Frightened to Death!

Would you have enough nerve to go to the cemetery  around midnight and walk at least 500 paces  and then start to dig a hole and bury a small box? When you are a young college girl, and you are seeking membership into a secret group,  you are willing to go along with their “Initiation Ritual” –  you will prove to this organization you are a worthy prospect. You  are a willing player and it is important to you, you will do anything – just give me the chance of a “Life-time” to show what I can do!

So, at midnight, a group of young  girls, went to the “Cemetery in North Saint Louis, Missouri.”  Each,  “new Pl edger”   takes a separate path  into the Cemetery,  dig their hole, deposit their box in hole,   and run out  as fast as possible, to the agreed meeting place! But, the girl that we are reading about in the “Newspaper,” never  came out of the Cemetery!     “WHY?”   “Frightened to Death” –  tracking the story    –    speculating that the young girl,   while digging the hole   –  the wind blowing   –     her long skirt blowing in the wind   –  caught  under her shovel  –   she tried to   pull away,   but the shovel  having her pinned down to the ground  –  she may have thought a   “Hand from the Grave”    was pulling her?    We can only surmise at the  amount  of her   “FEAR”  –  “Fright”    as she   “Dropped  Dead!”

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