“EASTER TIME for the GRAND-Children”


How do you celebrate,  EASTER?

When you have “Grand-Children”  EASTER is  like CHRISTMAS,  go to CHURCH as a FAMILY , and stop by a RESTAURANT for BREAKFAST  and make that a  great big BREAKFAST,  since for  and during all of LENT,  everyone was on a low food intake  and did without a lot of the regular “FAST FOODS”  while  just trying  to be ever mindful of the season  and  trying to do with less food,  make that,  a whole  lot more of doing without  than  at any other time of the year!

So,  in the PHOTO below,   we see “ALYSSA”  and as you can see,  she is not being disturbed by the number of relatives,  coming in and bringing “EASTER GIFTS” for her and her sister, “JAIME”.  Whatever she is doing, nothing is stopping her from  this  very important task,  that she is working on,   so that  it will be done  ‘right’  because,  I know “ALYSSA”,  and she is very thorough in completing,  that which is  most important, as it  must be done with precision.

This next PHOTO is of  “JAIME”  and she is a year younger,  and has all the qualities as “ALYSSA,”  as she learns by watching what others do,  and usually ends up doing a much  faster  job,   since both girls work together on so many projects,  in my book,  it is  so wonderful to have a sister so close  in age, that you both can do things much better,  since   there is something in that old saying, “two heads are better than one”   and I believe that my two “GRAND-DAUGHTERS”  are “A # 1” in all that they  do together.

“HAPPY EASTER” to everyone , and do remember that the “ALMIGHTY YAHWEH” is the  LIFE of this world  and “YAHSHUA the Messiah,”  is  the real reason for celebrating  with,  HIS VICTORY over DEATH!    D.V.

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