“Happy Father’s Day to Grandpa, Thomas F. Brady”

“Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Brady”

“Where, in the world would the “Brady Boys” be without a wonderful  “Mother and Father”  that took a chance,  with a new start in a very  “NEW  AMERICA”  coming over the “OCEAN  by SHIP”  and so  very over crowded,  with all the hardships  to be endured,  as this was  happening  in the “1850” era,  and  each   with their own parents,  and in different years, eventually  selected to  migrate to the “MISSOURI   STATE” area,  and that   is where they would live, and  one day meet,  by the hand of the Almighty, to start a  NEW  and wonderful  FAMILY in the middle of  AMERICA.”

Isn’t  it just wonderful to be able to have these very old PHOTOS of  “Anne E. Smart and Thomas F. Brady”   something now very old, and also to know,  that these  were held in their very own  hands,  and then my “MOTHER’s hands”  terrific old  PHOTOS of  my GRAND-PARENTS.  These old PHOTOS are a real treasure to me, just  to have and  hold, to see  for myself,  and now to share with everyone that is “new”  in our  growing FAMILY  –  from yesterday,  today, and going  forever – forward.

After Mr. Brady died,  and only Marie and her MOTHER were living together,  her one sister, “Irene married to Mr. Wm. B. Riley”  and all of the  Brady brothers married and living  as far away as TEXAS and CHICAGO,  it was getting time for MARIE to start looking around,  to see if  perhaps there was   a suitable person,  that her MOTHER would approve of.

If you have read some of these posts,  you have some of the story already but, I do not believe I had taken the time to mention, that “Grandma Brady” was still living when I was born,  and  as a baby,  I do not remember her,  but she did get to see me and even  to care for me.

I remember my MOTHER, telling me that since “GRANDMA BRADY”  lived with us,  that there were times when my Mother would have need of a  “baby-sitter” and  that she was not sure, if her  own “Mother” my  “Grand-mother”  was strong enough to pick me up,  and or even be  aware of me crying, and  or in need of something. 

“Grandma Brady” was in her eighties and now my DAD would do most of the cooking,  as he was a CHEF and was trained  for cooking, while  serving in the ARMY. So the story goes, that after “Grandma BRADY” was baby-sitting me  several times,  she complained to my MOTHER saying, “All Mary Ellen does is sleep, when you are gone,  and I thought,  that I would get to do something with her?”

My Mother had told me,  that she was glad,  that I like to sleep,  because she did not think, that   her MOTHER could lift a heavy “eight pound”  baby, too much,  and was afraid of my being dropped,  accidentally?   So,  My “GRANDMA BRADY ” was there  for me,  but I was  so satisfied with everything, that I did not take the time to cry for someone,  so my eyes may have seen you, “GRANDMA  BRADY”  but,  my  memory box   was  not as yet programmed for the re- memory of the first  few months of LIFE!

“May the Almighty Yahweh Bless my Grand-parents, as I  am anxious to see them in Eternity – when all of the FAMILY will be meeting together, to share LOVE  and STORIES with wonderful endings for all of us!”     D.V.

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