Are you missing something?

When I was a little girl, and that’s been a long time ago, it seemed to me that “TIME” just stood still. I can remember sitting on benches with some of my little friends, and we were talking about – “How long do we have to wait for supper?” We also were saying, “The clock just is not moving – how do ‘we’ get the clock to move faster?”

It was as if we did something or could even try to do something “that “TIME” would move faster and we could have something to do? When you are little, and I’m guessing this goes for all little “SMART TIKES” – that’s the class of “SMARTIE”S” that we thought we were in – and we had to get the world to move faster?

So now, I’m putting my foot  down on the “BRAKES” of time – we need to slow down “TIME” – it’s going too fast – I cannot keep up with what I need to get done  in one (24) hour day! I find myself complaining about things that are not getting done, especially since I am either too slow or the day is too fast!

There is so much that I have – that I want to read, and if I take time to just sit and read – the day is shot – all gone? And, I have a whole list of stuff, which just has to wait for another day – hopefully a longer day or a faster me? In reading something that just seem to be what I needed to read – is inspiring me to stop complaining about what I cannot change and think about the blessings that I have received, and ask blessings on everybody and everything that is requiring more time than what I can give at that time! In other words realize that as one gets older, one must also learn to slow down.

Today, we are on a very fast  journey, which is turning into a “rat race” – and the “body” being used today…  has already used up the best of its energy a long time ago. So, I am doing a better job, because I am “blessing” everyone around…  as I go, and I’m  finding…  that by “blessing” everyone that I meet each day on my daily rounds – I feel like I have more energy and strength to get more done each lovely day  – more so…  than in the past.

I just “LOVE” blessing everyone as I go – You know that…  “what you say is what you get back” – and getting all those “BLESSINGS” is the best part of this journey!”

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Today requires a Declaration!

In the times that we are in “TODAY” – one must stop sitting on the fence, as is said by so many because the “TIMES” require that we declare just exactly where we stand!

In the BIBLE, I have found – something that I like and want the whole world to look it up and see if they agree with this verse.  Joshua 24:15, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord!

Never before have I seen people cut off their nose to spite their face? In reading the Bible, there are passages of mother against daughter – son against father – and today that’s exactly what you see and hear – newspapers and TV programs – everything is aimed at driving a family life as we used to know it – to now just having a house full of people who do not know or want to know who is living under the same roof.  A houseful of total strangers and that is a family, and what for? So that all of you, totally unrelated members, can receive a tax deduction, for being a “so called family?” Who is fooling “WHO?”

If we just change the “TAX CODE” – so that the tax charged is the same for everybody – who could complain? Let it be charged on consumption of merchandise? That way a man can marry a woman and they can create a family of their own sons and daughters. Also, why can we not worship God as we always did before? I respect you and your choice for how you and your family follow the “Laws of God” – and if you would kindly respect me in the same manner as all on this earth wish to be respected, when it comes to “LOVE” of “Country and GOD” – I just call that “Love your neighbor as would wish your neighbor to LOVE you.”

“As for me and my household we will serve God and Country by loving our neighbors!” Amen!

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“Four Grandma’s” new look!

Have you noticed the “NEW LOOK” to the Four Grandmas’ web site? I have to give all the credit to my grandson, Alan Aldrich! Alan told me, that he would be updating the web site, and the very next day – when I decided to sign in the next day, “WOW”, was I ever surprised! It was like Christmas, when you get the best of best gifts – to open! There was just no end to my surprise with all the marvelous things, Alan did! I still have to “MARVEL” over everything, especially the “SLIDE SHOW OF PICTURES” – just continuous picture after picture – it’s just so amazing what an expert can do – the layout of the stuff on the screen for everything to be handy to look at, and the continuous flow of pictures – I just don’t know what better words to use – but, I Thank Almighty God that he gave me such a wonderful, grandson – A#1 Alan! You are absolutely wonderful! And I am asking for you to be especially blessed with your new venture – the Aero Gateway web site building and design, a business that will make everyone’s dreams come true!

When someone takes a look at the Four Grandma’s web site, they will know that it was built with the one and only ingredient – that is the ultimate and best part of doing anything the magic of “LOVE.” Only when “LOVE” of doing what you are doing is used with the work of design and building – do you arrive at your destination with “A Work of Art” that will be a real treasure to the recipient!

Anyone wanting a “NEW LOOK” to their current web site, or if you would like a web site built just the way you want to present yourself to the business world to attracting and working wonders for the future of all your concerns, contact my grandson, Alan Aldrich at Aero – my wish is that everyone would be as happy and pleased as I am with their web sites!

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Looking for “Bee Bee Baby!”

One story that whenever I think of it – I just have to smile to myself – just to think how clever a small baby dog can be. Little Bee Bee Baby was the smallest of “Chihuahuas” that I know of and just so cute. She was so small that I would carry her around like a “show piece” for everyone to see and want to get a better look. For an old “Grandma” little Bee Bee Baby, was my “ice breaker” any where I went – everyone would say something – starting up a conversation.

As the months started to roll by – I would take little Miss Bee Bee Baby, for a walk to the park, and she would get to see all the “giant dogs.” I was always on the alert that one might like to have her for lunch!

On one such walk to the park, a man and his son ask me what kind of dog was this. My reply, “she is a miniature German Shepherd,” and just stood there a minute. They looked and looked and finally said, “She Just isn’t big enough.” “That’s what makes her a miniature!” And, before they would walk away convinced, I just had to say, “The markings on her face look so much like a ‘German Shepherd’ that – that is why I tell people she is a miniature ‘German Shepherd’ and she like me to brag about how brave she is!” So, finally I just continue with my walk.

After one walk, we went into the house, and the phone was ringing – so I took the call and did not pay a whole lot of attention as to where “Littler Miss Bee Bee” went? After the phone call, I started looking for her and could not find her anywhere? I even went outside and started calling her name and the neighbor ask me if he should maybe drive around the neighborhood, and see if she could be found? The neighbor and his son were driving all around and I was walking and calling for “Bee Bee Baby” and nowhere could she be found! Finally, we gave up looking and I went inside and was looking under everything, and in places that she never went, and nowhere – she just had to be lost!

So I went into the living room and was going to sit in my favorite chair, and just as I was about to sit down – there she was. Her tail was wagging a mile a minute – I just could not figure out how she managed to get up there, her legs just are not long enough, or so I thought to jump up there. But, she remembered that I would hold her and keep her on my lap, when I would sit in the living, in the evenings. I guess – for a dog, they remember where they like being with their master’s – and when a phone call takes them away from the master, too long – they will seek “LOVE” in the place that seems to be “HEAVEN” to them!


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Are you holding on?

Do you know what is happening in “HEAVEN” today? They have their Whirlwind Exhaust Fans on!  Go outside and see how long you can walk without being blown over or just plain blown away? In “HEAVEN” when they decide to clean house, they use full power and turned on “HIGH!” Everything will be sparkling and shinning – clean to the nth degree. (That’s the highest degree of cleaning, possible)

So, here’s what is going on down here on earth – If it is not tied down, it blew away! The “shoe and boot” mat blew away from in front of the front door, to who knows where? And, on the back porch, everything that was on the picnic table is blown into and around the yard, but all gone! Thought the fence was keeping our stuff in our yard – not with “HEAVEN”s Whirlwind turned on full blast. Today what is mine is now yours – and yours is mine!

The leaves and light weight flower pots are now flying in the wind to your house. Every “LEAF” in the neighbor’s yard is up against the fence, and in the corner up to the top of the fence. Every strong gush of wind blows the leaves near the top – up and over the fence. It’s amazing to watch the leaves blow over and then get carried on to the next fence, and over the next. It’s like the “Leaves” are playing some kind of game?

The “SUN” was playing Peek-a-Boo earlier – every so often some “RAIN” would come in sideways – hitting the windows – everything seems to be thoroughly stirred up. The winds are coming from the “WEST” with some side help from the “NORTH AND SOUTH” and taking the “WIND” for a 100mile a minute whirl ride! Everything is going in a very strong “EASTERLY” move and anything not tide down – has flown the coop, too! Beside all that, the temperature is pushing 80 degrees on the seventeenth of November – can that mean we should be on the watch for something else unusual with our weather, today? Keep the “NEWS” on for further developments!

This is the way it is here – Sunset Park along the beautiful Missouri River!


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“Home Sweet Home”

This is the season to start thinking about “HOME!” Everybody has a “HOME” somewhere, sometime? Men need a place to throw their “HAT” and women need a place to call all their own, with ideas of making it a place for their family.

Cannot leave out those who may not want a “Home” – they always wanted to be on their own, so as to be more independent than the rest of us, but at this time of the year something inside is saying to them, “Well here you are again, all alone, nobody wants me, I’m just not close enough to my old family to be invited to their “HOME” to celebrate ‘Thanksgiving Dinner?” “I think I need to make some changes and in a hurry!” “I want to be with other people, but it’s been too long – what will I do?”

We, who have received so many wonderful gifts from “Almighty Yahweh” need to take stock of our families and remember those, who have left the family for one reason or another, and consider forgiving and forgetting some of the petty differences, and call our forgotten members to join in the season of giving ‘Thanks’ for just being able to share one more time, as a family, should!  Every family has someone that is in need of a very special call, now!  So often you hear someone say, “Wish I would have given “SO AND SO” a call, if I did this would not have happened to them!” Don’t live with those kinds of guilt feelings for the rest of your life – wishing – could of – should of – if only, I could kick myself?”

“Time is of the essence – It’s now or never – The clock is running – It’s never too late for LOVE – Show that you have what it takes – Are you a Man or a Mouse?”

Two weeks till “Thanksgiving” – so when you celebrate, let’s hope we hear everyone around your table exclaim, this surely is “HOME SWEET HOME!”


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