“Close OUT the YEAR… IDEAS”

Dull Facts…  make Exciting Story!

My son, Lee Jr. and I were talking on the telephone – when he started to give me some ideas of old stuff I had done a long time ago. All kinds of silly stuff that one would put in “FILE 13” – Lee was telling me to write something about that which…  everybody would like to hear about. I’m telling him that I want to be reminded about stories that I had told him or someone in the family, that he remembers and if I were to re-tell them now, would these  old  stories mean something special to the reader and would  they also be… something  that…  they would really enjoy? The time just flies so fast, when you are talking about “NOTHING!”

The days between Christmas and New Year’s – are the days that we do not know what we should be doing … everything and  anything special  was done…because these days are  NOW… the “extra days of the year”  – some of us are on “HOLIDAY” from work and without a regular schedule to work from – “WE ARE LOST!”

We all have heard a million times of all the “NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS” we should be making and to make amends for all the wrongs – and resolve to make this coming year “a better than any other year” – we are  NOW  – – moving up and to a better than ever position in time!  This requires … maybe using our  BRAINS… for something more important than… a “HAT RACK!”

It is important that we look back and take note of some corrections that we can make toward  putting  forth…  a much better effort in all that we are now planning…  to make our life and the lives of our family better. Have a pencil and pad of paper ready for this list – so that by writing down – we are making sure we have a written record and date  of this with dates as to when we are going to do…  and  or start new resolves to correct ways that were not productive in the past. This of course takes time – but we will find this will be the best start for a new and fully indigenous new person we will be in this NEW YEAR!

Time spent now on the plans to make ourselves a better person to be and to live with – will make wondrous results in all aspects of our life – today, tomorrow and forever!  D.V.



Click here to download your free blueprint, Create Share-Worthy Blog Posts

1. Choose Post Destination
Do you want your post to…
Note: Posts with 2000+ words are shared twice as much as posts with up to 1000 words.
2. Select a Post Type
List posts are super popular online. The most shared number of items are 10, followed by 23.
Create your ‘How to’ post with step-by-step instructions. At the end of your post, the reader should have discovered a new way of doing something.
Use infographics or multiple images to make your post attractive. Infographics are the most shared posts online.
The more you can pack into  a resource post, the better. Make it ultra-long for top shareability.
Add graphics and stats to back up your research post. Bring together information you find online.
‘How To’   post
List post
Pictorial post
Research post
Resource post
Your headline needs to point to your post destination. Use headlines that create curiosity and trigger emotions.
4. Create a 3-Act Structure
Start your introduction with a ‘hook’ by connecting with your readers. Use questions that resonate with the reader and trigger emotions.
The body of a post is where you lead your readers to your post destination. Whatever you promised your readers in the introduction, you need to deliver in this part of the post.
The introduction needs to warm up your readers for the post destination and make them eager to take the trip.
Structure this part with subheads, bullet points and images to make it scannable, and keep your readers engaged.
In ‘How to’ posts, this is where you add step-by-step instructions. If you want to write a list post, the body of the post is where you display your lists.
The conclusion should be about the same length as the introduction.
Remind your readers of what they just experienced in the post.
Add a call to action, i.e., ask readers to share on social media, to subscribe to your blog, to buy a product, etc.
5. Avoid These Mistakes
6. Use Images for extra shareability
1. Use at least one image in every post! Posts with images are shared twice as much as posts without images.
2. Add a half-width image at the start of your post, aligned right. This shortens the lines of your introductory text and makes for easier reading.
3.Readers respond particularly well to images with human faces showing the eyes, as well as images showing children or pets.
4. Add text to images for extra contextual meaning. You can use online services such as Picmonkey.com.
© Mary Jaksch 2017-2018
Author: Mary Jaksc




Posted in Childhood, Grand-Children, Grandma, Today and tagged with no comments yet.

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