“June is a GOOD MONTH for a BIRTHDAY”

“June BIRTHDAYS”6th – 21st – 23rd

And… June 7th 1959 Vice-President Mike Pence

June 14th 1946 President Donald J. Trump

June  sure is a good month to have a BIRTHDAY  as the weather is NOW getting nice and “hot”   at least,  here in  MISSOURI  and just because of the  “SUMMER”   starting  officially,  a few “marbles”  in this old brain  have started to click together, just can not  forget to mention  to those that I know, and others  who just might also  remember,  some of my good old  “FRIENDS”   that,  have a  BIRTHDAY in JUNE! 

Have to say,  “HAD”  as these “FRIENDS”  are  NOW   celebrating much better TIMES since,  their journeys here, have ended and they are NOW in a far better place,  a place that we are all working on  our  attaining, after our work here on Earth  is also  completed.  If, we did do our best, at following the word of TRUTH  which,  we have all received from our CREATOR,   the ONE who sends to all of  us  the LOVE,  that we receive in order to share  LOVE , one with another.

JUNE 6th  – is the BIRTH DATE for my good FRIEND and CLASSMATE,  “STELLA M. SANTOYA”  while we were at the GERMAN ST. VINCENT ORPHANAGE,  way back in the 1940’s.

If you look back into some  of the previous writings about “STELLA”   you will read about some of the things we did  and if you also know STELLA,  please “add your comments” and or ask me about  some of the things,  that I  may have to give everyone an update on. You can pull up her PHOTO, all of us when we graduated, there is posted a –  1952  “Class Graduation” photo!

JUNE 21st,   “Sister Mary Emeline”  and  this is one NUN,  who was also an “orphan” with her four sisters, in the  very same “ORPHANAGE” and she  with three of  her sisters  after their Graduation from the HOME,  at  different times  of their lives, decided to enter into the Convent and become NUNS of the “Sisters of Christian Charity”  and as “LUCK” would have it, “Sister Mary Emeline”  was assigned to serve  back at St.Vincent’s  at the same “ORPHANAGE”  that she was,  when a child,  and  she served as a NUN,  during some of the years that I  as a  young girl – -would  also  be there,  during the 1940’s.

During the years, that I was at ST. Vincent’s  and Sister Emeline was there,  I was to be under her charge,  working in the “BOYS DINING ROOM” – and that is where I was able to become good “FRIENDS” with her,  as she was so very nice to all of the children,  guessing  NOW, that she knew how it was,  there  and that,   to show a little LOVE to the children, we will  all live a much better LIFE.

Some years,  after having left the Orphanage, I decided to get back in touch with “Sister Emeline”  and until  she left this earth,  on to  her trip to HEAVEN,  we always kept in touch, just like a good FAMILY member would  always do!

JUNE 23rd,  “KELLY UZZETTA”   she was just like   my above  FRIENDS, once you met  “KELLY”  you were immediately a good friend!   There must be something  special in the “STARS”  for this period of  TIME in “JUNE”   something about making a good friend, and once you do,  you are  “GOOD FRIENDS” for ever!

Sometime in the 1970’s,  I started working in the “REAL ESTATE”  world of selling homes, and that is where I met “KELLY”  and two of her small children. They had a large home in the Saint Louis area,  but for her husband, Al’s business, they were needing a home with property, for  the extra large equipment,  that her  husband  would need to work on and  with,  having home and business on the same piece of property, well,  that  would  just be  the best thing in the world! 

Just as if the “STARS”  were all in the right place, I had just listed  the perfect place,  this was one of those “DEALS” that were made in HEAVEN,  every thing worked out just fine, and ever since that date,  we were very “GOOD FRIENDS”  something that just clicked  for KELLY and AL and their seven children!  

Some TIMES in LIFE,  so much seems to be accomplished, and every thing just seems to fall into the right place, but  there  are things that happen to all of us, and for the wrong reasons, things that some others cause,   serious tragedy happens,   so,  this is where you will find the “rest of the story”   as I  posted some  time ago,  check the “search bar”  for KELLY,   let me know if you can not find,  and I will write more.    D.V.

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