Florida Memories Pg.7

Here’s a picture that I will have to get on this site for all to see.  Like they say a picture is worth a thousand words  and this is sure a thousand word story.  Sometimes Poor Little Lee had to  go through so much correcting  –  sometimes I guess it could be just a little more than  he wanted to take  at one time.  So here’s the proof of the pudding’.

So the picture is of  “Little Lee” maybe fifteen steps coming out of the front door, and he is on the side walk on his way to the street, there were  no side walks in front of the houses om the blocks at that time. Little Lee had his older brother Donald’s  boy scout shirt on, his cap, and neckerchief.  Donald  would be age  (9) nine years old and Little Lee at the time of this photo would be a couple months short of becoming two years old. Also, Little Lee is carrying one of his shoes , one ‘high top baby shoe’ in each hand.  The look on his face  –  is a look  of  ‘forlorn’  – a look  that makes you think that he is awfully  ‘sad.’

I sent this picture and others to my  Aunt Irene Riley,  in Saint Louis, Missouri so she would know how we were doing.  Well, I sure received a few words back from her.  She took a look at this picture and  let me know that Little Lee should be treated better, his face told her he was so sad  and mistreated  that he was leaving home.  Now!

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