Officer James Givens has served with the Cincinnati Police Department for over 26 years,

but has never quite experienced anything like this before.
He was sitting in his patrol car in a parking lot when he got an unexpected visitor.
A goose came up to his car and started pecking on the side of it.
He threw food out for her, thinking that’s what she wanted, but she didn’t take it.
She continued to peck and quack, then walked away, stopped, and looked back at Officer Givens.
Then she came back to his car and pecked at it again.
She made it very obvious that she wanted Officer Givens to follow her, so he finally got out of his car and did just that.
The goose led him 100 yard away to a grassy area near a creek.
Sitting there was one of her babies, tangled up in a balloon string.
He was kicking his feet, desperate for help. He was wary of helping the baby on his own,
worried that the goose might attack him, so he called for help from the SPCA,
but no wildlife rescuers were available at the moment.
Luckily, Given’s colleague, Officer Cecilia Charron, came to
She began to untangle the baby, and the mother goose just stood there and watched, quacking.
She didn’t become aggressive, and just let Officer Charron do what she had to do to set the baby free.
It’s like the mother goose knew they were helping.
Once she untangled the baby, she put her down and she ran right to her mom and they went back to swimming in the creek.
Charron teared up and said it was the highlight of her 24 years on the force.
It seems like something made up.
It was just incredible, Givens said.
I honestly don’t know why I decided to follow her, but I did.
It makes me wonder  do they know to turn to humans when they need help?
We may never know the answer to this question,
but what we do know is that Officer Givens was in the right place at the right time to help these geese!
Life is precious.
A great story with a good ending.

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“Inspiration with a GOOD WORD”


Guideposts: The rising sun shines out over a white winter's landscape

Every moment of light and dark is a miracle.—Walt Whitman


Guideposts: A lit candle brighten a darkened room

It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.  Proverb


Guideposts: The desert sun peeks through a narrow opening in a red rock arch in Utah

“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”  — Leonard Cohen


Guideposts: The warm glow of a sunrise shines down open the seashore.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.  John 1:5 (NIV)


Guideposts: Heavenly beams of light from the sun peek out over the clouds

The light of God surrounds us;
The love of God enfolds us;
The power of God protects us;
The presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are, God is.
And all is well.
—A prayer for protection

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“Getting Ready for HALLOWEEN”

“HALLOWEEN” is one day that little children get a real good time – – the children get to dress up – – in outfits that look so cute – – and are so much FUN – – just the  making  of them and  then watching each child have a great time – – in a “Make-Believe” land.


The PHOTO on the left is little “JAIME” and she looks like the cutest little friendly MOUSE – – that you would like to keep… forever.  – – And… if ever you wanted to look beautiful… you would get all dressed up like “ALYSSA” is…  in the PHOTO on the right – – and try on a beautiful “WEDDING DRESS” – – that  may have only been worn  once… before.

OCT 31 001

This is the “PRE-SCHOOL” class room… where  you first get to see how your school friends will be “DRESSED” for the big day…  HALLOWEEN – – and find out where they will be going to do their “trick and treating” – – –  and of course – – you will be getting ideas for what your next year’s  HALLOWEEN costume  will look like.


In this PHOTO – – we see that the “TEACHER”, herself is dressed like “RONALD MAC DONALD” – – which is a very nice out-fit to have – as you can use it at so many  “PARTIES” and always be is style.

I do not remember who made LITTLE MOUSE  JAIME’s out-fit – – but she sure is the cutest little mouse – – that I have seen – –  and it looks like all of her friends also like her cute  “mouse”  out-fit – – it just WINS a PRIZE in my book!

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“ALYSSA, Detective with CAMERA…”

“Do you remember … the “Nancy Drew Mystery Stories” — books  that were exciting to read – – and you just could not put down – – since you (the reader) wanted to know how “Nancy Drew” would solve this  ‘mysterious  mess’   – – that she would be in!”

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, sky, mountain, ocean, outdoor and nature


This PHOTO of ALYSSA ALDRICH – – is “GIRL DETECTIVE” – – working under-cover in Italy – – and she is on a highly secret mission – – only to  be known  to her…  and the CIA members  – – their mission requires ALYSSA – – –  to get evidence on film – – that only she can  – – since she works with so many   facets of  information – – to be able to disguise herself – – as she always appears to be a completely different person.

ALYSSA…  has helped to solve so many crimes – – that her calendar is full – – for the very next and exciting case to be worked on – – as only she can – – with the help of her secret assistants – – that can only be addressed by code names and numbers – – Alyssa  can pick up clues    in more secret and hidden places – – it is a wonder – – that so many cases  need her expertise – – to  help solve some of the very oldest on the books… one more case… marked CLOSED!

Now you (the reader) know  – – why this is one of my very favorite PHOTOS of ALYSSA!

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“Grandma to Great-Grandma”

Just looking at this PHOTO of  GREAT-GRANDMA,  Phyllis Ferris  – – and myself – – just a regular GRANDMA – –  saw the AMERICAN colors in our dress – – “RED – WHITE – BLUE’ – – AND THOUGHT … ISN’T   IT JUST WONDERFUL TO BE A PROUD   AMERICAN… TODAY!



Every  “HOME” needs an in-door “4-WHEELER” – – when the person in the home is not using their “4-WHEELER” to navigate   through    the rooms – – so that they are  able to do for their self as much as possible  – – – there will always  come  a TIME … when the adult children feel like having FUN –  – – by taking their FATHER, their FUN-LOVING  “DADDY-O”…. for  a “hundred mile an hour” ride from room to room!


img_80661“LOOK OUT” – – and clear the way – – we are in this “RACE” to “WIN”  – – as there is always a PRIZE… at the FINISH LINE!

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“Do You have Healthy Finger Nails”

Did you know…

Nail biting which affects one out of three children between the ages of 7 and 10 and nearly half of all teenagers is considered to be a mental health issue and is classified as a type of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Nails grow faster in the summer than the winter, grow faster after illnesses and grow faster on the fingers of your dominant hand. The nails of the middle finger exhibit the most rapid growth and the thumbnail grows the slowest.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest fingernails ever recorded on a woman measured over 28 feet. The nails were on the hand of a California woman named Lee Redmond who started manicuring them in 1979 until she lost them in an automobile accident in 2009.

WE   humans love our nails. We spend nearly 8 billion dollars a year on those hard dead shell like materials on the tips of our fingers and toes. While adorning them with polish, varnish and even art may imply “cosmetic” and “superficial”, as it turns out, their condition, for better or worse, is a function of the entire body, and if you’re observant you can tell a lot about overall physical health by looking at the nails.

Technically speaking, nails are an extension of the skin. They’re a modified version of the epidermis, the top layer that composes about 10 percent of the body’s largest organ. Although it may look like one uniform structure, in reality, the nail (like the skin) is composed of numerous layers lying atop of each other. In fact, the average fingernail is composed of 25 of these ultra-thin slices that fuse into a firm, slightly elastic form by the action of microscopic threads called keratin. This is what gives them remarkable resilience and horse-hoof like strength. Keratin is a hard, flexible protein substance that is a common feature of hooves, horns, antlers, as well as the outer sheath that coats human hair. In addition to keratin, nails contain lots of minerals too, including: Iron, Carbon, Magnesium, Selenium, Silica, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Oxygen, all of which contribute to their characteristic qualities. Interestingly the nail appendage (technically called the “nail organ”) also contains small amounts of the well-known cosmetic ingredient called glycolic acid, which acts to trap water and assure hydration.

Because of their rapid growth (healthy fingernails grow up to 4mm a month) the nails are an accurate portal into the inside of the body. While the eyes may be the window to the soul, the nails can be thought of as windows to your biochemistry. There’s a lot of information a good health care professional can glean from their appearance.

As they are part of the skin, most nail conditions are assessed by dermatologists. Nail disorders account for 10 percent of all dermatological conditions.

Patients with soft, flaky nails that are prone to splitting may be missing minerals, particularly selenium and magnesium. “Terry Nails”, which are white nails with an opaque, “ground glass” look that occasionally have brown to pink bands, are associated with chronic liver disease. And spoon shaped nails, the mark of a condition called Koilonychia (pronounced: “coyl-oni-kia”), are classically a sign of iron deficiency.

While normal nails exhibit a pink color, which indicates healthy blood flow underneath, nails that are pale or white may indicate circulatory problems such as a low red blood cell count, anemia, and perhaps kidney disease. On the other hand, nails that have a beet red hue may point towards heart disease. Nails that are white and grainy with a rosy red strip can be indicative of liver cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, or HIV. Sometimes, abnormal circulation in the nail bed creates the appearance of horizontal white lines, most often in the middle three fingers. Because this problem occurs in the nail bed, it will not progress up as the nail grows. This condition which dermatologists call“Muehrcke’s Nails”, can be caused by liver disease and chemotherapy. Other causes of horizontal white lines include Hodgkin disease, kidney failure, system-wide infection, or poisoning by arsenic, thallium, or other heavy metals.

Nutritional status also plays an important role in nail health. Because of their rapid growth, shortages in key nutrients will show up in the nails before any other part of the body. As mentioned above a lack of magnesium can lead to nail softening and shortages of iron can cause them to spoon becoming concave, rather than convex. Other minerals like calcium, sulfur, zinc and silica are critical for nail strength and resilience. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and a dearth can also have an impact. A lack of the B-vitamins (especially B-12) and Vitamins A and C can affect nail shape and create both horizontal and vertical ridges, and because the nail is mostly made up of protein both lack of intake as well as digestive impairment can lead to nail thinness and fragility. Essential Fatty Acids are important and nail cracking and splitting can result under conditions of Omega-6 deficiency. Low levels of digestive juice (i.e. enzymes and stomach acid) can compromise the absorption of minerals even when they’re present in the diet. Likewise, in the case of gall bladder disease or its removal, mineral absorption can be compromised resulting in unhealthy nails.


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