“Father’s Day – June 16th, 2019 – Be remembered”


“One More FATHER’s DAY this month of JUNE”

Nothing like celebrating  “FATHER’S DAY” one more SUNDAY in JUNE,  especially  and since it means that you are going to be with  your “Grand-Son, Lex” the “A #1 GRAND-SON”  and winner of the “BEST OF BABIES’  ever, extra special  Award!

 When it comes to holding a baby, you want some strong arms  that can rock baby gently and with a song that makes baby feel like he is floating on a cloud, “Cloud 9” with no cares and no worries,  since “Big Daddy Gramps” is  on full time duty, as “BABY, Lex” get his  resting time!

“To My DADDY…from Alyssa”

When I ran across this “Father’s Day Card” and from “little Alyssa”  some years ago,  everyone knows that if something lands in my “hands”  it will be saved,  forever!

For  “Father’s DAY” this  JUNE 15th, 2019,  I am posting for “FATHERS” everywhere,  if you did not receive a card, consider this card ; as a just for YOU, too!

 When I read these words on this card, when I found it among lots of old mail and cards, just thought that  these words were so nice for a  “FATHER”  to read  and know,  that his child  “LOVES him”  and also thinks that these words apply to him and his children, today!


…   Left inside of card message….

and  “Right”  on the inside of card, with real words of LOVE  – written  straight from the heart…

The best part of  a card,  for whatever the occasion, is the personal message that is added,   and in the sender’s own handwriting, that really tells the story of LOVE,  better than any  “store” printed words,  even if they come from the best of the  “card companies” …   It is the message from the  “HEART of the SENDER” that  makes the card, worth millions!

“And of course,  these messages and writings   are  from ME, and as I say,  in  “MY BOOK”   which means to the world,  if  YOU do not agree,  that  is your prerogative!”

“May the Almighty Yahweh,  Creator that gave to us,  “FATHERS and Mothers”  the good children that they receive, continue always,  to BLESS each of HIS creations,  on this special  “FATHERS’ DAY” with extra special BLESSINGS!”     D.V. 

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