Inspirational Wonder!

September 18th, 2012, was the day to observe  the “Best Shade  of Blue” sky – ever! I was standing at the kitchen sink and  window,  glanced toward the “West” going up the Missouri River, and quickly turned  back  now looking “North”, and just had to stare in “AWE”? It was so incredibly beautiful!   It was the most perfect of weather and sky!

It almost seem to be,  in  a standstill situation in this  world at that point in time!  I fixed my eyes on the tree tops on the next property and the tree tops  over the “Sunset Park”, and sitting  on the tops were “Dollops” of the “Whitest White Clouds.”   Looked like someone just dropped “Big Tablespoonfuls” of  “Cool Whip” topping  over all!

The huge white dollops sitting  on the “Emerald Green” tree tops, and the sky was a most beautiful of blue table cloth back drop, everything in such  a “Picture Perfect Holding Pattern!”   I checked from one window to the next  – curiosity got the best of me.

Here’s what I think was happening.   In September,   and in  Heaven  –  All the  “Angels” and  ” Saints”   are being sent to “New Job” locations  and  need  a  Perfect Back Drop  for their  “Holy Pictures!

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No Pictures, Please!

How many Politicians, do you know will “Duck” out of the way  of a “Camera”? If a Political figure  yells “No Pictures,”  what do you do? Is there something of the sinister nature, going on?  Are they connected to the “Mob?”  Will their money backers drop them, if there is coverage of the  “dirty deeds” with  “pictures” plastered on the “Front Page?” How does  this “No Picture Person”  get re-elected?  Would you want  someone  with “No Picture” on file anywhere,  to be your State Representative?

When you get pictures of your Representative doing something that they should not ,  or being caught obviously at an unsuitable time  –  the writing is on the wall!   This person has occupied this “Office”  too long!

Times are different now  –  Time to change  –  Terms of office;   President – a six (6) year term  –  if you can not do anything worthwhile   in (6) years – we do not need you  in an  unproductive  term of (8) years. Senators  four (4) years. Representatives two (2) years with a possibility of being re-elected two more terms.

Maybe you are in office (12) years?    Give America  your  best  years  –  We cannot  afford to take care of you and your family for the rest of your life!

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Run For Dog Catcher

In the 1950’s, my Mother was working to get the “Vote Out”!  Seems, that everybody volunteered to do their part in helping,  and  me  “new” to the political game,   had a million  questions? My #1  question is   WHY?    That’s because  you are told; who, what, where, how   –  but never   WHY!

So, if I wanted to get in to  the “Political Game”   – how do I start?   And,  this is the answer  I was given.  Go downtown and  register to be put on the “Ballot” and   select “For Dog Catcher”,  select your “Party” choice  and pay your $100.00 entry fee.   So,  how does that get me into the “Political Game”?   When the people vote    –  they usually “Vote”  the straight   “Party”  ticket.  When   that happens,   no matter where you are on the ticket, “You are in like Flynn!”

From then on  –  You go to meetings,    you  are seen,  you may not  know  exactly what you are   doing  – but you are   “Paid” for doing   nothing.    And, if you are a good “Follower”,  you will  continue to   be told   what  to  do,   – when  –   where  –    not “WHY”?    That’s another question?

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I’m Taking Action – Michael Berry

Someone told me to listen to , radio host “Michael Berry”, because more “Americans” must do something  “NOW”!” Instead of being angry – do something about  the situation!  Get interested  and excited that you are able bodied to do something for a change  in the leaders in this Country , this November! Get involved with the local candidate who will work to “STOP Spending”! Our grand-children can not take on this “Mountain of Debt!”

Are you ready to trade the little , you now have , for nothing at all? We are swimming in debt, so much so that over half are drowning and if we continue  with the same people in office today, forget the word “Middle Class” and call us what this government has  this country headed for   –  the poorest of poor  –  and largest of the “Third World Countries” on this earth. You might say the “New World  Order” has its  “Foot in the Door!”

Our “Forefathers”, worked and fought for this land of the “Free” and wanted us to continue with the “Bill of Rights”, that they found to be the best way for us to  live  together with “Almighty God” to look over us !  We are no longer a “Free People”, we are all “Slaves to the Politicians”, and slipping down a very slippery path to….!

No  inspiration for business   in this country  –  it is all out-sourced!   Those who  know how to work   the system are doing it   by double-dipping    –   getting paid to  “Not Work”   is still a sin   in my book!  Soon we wont have anything to fight back  with?  “GET Involved – FIGHT Back NOW!”

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You are a “Miracle”

Can you imagine how rich you could be if you could develop a car that   could repair its own bumpers and fenders, when we smash them in accidents?    Yesterday, I was wondering if my joints needed more oil? But, today when one stops to take notice of  just our “hands”, we just do not realize what a wonderful work of art we have?

If I eat  the right foods – I could be automatically lubricating my joints? If  accidentally I get a paper cut and or  something “red hot” burns my finger,  immediately there is a hidden network system of internal  workers rushing to repair my finger! It may hurt for a while, blister and a scab form, letting me know “Healing ” is taking place by my personal designer and “Creator”, using His Hands  to mend His creation !

We are “Miracles”, when you stop to think about your equipment – eyes, better than any man-made camera,  –  ears, the best of best  dual-receivers  – a heart of gold, just keeps on ticking with all the “over load” we put on it!    “To God be the glory!”

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Let’s Do It Again?

Do you have any idea , how ‘Happy’, a “Happy Birthday”  makes  you, when your  “Birthday”  is on “09-13-2012”?  When you are a ‘Granny’ and it’s  your  “Birthday Party” –  it’s for sure   the same as being  a really   young “Kid”,   and  everybody is making  “a Big  ‘Ta-Doo’ over You”! Everybody wants to know how you feel?    Saying you look great!    I sometimes wonder  if they are looking at me, or is that just standard “yak-yak”, which  is just passing the time of the day?

When you start getting older, sometimes all your parts  don’t work as well as they are suppose too, even those that have been replaced?  I wonder if these are all new parts, or would it be possible  –  that I’m just an “Old Bag of Used Parts” walking around? Does the replaced joints need more  grease and oil, or will good old “Cod Liver Oil” fill the bill? Any way I am  glad to have a cane ,  and do not need the walker any more!

Thank God Almighty, for my daily blessings, and for blessing  all of my family, friends, and neighbors,  since I have been “Lucky” to share “Birthday” partying all this week! It’s been a “Feast”  – The time to share  without having to rush and hurry!    P.S. To the Special Person in Georgia  – “Thank You”, for  sending that   “Wow Gift” Edible Arrangements!

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