“I said It Before, Saying It Again”

“Mother” Grand and Great!

Mother equals Miracles! 

Let’s start at the beginning… without “Mother,”  there would  be no  “New Little Creations of Life!”  

The way,  that our Creator … created His  world, for all of us and wanting it to continue for all eternity, was to give  to all those that He designated in Psalm 139,  as “Mothers”  to receive  those “Blessings of Life” …so that  with His Blessings  we would all want to live to the fullest… according to HIS word.

In other words … when you are Blessed… You are Happy… and when you speak to another  good words… you  will receive  back those HAPPY WORDS… in more Blessings.

And, the word for life,  is:  “It’s a   Miracle!” 

Are those not the exact words you hear by everyone… when you are visiting  a NEW MOTHER and the family…  at the maternity-ward?

Whatever  road… your journey  will be  and you  take in “Life”  as some of  us, can  and will take a wrong turn… here or there…remember always…your “Mother” was the first one to “Love You”…  no matter what else happens on the way. 

We, all are not born with “Silver Spoons”  in the “Land of Plenty!”  

As some do enter on the “Road of Life” with the most meager amount of substance, and as in  this great game of life…  You  will work,  on  a plan… and hopefully your  very own plan….  that will  in time lead you to much  success, and happiness… when you  learn to give and share … as was given to you with many rewards in LIFE!

  In Life … here on Earth… everyone finds so many things  that, we might want to  do NOW, and so many  disturbing distractions… especially  TODAY…in these  times that we are living in  TODAY… but we must not forget that there is a greater …here after…  that which we find in the WORD in the BIBLE… a book that I feel that every FAMILY should have… reading for guidance … so for all REWARDS… that are planned  for each of us to receive…  as WE are to enter into Eternity … into the Loving and Merciful  arms of  Our Creator!

This week  Mom! 

  It was your “Birthday” to  be celebrated and remember,  “for all  that you did,” for all of  your family!   

 Of all people,  I know,  what a very rough road you were on for awhile.    Some families just may get  side tracked and will  not  remember their own families with  honour and respect, because they have let their eyes become blinded… by what they find as difficult and  hard on their  own roads of travel … and also have forgotten to use kind words of forgiveness and LOVE… to one another… as we all need to do! 

” They forgot their  first “Love”  Mother! 

“Happy Birthday!” 

 “NOW…  Always and forever!”       D.V.


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