“I Can Do It…Everybody Does It”

When you read a title like the above…YOU start to wonder, “What are they talking about”

This is little “AL” and we are in the front yard,… and   we are planning  on playing  or doing something different… as it is such a very nice day

So the first thing that I am going to do… is to turn that Lawn Chair… up and into a sitting position… and see what little  “AL” will do… or try to do?

Looks like “Little Al” has an idea… that we sit in chairs and he  is going to,  some how or the other, try to get a leg up and  then onto that  chair… but… his leg will  not just go on up there for him to maneuver the rest of his body into a sitting in the chair position?

So… it looks like… if we play a little “Patty-cake” with the chair seat… maybe it will play back… and let me get up there and sit in comfort?

Well… this is getting a little on the stressing me out situation… maybe I should just tell this chair that if it does not want to cooperate with me… the one and only…”BIG AL”  … I will  get to the bottom of this struggle and maybe pick this chair up… and give it a nice big “heave-ho!”

I think, I can do it… got one hand up there… and now to get a hold on to the bottom of this old chair… that just does not want to cooperate with me… just keep your eye on me and see what I just may do!

“Oh my goodness sakes alive… just when you want a helping hand… look who appears…”the ACE… Lord Hardrock, himself!”

“Are you looking for me?”

“Little Brother… you always know, that I am always ready to help you … any time… anywhere… just sing out what the problem is… and I will fix it for you in just seconds!”

“Just remember, I just LOVE to stop everything and come to your help… just point in the direction you want something… and it is… DONE…that fast for you!”

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