“Celebrating BIRTHDAY THOUGHTS – Throughout the YEARS”

“Birthday Wishes for the BEST BIRTHDAY People I KNOW”

“There are BIRTHDAY BABIES… and then there are BABIES… WOW”

Everything on this EARTH, has a beginning,  a first start, or a first step,  a procedure or maybe we should say, that  if you start with this,  and then follow through with that which, well  maybe,  let’s  just say, we did jump through all of the “HOOPS” and then,  we received a big  “WHOOPS?”

Let me introduce  “Big  DADDY ‘O”  now called  “KING AL” due to the fact he is NOW a published author of  the  book,  “KING AL”  in “AEROS” and it is based on facts,  with a story everyone just loves, with so much information based on true facts.

No one could have dreamed, that someday, this  little  “baby in this PHOTO”  flying through the air  in the arms of  his DADDY, Lee Aldrich,Sr.,  that is  while we were living in Florida,  would  receive  the inspiration  to someday be a PILOT and  FLY!

This is a very special PHOTO of  “BABY AL”  with  “big brother LEE Jr.!”   This PHOTO  took  “first place” in the hearts of all the FAMILY.

Sent this PHOTO to our  “Aunt Irene Riley”  and she had it blown  up and passed  copies on to everyone. She thought this PHOTO  was  “TOP of the HEAP”  just to look at it and  start thinking,  what were the thoughts of  “Big LEE” and  “baby AL”  as he is  holding his  “ear” to hear, looking  so attentive  to hear all that his  “BIG BROTHER” has to say.

This next PHOTO of baby “ALYSSA”  which is  “FIRST” daughter  of  “Big Al”  made arrangements while they were  still  “babies in HEAVEN”  way before there was ever a twinkling in the eyes of their  “PARENTS to be” and wanting  to be in the same  “ALDRICH  FAMILY.”  Most importantly, they wanted  to be born on the same date, but years  and  years a part.  But, of course, on the very same day,  that being on a  “JANUARY the 9th.”   

“Wow, is that some doing, or what, would you call it?”   At a TIME,  when some  babies are in the,  “to be born POOL”   have their eyes  set on  the “WHO and WHERE and WHY”  of  a particular  “FAMILY”  and NOW, wanting to be,  in that  special place,  where they would  be next selected, to be chosen   as they were able to  intercept  arrangements  in  TIME and SPACE – which I call a real LIFE “MYSTERY” or a  “what?”

 That is why every “BABY”  to be born,  must be given the chance,  with  all  of the LOVE, that we can give them,  to do well here on EARTH, with all the rest of  us children of the  Almighty! 

And next,  ONLY, the biggest and best smile,  showing to all of us, that LOVE,  that she has to share with us,  so very “LUCKY”   are  we, the  happiest members in this  FAMILY!  “Happy is, as HAPPY does!”

Every “AIR PORT”  needs  a highly and enthusiastic “Receptionist”  just like you see in this PHOTO.  This is our very own and most talented  “ALYSSA, herself.”   All ready at the   front desk,  to receive all “PILOTS and their GUEST”  with a  very  big smile, and all  of the most important information, that only an insider like  “herself”  can take care of with many  big smiles. 

The feet up and on the “DESK”  tells you,  “I am FAMILY”   and any one else in such a position,  would be thrown out those lobby doors,  landing on their nose, and just maybe, face to face,  with an  in-coming  AIRPLANE!

“May the Almighty Bless and PROTECT our children,  today and always,  that they are  exactly where  and doing, exactly   that which, was preordained  and  as written in Psalms 139.”   D.V.

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