“Room For One More!”

In a family of young parents and children – were the words make “Room For One More” – ever used? Just the other day one of my sons called me and said for me to check out the movie, “Room For One More” – and he said he was not going to tell me why I should watch this movie – “just do it soon!”

Well, it is a good thing for me, the “INTERNET” – because that is where I can find stuff for “OLD PEOPLE” – “that would be me!”  “Lucky” for me – I took the time to watch it again – since it is as old as me – I did get to see it years, ago – but after awhile – you forget a lot of  old stuff  – that you figure you do not need to keep – up front on one of the front “Brain Waves” – as there is only so much room – up front, for the important stuff – to be used every day.

After watching the movie – I called my son – and we went over the parts of the story – that when he saw it with his wife – reminded him of his childhood. And, this is the funny part  – we, parents, when we are young – and the children are young and learning  and remembering each and every deed, action and word that they hear us – their parents use toward them and everyone  – of whom, we come in contact with  – in the family setting. I was amazed at some of the stuff that I had a long time ago – forgot – no more need to remember, but, Lee was telling it to me – so fresh in his mind – as if it  just happened , yesterday!

We, were such a family, as in the “MOVIE” presentation – it just seem so easy to have another child stay with us, – kids just loved to be at our house – as so many times – when it would be someone’s “BIRTHDAY” or some upcoming “Celebration” time – my children’s friends would let me know that – they would like their name to be on the list of the invited! We seem to always have “Room For One More” and that even included – “Animals” – all kinds. That also, included us going out of our way to go and pick them up!

When I think back, now – I enjoyed all of the activities that I volunteered for – Mother’s Club one of the Mothers to go with the class on any outings – Red Cross Nurse, at school on Wednesdays – Den Mother – meetings at our out house, and I would take my “DEN” on trips to visit “Businesses” for a up front tour of how things are made and done. And, When there was a need for Leaders,  to get the Four –H Group  started, we had all the children interested in “Horse Care and Management” to meet at our place. Also,the girls who wanted to have their own group and learn about sewing – something that  I like to do – and having extra sewing machines – we would meet at our house and my boys were ever so willing to be a part of helping the girls, too!

All praise and glory to Almighty Yahweh, for giving us – all our different talents – to help our neighbors – friends and family on this journey to a much better place!

I can recommend for all “FAMILIES” to view – “Room For One More” – You will feel a “Tug at Your Heart” to do more for all those who are in need, now!



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“A Little Bird – told me!”

When I was little, my Mother would often tell me, “A Little Bird – told me something?”  She would continue on with something that had happen and what she was doing – was a roundabout investigation of a  mysterious situation – something was broken or out of place  – there was a reason that what had just occurred – had to do with me – and now was the time to “CONFESS” and be honest. My Mom was kind and nice – she loved me so much that whatever it was – she was already to forgive and forget! She just wanted me to learn early that it was good – to just say something about a situation when it was happening – so that maybe things would turn out better and never ever to fear – for she “LOVED” me no matter!

Always, and as long as I can remember I loved hearing “A Little Bird told me” – that was so easy for me to say when my children were little – I still today will say those same words – when I feel that I need to put my “Detective Hat” on – and start asking questions without offending anyone – until I have all the facts. It is so easy to see something and just jump and start spouting off with a hundred words as to who is to blame and that I know who did what – when all along the wrong person is being blamed  – jut because I did not listen to what the “Little Bird” was telling me?

We all have good memories of how situations were corrected – and if we stop and think – like a good detective – there was some real good strategy going on- and it is best to retain those pieces of useful knowledge – when later in life you are the one – who needs to clear up messes in “LIFE” – caused by maybe our closet and dearest friends – or even family?

What made me think of this – was just a larger size “BIRD” decided to make a landing on the porch rail – the “BIRD” stood first at attention – just looking around – then in an up and down dance belted out some chant – then turned to the other direction and chanted out in just a little higher pitch, but with the same up and down dance! This was highly unusual – at least for a “BIRD” to do – as far as I could see? Evidently this “BIRD” is a “MESSENGAR BIRD” – and maybe the whole world needs to hear this message – and only this species of “BIRD” can so effectively deliver?

If ever, you see such a “BIRD” that delivers an important message and does a “CHANT” in two different directions – let me know what kind of “BIRD” this is? Also, if there are  ways to interrupt these messages – I would like to know. The reason is that – this could be a new way of commuting with people? The “Birds” would not waste their “TIME” with unimportant matters – would they???


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“Need a resting spot for DUKE!”

When you have a very large animal – like a “Great Dane” and they are so old and weak and they have lived so long – that they are in their own way – what is the most humane thing to do – for them and the whole family?

This is what happened to us – Tom who lives in the city and even with two adjoining properties – there just is not enough room for “DUKE” a Great Dane to run and play   – and now he is practically bed-ridden and has to stay in the house – his frail condition – you can never be sure that some other animal running wild in the city – just might jump the fence and attack “DUKE” and  poor “DUKE” would be unable to defend himself – and unless someone was nearby to see – “DUKE” would be left to die in pain – all alone?

So, Tom called us – since we had acreage of ground and there was a nice high field –  a piece of ground overlooking most of the areas around – that would make for a very nice – final resting spot for “DUKE” – that is if it is alright with everyone?

That weekend Ton and family brought old “DUKE” to our farm-et and took “DUKE” for his last walk –  a walk that was very slow and tedious – I think “DUKE” knew that all his pain and suffering would soon be coming to an end – and that this “walk was the last farewell for him and Tom – all of their feelings were being passed on to the other and – after this walk only good and peaceful memories will linger on – forever. After all is said and done- “LIFE” is too short – no matter how long for some –  and it is all about the good times that you can put into memories that will continue with you for all eternity. That’s what you are here for – after all – make the best of what you are given to work with – and carry on the good to the next frame of “LIFE” – the great “ here-after” or “Eternity” – if that is a better name?

Do “Animals” know when the end is so near?  As I was watching how they headed for the hill area that overlooked everywhere – the breeze was just right and “Duke” was getting a sense that this is going to be his “NEW HOME” – not too long now  –  it is so hard for him to carry his large frame of bones on such a weak body – all the good old youthfulness he once had,  has faded over the years – but he was thinking to himself – “I’m making this last good and perfect memory with my “Master Tom Aldrich” the one owner I loved so long and served so faithfully!”

As they were slowly moving around the top of the hill – I could see Tom positioning himself and “Duke” so that all the last comfort he could muster would be given to his faithful friend and most beautiful and talented dog – memories flooding his mind and thoughts almost turning into tears – he had to control his feelings – he had to show “Duke” that until his last breath here on earth – “LOVE” will be in every action taken, now. From the distance, I could hear the bullet and I knew, as well as all the rest of the family. Everything is peaceful and “Duke” will be waiting to see everyone again – when that “TIME” comes for all of us.

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“Call the VET – NOW!”

When you are living with a variety of animals you never know what will happen – but you can “BANK” on something happening – when you are all alone – no “HELP” standing by?

Well, that is exactly what happened.  You saw the picture of the German shepherd, walking away from me – when the weather was too hot!  That was Bender – a very good and easy to get along dog – but he likes to investigate everything – especially something – just not in its usual place.

The boys – Lee and Al and a couple of their friends – from down the road had just finished fishing in the pond down the road and they all decided to leave in a hurry – they did not want  to take their fishing rods and equipment with them – so they just dropped the polls in a leaning position in a corner near the kitchen back door.  The lines were loose and still had the hooks and fancy lures spinning around,and in the breeze – evidently  – caught the eye of “Bender” – and he just had to investigate for all he knew – these did not belong here and with this fancy, attractive, eye-catching lure  it was driving him – besides himself? Bender used his paw to swat the lure as it was twirling around and finally decided to take a bite – to eat it – I guess? “Bender” got the hook caught in the side of his mouth – still swatting at the poles and the lines – everything is in a messy situation?

Looking out the kitchen window – I can see that there is a messy situation and I do not know  – what to do? I am afraid , that I will be bitten if I try to help – so, I just call the vet’s office! They tell me that I can pull the hook through, enough so, that I can get a hold on it and then, cut the rest of the hook and line free – but if I’m too afraid  – to just bring “Bender” into the office – NOW – and to stay –  CALM! Do NOT act like you are afraid and cut the extra lines free, and rush over!

This is the one time, no one stops by – and no phone calls – so here I am, on my own – do not know how long the dog is going to at least, half way know that I am trying to “HELP” him – so whatever he does  – do not try to bite me! In the car – on HWY-270 to the Animal Hospital –driving over the speed limit in “HOPES” that a “POLICE CAR” would stop me so he would then  –  escort me – so that I can get “Bender” the medical “HELP” he needs – NOW!   “NO SUCH LUCK!”

WE, “BENDER’ and Me arrived at the Animal Hospital – they took care of Bender so quickly and finally I could start to breath calmly and my “HEART” started to calm down – it was racing a mile a minute!  It is a no wonder – Today I have to take medication – there are only so many of these emergencies that a person can take – and just continue on  – as if nothing ever happens –   when you are rearing boys and their animals?

The only thing that “HELPS” me in these situations – is to start praying – and stay with the thought – that Almighty Yahweh is standing by with the real emergency “HELP” for me!


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Suffering Cat longs to be “HOME” again!

Everyone longs for a “HOME” of their own – and that includes your favorite animals that you have adopted into your “HOME” and even the stray and lonesome animals – the animals that  have decided –  that they will live with you where ever you allow them – either in or outside your “HOME” – they will always find you – if they can?

Since we had horses and large amounts of grain stored in the “BARN” – for all the needs of the horses – we would find that new “CATS” moved in, too! Either surrounding neighbors to our small farm-et, who no longer wanted their cat and or kittens – when the production of too many – that they were unable to find good homes – probably – just dropped them off at our place. The general thinking would have been – how will they notice another new cat or two – they like cats!

So, along Bowles Avenue and Fenway Drive – the traffic just flies by so fast – entirely too fast for an animal to make it across – and that is just happened! A poor old cat was hit by a speeding vehicle – so bad – the cat went flying in the air and landed on the side of the “Greathouse Family property – with very little if any life left in her? The “Greathouse “ family member called our house and said  that they think one of our “CATS” was hit bad – and is not moving – “Would you kindly send someone up to see what can be done – if it is your “CAT?” Of course it looked like one of ours – my sons went up and brought her back in the car.

Since this was on the weekend and the Vet does not have hours to see animals – was talking on the phone – he stated that –  it will be a large amount of money to meet you at the office – but what you can do, for the “CAT” and this is – if you continue to see some “LIFE” in the “CAT” – prepare a place away from any other animals – put a litter box close by – buy liver, and do not cook it, only let the “CAT” eat it raw. After an hour lift “CAT” to the litter box and after a short time put her back to her resting place. Also, if you could give her a scoop of vanilla ice-cream – and after her eating it – again  lift the “CAT” to the litter box and then back to rest area. Continue the program as long as you see “LIFE”   if next week you need to call the office – do so.

Would you believe- this “CAT” loved the excellent treatment she was getting – we waited on her – night and day – only good liver and vanilla ice-cream and after about a week she was able to move about on her own! The only thing that was not healing – was her “TAIL” – she could not move it – it just dragged along the ground. After a couple of months – the tail did show improvement – but it was never as it was – but the “CAT” was alive – she lived!

“CATS” love a “HOME” where they are cared for and they will receive LOVE – for the LOVE they give to their owners – “HOME” is where the “HEART” is – and the animals that humans LOVE – they will use all of the “NINE” lives they can – to live in a “HOME” filled with “LOVE!”


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“Something’s Missing”

There is a story that I had read about a small dog, named “Mugsy” – and it was the kind of story that I thought – everyone would like to hear and or read about.

Since so many in our family have dogs and over the years have had lots of “Dogs” and  since the “DOG” is man’s best friend – this story gets you to thinking about what happens when you are no longer here – on earth?

Little “MIGSY” decides to cross the street, and as you know – most dogs do not look both ways and poor little old “MUGSY” is hit by a truck.  Well with all the commotion going on in the street – the owners of little “MUGSY” rush out to where he is lying in the middle of the street – and with the tragedy of this situation – “MUGSY” is past being taken to the VET’s office – so the owner’s take him to the pet cemetery and bury him.  As with a family member – “MUGSY” is missed by all the family and friends – a very good friend and companion is now gone forever.

Just three days later, little “MUGSY” is at the door – all full of dirt and looking like he went through the war, all alone? Well, the owners could not believe what they were seeing – they opened the door and took little “MUGSY” in – they were so happy to see him – and little old “MUGSY” was so happy to be “HOME” – too! “MUGSY” was evidently buried alive and he had a good “HOME” and an “OWNER” who loved him – so the little pooch scratched and dug his way out of where he was buried and found his way “HOME” – and at the “DOOR” was still able to scratch – till someone opened the door for him to come in – and “LOVE” was so strong for all to be re-united again – forever!

This has a message from “Today’s Harvest Daily Devotional” – Greg Laurie – “Everyday with Jesus” – Ecclesiastes 3:11 He put Eternity in their hearts! The above story about “MUGSY” – is that in every one of us – we have that desire in our hearts – we do want to be with Jesus for all Eternity – that is our “HOME” and it is the best place – and we will do everything we can to get there someday – forever!



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