“Thief” Caught in Action!


When all of the items  from our storage area were  no longer around —  just  had to check out what “Little Lee”  was up to – very   “Lucky”  to have my camera ready  and – –  Little Lee got caught in the act ! He’s not two years of age yet!   Has four months to go and has enough stremgth to pull all kinds of  stuff down the street to his friend, Arthur’s house.

Arthur’s mother called me  – one day  – to tell me that “LITTLE LEE”  was bringing our stuff down to their house and wanted to know if we just did not  want these  things  – or what should she do?  Her son, Arthur was four years older than “Little Lee”  and the two of them were always busy doing  some wild and dangerous activities! I will have to write about some of the activities these two got caught doing!

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“Easter Chick on the Loose!”


We bought four (4) Easter Chicks for the kids  and only this one survived! This picture is of Lee Aldrich trying to get his chick so that he can feed him. The chick is too scared of  someone chasing him with a pan with chicken feed?  A chick may not have too many brains – but a chick sure does have to take cover for protection and a place of safety – and under this TV looks like a good place ro take cover  – or so the chick thinks to himself? But little Lee is too determined to give up  – and – looks like Little Lee is going after the chick – even under the TV!

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Easter Baskets for the Boys!


The story with this picture is; We, Lucky Boy Drive-In, sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt, for our employees, families, friends – We had games and lots of fun for the children. My son, Al with the full basket –  too heavy to hold had the basket in his  big brother, Lee’s hand, and hardly anything in it – — Lee saw that his little brother was sad because he had a hard time finding eggs,  with some bigger and faster kids  all in a hurry to find the “golden egg”  for “First Prize”  – Al did not collect many eggs – but when his big brother Lee gave him  his basket – Al was on top of the world!



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Breakfast After Church!


After Church on Easter Sunday we took the children to eat at the Pancake House and meet the “Easter Bunny”  — left to right – Donald – Al – Lee Aldrich.

This picture was taken at least ’50’ years ago. Looks like little Al has his doubts about getting too close to this “Big Bunny” – something just isn’t right – this Bunny is bigger than anything “real” that I ‘ve seen and this takes the cake! I’m only guessing that maybe Al is thinking this – what would a little Kid think when he sees something so out of size and that does not look like a  very real “BUNNY”  – nothing at all like the little “bunnies” you can hold in your arms?

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Wishing everyone a “HAPPY EASTER”


Alyssa and Jaime Aldrich are wishing all of their extra special friends a very “HAPPY EASTER!” Looks like Alyssa is so busy trying to  open something very  carefully and can not be disturbed for a photo,  right now? –  But, Jaime is so sweet,  she has something she found in her basket and  the look in her face  – it seems to say, “Would you like to taste some of these wonderful candies I just received from the BIG BUNNY?”

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Finish the Race with Joy!

After registering for the race of a LIFE time – you need to plan on a few things to make sure – you will WIN! Usually there are the preparation steps – first there are the rules and regulations, an owner’s manual, an instructor, and best of all – the finish line!

You will be first a member of your own “FAMILY” – where you will be receiving the first instructions concerning the True Way and Love for the True Almighty Yahweh  – Your Creator who knew you before you were even a thought to your Family! You will be very young and in a basic learning mode – but with time and study – you will see the destination and realize your “GOAL” as you get near the finish line.

At this time of the year- when we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus  the Messiah…  we have a chance to check out where we stand in the race of a LIFE-TIME – are we checking to see if we are staying on course? Is the road straight and narrow – are we remembering that our real TREASURE to receive for running this course – is to enjoy ETERNITY for ever with Almighty Yahweh in His Heavenly Kingdom!

We cannot let ourselves stop along the way to be distracted and fall off course. There are times when the “WAY” seems hard and difficult and we kind of rest and get lazy and fall – but we need to work with each other in the “RACE OF a LIFE-TIME” – staying strong encouraging others also to stay the course. We really need to have a daily time to read our “MANUAL” the one called the “BIBLE” – because everything is in it that we need.

Isn’t it wonderful to have your own personal “BIBLE” – which you can read daily and see just exactly what the inspired word is for you to follow?  It is all there and TODAY is the DAY to pick your BIBLE up and get the “WORD” written just for you to keep on the WINNER‘s WAY for an everlasting life that was planned just for your eternal LIFE in HEAVEN!

“TIME is going by so fast… let us all stay in the RACE to the Finish Line… and  then…  all meet in Heaven!”

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