“Looking for WORK – Read the AD below”

Nothing like receiving an advertisement for work – by a Company – that spells out exactly  – what they are looking for – and spells out for the readers – some of  the very  poor excuses that,  they have received from people that were hired – but,   for one or more of the poor excuses  that you can read in the newspaper ad, below – just could not show up  for WORK!


There are some people that want WORK – and,   will WORK for good wages,  but –  and  every one knows of those workers – that will just show up for work – and will act real dumb – ask lots of questions that mean nothing to them – just a great stall act – someone might think they are going to be great – but they are only playing a game – “they want to be paid for doing absolutely  nothing, in the line of WORK  – that you are offering them!”

There is noting like a TRUE  story… When you apply for WORK – you will find that some Companies will be testing you to see exactly what you can do. So naturally for the Post Office and this is besides the written tests and physical and all of the other  tests – YOU will be expected to pick up  a 100 pound  sack of mail  from this chair  – and deliver the same sack, to a distant  chair,  at least  one hundred feet away.

For the average man – no problem, they can pick up “100# sack of mail”  one after the other, but now –  for the average woman, maybe one or two – depending on  – if the sack is full and if they can drag it here and there – but for this test – you must only carry it  – this one time across the room.

So this nice cute woman was hired and when she arrived  in an area where these large  sacks of mail were – one sack was just too heavy for her to move –  so, some nice “MAN” came  over and did offer to her,  that he would be happy to HELP  her  – to move these  HEAVY sacks, for her,  and they “kinda hit it off”  as “friends” while working.

There are times when your work schedule calls for you to work  two weeks straight and then get four or five days off straight – and remember the “PAY” if very good!

Just so happens,  that these two, were  working together and seem to be very friendly at work – and every time a  much “too” heavy sack was in her work area – she would  call  for,  her “good friend” – and he was “Johnny on the spot”  to help her. No one knows for sure what  and or if,  they  have had any after WORK time together – but  – it would seem that  – there  will come a day,  just  for paying for favors received – especially when,  you are both being paid,  the exact  top dollar, for the same kind of WORK!

So, NOW  – the day came  – She had called,  for her “helper” to help her – and he went over with smiles,  fast and furious  – he grabbed her shirt and her slacks     and pulled them down to the floor covering her shoes –  just left her,  standing there,  in just her under clothes – he walked away with  even bigger smiles on his face!  That was his “PAY DAY” –  since she did not reciprocate  to  “his needs” – some where along those lines,  is what everybody  was left to  give some serious thought,  about!

We were all told – that we were “all”  being paid for our own work to be done – so that,  and in case,  if we have someone else do our WORK for us –  Plan on paying for it – “one way or the other!”

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