, himself”


Lee Aldrich_001



The King of Flight…

We have a lot of Flying to catch up  on …

We just have to start doing some HIGH Flying…



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“Birthday Grettings to our Little SON Lee”

“Lucky Lee enjoys the DREAMS of LIFE”

I remember  just as if –  it where yesterday, we would go to watch “LEE”  play “Football” – every parent thinking that their son was the best and greatest,  at which  ever position he would be playing, but, when everyone would start standing up and screaming for “LEE” – as we could hear over the loud speaker, “ALDRICH running with the ball” – and all the jumping up and down – I was just so proud that “LEE was my SON” – and he was so fast at running with the ball – OUR TEAM would always WIN! 

“Hip – HIP – Hooray  for Lee and good ole number 34!”

These are just a few,  of the RIBBONS,  that I  had already posted –  but, some time,  I would like to find and collect all of the different ribbons that LEE has – from the very earliest young days of his LIFE.

When I was a little girl, I  still remember my  asking my DAD … if he could get for me, a little pony … one that I could take care of … in our back yard … and then also learn to ride that pony… when the  pony would be  bigger and strong enough  to take small kids for a ride around the block… this is where we lived in North Saint Louis… as… back in those days, so long ago… when WWII was still going on… you would see that some homes still had some  large animals  living on their property, and that they were also used for delivery of merchandise to others… living near by.

I remember my DADDY saying… that he would get me a “PONY” – and I am still waiting – but in LIFE… there does  come a day or two to start to wake up to the fact … my DAD is no longer here on EARTH… and I am too old, to be waiting for something that will no longer happen… no matter how long you wait and  or even ask for.

So I guess, that NOW,  I can stop wishing for that PONY – since I   also  did receive…  that same request from my son, LEE – so very many years ago… and fortunately, I was able to get a PONY …  for him!

Looks like it was also snowing in that DECEMBER  for Lee’s BIRTHDAY – just as it  might be doing TODAY,  it is so cold – but we are not buying a PONY, today. 

Way back and back then…

As cold as it was, LEE got outside…  to start to enjoy his “BIRTHDAY ” present – and …

I sure am glad, that I was able to take a few PHOTOS.

Later on, we moved from here,  to another area – where you could have HORSES!

So, from EARTH to the great big blue yonder – we do like to FLY!

 And so,  here we are, little “brother, Al”  is taking this PHOTO  of “BIRTHDAY BOY, LEE” – and  then – off to see the “STARS”  – and whether they will be out tonight?

Nothing like flying when you can see the “CITY” all  aglow with the CHRISTMAS”  lights on – making for so much more FUN and enjoyment  – for brothers that do enjoy doing  these things together!

“Come FLY with ME” – we will have so much FUN –  to see all the CITY and surrounding areas – trying to out do  their their selves – with more  beautiful lites  – than at any other times of the year!

May the Almighty bless all those –  that are celebrating their Birthdays this month  – with all the SNOW and excitement of the CHRISTMAS Lights – only wish more happy people could enjoy with us!           D.V.

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“The “5th’ is just a DAY AWAY”

“A #1 Favorite Birthday Party for Lee Jr.”

       “Happy Birthday…LEE”

No matter the weather…  no matter the age of the boy… when you  receive  your  “first PONY” …  you will be there no matter what it takes … to take good care  of   “Your DREAM”   come true!

This PHOTO  of  Lee Aldrich  Jr., and his best  “BIRTHDAY  PRESENT”  a  real live little “PONY” was   what I would call, “Top  Drawer”   of  all of the gifts received!

There was nothing in the world that would keep  “Little Lee”  from being outside in all of that snow and ice or even in some of the  rain… that “PONY”  was what  he  had wanted,  the mostest, in those days…  and  Little Lee… was  so LUCKY, that  he did receive the PONY of his DREAMS,  that he was NOW in Seventh HEAVEN, Snow  and or no Snow!

“Seventh Heaven” did not last too long” as you can see this PHOTO was taken in our backyard at “100 Cherbourg Drive, 63129”  and evidently  you can not have a “PONY”   in your backyard.    (that is a story for another time)

xooxxoxoxooxxoxoxoxo               xxooxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

This next PHOTO is “LEE” at an  even   younger age for “Little LEE”  just  sitting  there at the “Keyboard”   and   Little Lee is all registered to start  taking  his first lessons … some “basic lessons”  to learn to play  and make some real good music all the  while … playing.

This PHOTO is when we were  living in “Fort Lauderdale,  Florida” and my husband, Lee Sr., was one of the partners  in managing and running  the “TOPPERS Restaurant and Lounge” and of course,  when  they  want you and  you are  to be in on the  updating  of the  “LOUNGE”   you  will need a “PIANO”… so why not make a  ‘sweetheart’ deal … one that all  of  your FAMILY will like, such as a little something in the HOME… for  our little LEE… to learn to PLAY!

If  and that is a big “IF” … I could  always have my  own way… every  “HOME  IN AMERICA” would have a “PIANO”  for the children to learn to play.

Just as soon as the children can… and I mean early… they should start to learn  all about music … lessons… practice but, with   a serious course of study  as is  usually  the case, PIANO is  maybe good for everyone but… then, there could be some children  that would like another instrument better.

“MUSIC” It is the same as learning another language, the brain  is enhanced  immediately making for the learning ability to increase so much  and even more so, that  all  of the  other subjects taken in class at school, become easier and just does so much more for the person’s personality  in all  of  the areas of their LIFE…  and for all of  their years, for their  entire LIFE.  

Check with anyone that took music lessons early in their LIFE… learning is easier  as is those life choices…  that they will be making, and I feel  that the whole wide world  would be so much better, just to make this one serious change early in the LIFE style… for all  of the children in AMERICA.             D.V.

“Only two more days, the   “5Th”   is almost here  and a big BIRTHDAY PARTY WISH   goes out  to our most  favorite …


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