My “DAD” the “Chef”

How many of us can say  – My Dad is the best “Chef!”  My  Dad worked at some of the best restaurants here in Saint Louis, and he  received his basic training  in cooking  while enlisted in the US Army.  He said he was older than he was  to enlist  and  was in luck to have been accepted.

As a little kid – the one thing that I always loved to have was called “Floating Island”  –   a puff of egg-whites whipped up in mounds to look like  little islands   sitting on top of a delicious custard. This was something as a kid  – I would rather have than candy. As much  as  I  have always  enjoyed  –  I never tried to make. My guess is that  – if you  didn’t know how  – you would  stand the chance of burning the custard.  So  I just never attempted,   but after looking at recipes  –   I just may  try using a new recipe I found for the custard and  will  hope for excellent results.

What always amazed me was that when ever I would ask my  Dad about a recipe  – he could just tell me the list of ingredients and just how to make the item I  was  inquiring about  – and if he was at my home  –  he  would just make  what I was asking about  – knew the exact  amounts  and have everything going  – no wasting of time looking up amounts and how or what to do.

It was so much fun for us kids to be seated around the kitchen table and watch  “MY DAD”  work magic with  the food we all  liked  –   and every so often  – he would give one us a spoon of something  good  to lick off    –  and when he was making candy  –  he would take turns giving each of  us a    small  amount of candy making in the   “testing stage”  called the    “soft ball ” stage  till it got to the   “hard ball”   stage   and  we were the best behaved kids –  patiently waiting our turn  to test  –  we would be ready to test  – forever!

The  “Floating Island”   and the taste   that  I remember is calling for me to try.   No matter what happens   –   I will have to eat my  “mistakes”    or I’ll be enjoying  a real good memory   –    “Floating  Islands”   and  hopefully the way  “DAD”  made for us!

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“Daddy loves “ME!”

One more remembrance  of “DAD”   – just have to let the world know that  –  to be with your  “MOM”  and  “DAD”  are the  most important things in a child’s life!

As a small child I just could never understand why we had to go to the “Orphan Home”.  That was the most miserable place to be when  you have a MOTHER and FATHER  that are alive.

When we were at the  “Orphan Home”  –  and it was  in  “September”  –  getting  near to being   my  “Birthday”  – I had the surprise of my life! I received a  birthday card  and I do not remember  of  any one else ever receiving mail much less a  “Birthday Card!” 

This is the way they do it at the   “Orphan Home.”  The mail comes to  you  – care of the Orphan Home   –    the  Mother Superior and   your teacher   – one of the nuns reads and inspects the mail.  If   there is something you should not know  of  and  or   see  –  it is  so  very  nicely   removed.  You could be lucky to even get   what you where suppose to get.

Anyway,   when I came to class this day   before   “my birthday”   –  there is a card addressed to me and it is on  “my desk” in the class room. I was so tickled to receive this piece of mail    – and to see that  –    it was from my  “DADDY!”    I took it with me everywhere I went!  It was the closest  thing to being at home with  my parents.

This card was so special because it was about me.   The nursery rhyme  all  about   “Mary  –  Mary  so contrary  –  how does your garden grow…  three or  four  pages of beautiful drawings and verses.  This was something I wanted to keep forever  –  but in a “HOME” as this was   –   someone   evidently wanted  it so much ,  as to steal it from  my locker.

I   may not have the card any longer,   but I will always have the  memory in my heart.   My  “DADDY”  loves  me  so much  –    he sent to me the very best!

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Thank You “DAD”

Since it is still the month to remember “DAD”  just thought I would add a few more memories  to the  “pages of time.”

When I was just six (6) years of age , and the oldest of three children  – I was the do for others and the number one “go-for” of the family.  The house that we were living in had  some “Honey Do Jobs”   and with a hardware store within walking distance for me   –  you guessed right   –   I was the designated “go-for-it-er.”    Some things,  I could easily remember    –  but some things needed to be written down.  And,  since the store owner knew who we were  – and now that I think about it   –   everybody ran a tab   –  so that payment was made later. (I never carried money with me.)

On these jobs  –   there was no time for me to walk   –  I had to run and hurry.  Which brings me to the next  memory  of walking fast  –   every time  I went with my  DAD   –  I was  doing a a  half   run-walk   –  just to keep up with him.  Dad did three (3) stints in the Army   –  and he must have done a heck- of -a- lot  of marching   – he had the longest walk stride   –  so fast   – that anyone  walking with him , would be out of breath just trying to keep up with him.

I am not complaining but,  rather am glad that I had to  always go so fast when I was young  –  that kind of put me  in training for getting,  old.   By walking fast then,  now my body just naturally wants to go  faster   –  walking or moving to do something.   No sense in just   “Lolly Gagging”  and turning into a  “Slowpoke!”   When it came to my working for a living and  having to take the bus or street-car   –   I’m grateful and thankful  I was able to run fast  enough to catch the   up -coning bus  or street-car.  I still remember the  street-cars here in St.Louis,  they were fun!

Thanks  “DAD”  for seeing to it  –   that  I  moved in a hurry   then  to get where ever I needed!

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A “Blue Bird” with a Message!

The other day I started reading – The Prayer of Jabez  Devotional Book. I first received this book as a gift with another book written by   Bruce Wilkinson in July  of 2006.

Good books are like good movies that you can read and  watch  more times than you can count.  Like they say about movies  – the first time you watch a movie   – you just do not see half of what you thought you saw   –  and half of the movie did  not make sense and you need to see it again and again.  That’s so   – with life – you really want to  know  – what it was –  that you enjoyed so well?

The same goes for books,  with me.  Some books I have to have  – in near by places  – so that I know when I need special uplifting and encouragement   –  just to be  mentally refreshed  –  I have the right   book  – right there  –  the  best  reading material  –  as handy as it can be!

Today  – as I was reading   “Day  18”   – Power with Purpose   –  the line…If you want to see the promise in action,    right then a  “blue bird”   hit the picture window with a dull thud  –   down – but for a moment  –  unconscious   –  regained momentum  – landing on the near by porch rail!  She looked at me and  had a look  –  as if asking me   ” why can’t  –  I come inside there with you?”   I was asking “her”  –  “are you alright?”  When  “she”  the bird – was confident of flying   – off  “she” went.  Such an earth shaking  mood  to put me in –  as  I was reading   “If you want to see…”    –  “is that an immediate answer  to something   or not?”

Anyway  – I now have plenty of food for thought. I just love getting so “inspired ” as I read.  Try reading this book if you have  it,   again  –   and if not,  the library will have a copy.  But,  I like my own books as I have to write in them as I go along,  and  that’s  for the next generation to read and ,  think about what I was thinking about  at that point in time about the material.

Good books are the best of companions and always so close by  and  best of all  –  so  inspiring!

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“Happy Fathers’ Day”

Fathers and Sons  –  Thank You!  Today,  we celebrate  Fathers  and  remember to  ask   “Our  Heavenly Father”  to bless you  in the most abundant and helpful way for your walk on earth!

Some verses in the  “Bible”  that I thought would apply  today.

Proverbs 17:6  Children’s children are the crown of  old men,  And the glory of children  are their fathers.

Proverbs 23:24,25,26    The father of the righteous  will greatly rejoice.  And he that fathers  a wise child will  have joy of him.      Let your father and your mother  be glad.   And let her that bore you rejoice.    My son give me your heart;   And let your eyes delight in my ways.

Just thought these verses were so right .  Blessings come to those who seek the good words of the bible and pass these good words on to the next generations   and    –  pass the blessings on from generation to generation!   This,  or words to that effect  stick in my mind.  And, it t is better to play the game of life correctly;   we are on a journey on earth and our aim is to enjoy  eternity with our “Creator” at the blessed end!

So,  with the above in mind   –  every time I buy a game  –  what ‘s the first  thing you have to do   –  that is if  you want to learn to   “WIN”  the game!   You start by    “reading the  Instructions!”   So,  the way I understand our  “game of   life”     –     our  instructions come in the book  called the  “Holy Bible.”

“Happy  Father’s Day”  to all those in my family and  every  Father   –   celebrating or not!   God Bless You!

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Just Being With “DAD”

Remembering my “DAD!”   Every kid needs to have their  “Father” in their home and   to be an active part  of all the things going on.  In the early 1940’s  –  we had just moved to the  house in  North St.Louis  – the area where my parents were an active  part of the Democratic party.

Since my  “DAD” was able to  make a lot of electrical stuff work  – where there were large outdoor  “political meetings”   –  he was very useful in emergency situations!

On  one such meeting coming up  –   my “DAD” had all kinds of electrical wiring  and equipment and microphones and stuff to assemble  and test out for an upcoming event.  So what better place , but our back yard to work on all this stuff   to see what works and what he can use?

We were all out in the back yard, my “MOM”   had a basket of corn that needed  the ears  of corn shucked and we kids were helping.  Then , my “DAD”  needed someone to say something in one of the   “MIC”    –  someone to do some  voice testing  and so,  I  volunteered to help.   Also  – I was asked to get something so gave the “MIC” to my  “MOTHER”  –  so she could say something?   When she started  to say something  – she screamed   –   she was almost  electrocuted  –  she was sitting  in a metal lawn chair  and  right on the  damp  ground.  Not knowing   immediately  what the problem was  –    she started to say something  –   again!    That was the end of it!

Just that  small part of  the talking  test  on the microphone  –   that was all the excitement   that day  for us!  The rest of    “My DAD’s”    testing was done in the basement!

The most important part of this   –  was that we were all together and having   “fun”   –  until some unfortunate accident had to happen.  No one knows what to expect in life   –  but there was never a dull moment in our lives!


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