“Today, Remembering Important Events of the Family”

“BIRTHDAY for Aunt Irene Brady Riley – coming soon”

Have to find PHOTOS of “Aunt Irene BRADY RILEY” for a remembrance of  her “BIRTHDAY” – – as she did and always remembered…  to send cards to everyone in the FAMILY – –

And as I remember… even to each and every  “NEW ADDITION” as they came along.

 It does make one feel good to receive a  “BIRTHDAY  Greeting CARD” – – and since “Aunt Irene”  is no longer here on EARTH – – perhaps this message… on the computer can transcend into the “realm” of those places  – – for each of us  – – into  the everlasting Eternity – that which…  we all look forward to going to… and with great expectations.

“Marie Brady and big sister, Irene”

“How do you like this PHOTO –  young girls – MARIE BRADY is thirteen years old and standing on the right –  and  she  looks  like a real  “BAKER” of good desserts in her “BAKER’s HAT” – which makes young  “Marie”  look real MOM 13 001cute.”  The year for this

photo is 1913 – – and standing on the left side of this photo  – is MARIE’s  older sister, IRENE.

In the “BRADY FAMILY” – there    was a relative that enjoyed betting on the horses – – I can not remember if he was still in IRELAND or not –  but just before “IRENE” was to be born –  this relative made a terrific WIN at the RACE—TRACK –  and so … since he was so “LUCKY” –  Mr. and Mrs. Brady decided to name the new baby girl –  that “LUCKY WINNING HORSE NAME”  – you guessed it – it was “IRENE!”

So… in case anyone was wondering why our “AUNT IRENE RILEY”  was  always so “LUCKY” –  now you know, too!

Also… in this photo the “LADY” in the middle – is a cousin and this is where Marie and Irene are for this weekend –  guess they are helping her and the children … which could be her’s and or even some other relative visiting – these details I do not know?

This PHOTO is  of  “IRENE  BRADY-RILEY”  – now married to  “William B. RILEY”  – and   “IRENE”  is img030 standing on the left. In the center is an IRISH cousin – – even to-day –   I would recognize her voice –  as she had a very fresh and strong “IRISH BROGUE” –  and … I did like listening to the way she would talk with us  kids…as we did visit at their home quite often … when  I was very young.

On the right side, in this photo – – is “MARIE BRADY” – – and not as yet married – as she was designated to be the care taker of the parents…  when the time would  come – something different  in this family –  as even Bishop Burns from the HOLY NAME CHURCH came to the “BRADY HOME” – so many times, trying  to persuade the family to let her… young,  “Marie Brady” become a NUN in the Catholic Church.

Years much later… my  “Aunt IRENE”  would tell me … that I was to go into the Convent – to be a NUN – since my MOTHER was not allowed to go into the CONVENT – but –  as circumstances were –  I felt  –  that it was my duty to stay with my MOTHER and help her –  I just did not have a strong feeling to be a NUN.

In LIFE… there is a “PLAN”  for each of us –  the only thing is –  we just do not know exactly what that “PLAN” is for each of us – and with our free choice, to do things in LIFE  – there is the possibility  – that we could  choose to take… the wrong road.

Tomorrow… we will find photos  – that show what is going on in the “BRADY FAMILY – “FOLK TALE or SAGA” –  every FAMILY has stories – that are forgotten –  just because no one took the time to write anything down – and or did not care enough, and or very much about their FAMILY .

“OH” but… I am the nosey one… to look into the past and try to find the answers… if  only…I can!

I like my FAMILY … I should say that…  I Love my family!

ALSO… and I  am thinking that… everyone should have some records of their own  basic roots –  where they came from – where were they –  what did they do –  and what about the next generation?

Keep good records … as to whom … who will know – if  at least someone –  does not take the precious  TIME to record some important  events… with photos???    DV

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“Remembering Aunt Irene Brady Riley for EVER”

“We Remember our Aunt Irene Brady Riley”

“Aunt Irene’s BIRTH-DATE and TIMELINE”

Just have to start off … with  that which… I feel was Aunt Irene’s  finest HOUR in LIFE… the birth of her one and only son, Bernie.

This old PHOTO which I feel  very “LUCKY”  to even  have and so glad that ‘It’  was one that was not lost in all of the  many moves from  moving to several  homes in Saint Louis  and Florida locations.

“Little Bernard Riley” was  the LOVE and JOY to  “William B. and Irene C. Riley!”

This is “Irene”  in the one and only baby photo of little Bernie her son,  that is … that I know of … and was able to find!

Mr. Thomas F. Brady … which was “Aunt Irene’s”  father would be taken  to Heaven at least fifteen years  later  after this happy event  and Mrs. Thomas Brady  maybe another ten years,

Our  little “BERNIE” was killed by a drunken driver at the age of ten (10) … which really was devastating… as there are no words to describe  how things were after that.

This is Mrs. Thomas F. Brady, Mother  and Mrs. William B. Riley, the older daughter of seven living children.

“Years have gone by and finally  “MARIE BRADY”  a much younger  sister to “IRENE” gets married and “Grandma Anne E. Brady” is still living.

Aunt Irene  and her husband, Bill …  have moved to Ashland Avenue,  Saint Louis and live in the downstairs flat and this is where I am seen… in the arms of Aunt Irene in her backyard!”

“Time just seems to “Fly” when you  are having  “FUN”…

and since Aunt Irene lived here… across the “Fairgrounds Park” from us … it was  very easy for us to visit  and visit so  often…  as so many of the cousins of the  “SMART and BRADY Families”  all lived within  just a few short miles of each other and  … in most cases…  within,   just a real nice and very enjoyable  walking distance  and there  we all are …  enjoying the times of visiting!”                                                                                                                                    


   Photos in color indicate that “TIME” has really gone by…  as these two PHOTOS of  “Aunt Irene” were taken when I was married and living in Florida. 

Aunt Irene came down to visit for a week or two…  and  in part of the time with us…  we took her to the “RACE TRACK at Hialeah” and… we had a nice meal in the “CLUB HOUSE”…  as I do not like to  take a chance and bet…

  I  only prefer a nice meal and  to watch  others  just spending money they do not have …  in HOPES of winning MONEY…  that  they  will never happen to win…  at something you most likely know nothing about…  as  for those that need the money the mostest… also lose the most! 

Trying to remember what was happening in this time frame… my guess for these two PHOTOS would be in the year of 1965 as there were lots of things going on in the  1960’s… trips back and forth to Missouri and Florida…

then births and deaths  and  then complete moves from one place to another …  sure glad that I was young enough to be able to do all that… as  now it  seems to be…  more than just one person could or would be able to do.

Thanks be to the Almighty for giving me the  extra strength to do and be where… I was suppose to be…  when and to where…   I was most needed to be of some help!     D.V.

“Happy Birthday   Aunt Irene… and enjoy the Heavenly realm with so many members of  our FAMILY!”

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“Remembering our Aunt Irene on her Birthday”

“Happy Birthday” – – “AUNT Irene Riley~!”

This is our  “Aunt Irene”  and this is me with her,  and we are  in her backyard.

This just… and  may be as far back as the year of 1940?

 And the most important part of this PHOTO – – is little ole ME!


This PHOTO with the two of us is probably on an important day – – like my birthday or  just maybe ….  could  even be a big birth date for our dear  “Aunt Irene” … as she is the elder sister of the two girls,  in the “BRADY” family… as my MOTHER was the last child, the younger daughter and also the thirteenth child– – because if I did the  “MATH”  half  way right – – “Aunt Irene” is the big (50) – – and the little ole  “Mary Ellen” is only two (2) years of age… maybe?

Sure looks like Aunt Irene is afraid that I might get hurt – – and or even fall   down – – but if I know myself – – I’m betting that   – – even as still as I am standing – – “I could run rings around  good ole Aunt Irene!”

My Aunt Irene  just loved to sew… which was nice for ME, as she could whip up something…so fast and  just  for little ole ME and I was always … so happy with all the nice hand made  clothes, that I would receive… as she was always making something – – you  just name it…  she could sew it  up… and  in no time at all.

 So…  it was especially nice for me to be a girl – – as…  Aunt Irene was always making  a nice “Pinafore”   for me  – – and so  many other dresses – – even when it came time for me to graduate from GRADE SCHOOL.

Since my MOTHER had a special dress that she wanted for me – – for graduation – material and the whole nine yards… – she gave Irene  – her sister the picture of  that which she wanted her sister, Irene  to make … some good ideas of a special dress … she had in mind for me – – and my Aunt worked from a photo – – and “lucky me”  – – my graduation dress … was made by “IRENE!”

As…  TIME has a way of flying by – – I am  LUCKY to have lots of memories –  – – and so many include my Aunt Irene!


“I am remembering your extra special day to celebrate your Big Birthday party … all the way up those golden steps  to  the highest of Heavens… with so very  many of our family and friends!”

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“Happy Birthday to our Aunt Irene Riley”

“Aunt Irene Riley Birthday… almost here”

It sure is good to be able to remember … Birthdays – – of the  rich and famous “RILEY”  FAMILY – – whether they are here – – and – –  or where ever…  they may be.

“How is this PHOTO of the “RILEY’s” – – in the lap of luxury   in the 1960’s – –   that is “IRENE”… herself – –  on the left and “BILL” on the right – –  there is “company” as we can see some  ‘shoes’  of someone on the sofa.

In the 1950’s… when the “TV” was a very new item for  most families,  and they  would invite a neighbor or two… to check out  getting so much new information and with pictures too,  by joining them just to watch the NEWS of the DAY… and  then, between the “NEWS of  the DAY”  on the  new  “TV” and the “newspaper” – – what an exciting  evening –  “LIFE for RILEY” –  or what  more … could or would you  be expecting?”

NOW… let us compare the above PHOTO –  to the PHOTO  below –  this could be from the very same “MOVIE” –  “my oh my… o” – – WOULD these be the very same people?

That is  our …”AUNT IRENE” on the left – with… her  little apron on,  as she is still on “KITCHEN DUTY”.

Could this maybe…  be in the 1920’s…

Just looking at those dark long stockings  and the length of  “Aunt Irene’s” skirt … so long and also a  dark color for those times?

No… air “conditioning”  in these early years, the porch may just be the best place to be in the early evening, and  after Supper,  while  you  are waiting for a  special and most delicious  dessert?

I’m guessing that they may have had the first course – – and are making room for dessert.

“One thing that I know, for sure… Aunt Irene could out cook and bake anyone,  she did know all about preparing and then all of the finishing  touches  and having the food just right…  oh well… may as well … just say so here…  when she prepared anything yo eat… it was the very BEST.”

The facts are … I know, that there was never a complaint as  everyone always wanted more of all the “GOOD EATS” … as they were  always  just…TERRIFIC!

This must have been the “RILEY”  sitting theme… “BILL”… himself ,  always sitting on the right side… whenever there was any kind of an indication that some PHOTOS were to be taken… that  is… if they would be including him!

No imposters nor a stand-in for  “RILEY” that way…  there was never a question about… “who done it” when something was ever out of place.

Sometimes in Life… you will hear someone say something that makes sense and you always try to remember good stuff like that… so if my brain can recall correctly… here goes,  that thought as I remember, and hopefully half correct… in case not so correct…please write in, and by all means… correct my errors!

As I try to recall,  that there is something about that “old saying” .

“A place for everything… and everything in its place” …

adds up to not having any  discouraging words.

… That is one way to be HAPPY – – forever! …


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“Happy Birthday Greetings to our Aunt Irene”

“Aunt Irene Riley…PHOTOS FOUND”

Thanks to Jill… for reminding me the other day – –

that there was an old PHOTO of “AUNT IRENE” in the house on  “Fenway  Drive” – –

she was sure that  is where she had heard of our Aunt Irene – –

having never met her – – but remember so much of us talking about an AUNT IRENE – –

and if the PHOTO – – that she remembered was still available?

The above PHOTO was inside the frame  and under the PHOTO – – that you see below – –

and I am showing it first…

because – – that is the face, that  I remember best.

This is the PHOTO of AUNT IRENE – –

and  with it… several other framed PHOTOS – –

which were packed for moving so many years ago – –

well how does someone look for  “stuff  away items” to hang on the walls – –

when all the walls …  are just not suitable for hanging…

“your prize winning arts of OLD!”

These “PHOTOS” were taken… and this is my thoughts… the chair that “Aunt Irene” is sitting in…

 is a “FAMILY HEIRLOOM” – – there is a MR. and MRS. chair –

– and IRENE is sitting in the “MR.” chair and this is the old tapestry material – –

some time later  “Aunt Irene” had the chairs re-covered —

 these chairs were “WEDDING GIFTS”  to  my Grand Parents,  Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. BRADY  – –

I do not have the WEDDING date available – – but  the year 1875 – – would be a good guess.

The “PHOTOS” on the table next to where “Aunt Irene” is sitting is her husband, Wm. B. Riley  and their one and only son, Bernard Riley.  

I  do believe … that they also celebrated  at least “60 years”  marriage as did … Mr. and Mrs. Thomas  F. BRADY.

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“Photos and Memories, just what we need”

It just came to me… today!

Why do we take pictures of ourselves and also take pictures… when there is a very special occasion for ourselves and or with the whole family?

It just came to me when I was looking at these  photos… that if there was no photo taken, back then… I would probably not have a memory of this occasion and or the different events that  have taken place at these different times in our Lives.

“In other words… no memories of these events and no memories of what… I did look like at the different ages and in those years, so very many and long years ago.

Without a PHOTO… I am guessing, that we would just forget so many things that took place in our younger years and every year that  does pass on… that  would happen to us … as with  no proof  of any kind … such as a photo … that I and or anybody would ever have an important part of   our… or my being… here on this EARTH!

Just have to give to our CREATOR many, many  “Thanks” for seeing to it, that  His Creations  were  inspired to think about making things for all of us to live with, and enjoy… for all eternity.

These PHOTOS… are just as old as they can be … and by having them NOW… and seeing them as if for the very first time, bring back all good memories of that which was taking place  and with all of the very best of many happy memories….and  to think that  some how or the other were saved over all of these many years of moving  all over this wonderful America… packing up and hoping that all of the prize things… that we hold dear… will not be lost in our  travels  and many moves!

Mom & all 4 001

This is the year  of 1946 

My two brothers…Tommy and Denny and myself in the above photo was taken  on the grounds of the German St. Vincent Orphanage, which we were placed in a temporary time frame due to the fact that my Mother,  a small frame of a woman was expecting twins.

In October of 1945 and also the year WWII was finally ended, we were to stay at this Orphanage, until my Mother regained her strength as  she was now the Mother of twin girls.

Today… I know that the first of the twin girls would have lived… but,  then… with a crushed lung, the first twin delivered did not live over a week. Also each twin did weigh eight and a half pounds.

So, in the above photo… My Mother is holding only the one surviving twin, “Eve Karen” … and this is  on a Visiting Sunday at the Orphanage.

We look so HAPPY… because we NOW know… that we will soon be going back home and be with our parents!

1st communion 001

“ME, Denny and Tommy”

This  second PHOTO was taken in the month of MAY and we are dressed in all white as we just made our “First Communion”  with some of the other children, at the HOME!

My parents did not know to bring aa camera to take our picture, but they  were LUCKY,  to be talking with some of the other parents of the other children having made their “First Communion” … and they had some extra pictures taken for those that would want a remembrance of this special occasion… a real memory for all of us, that is…  those that save photos of special occasions!

Doubles 001

This is the three of us,  and with our Father in the “Fairgrounds Park” in North Saint Louis.

This park was near to where we lived, and we did get to go to the PARK as we were able to walk… and then play,  and or take part in other activities that took place… back in 1942 through 1945.

Just to take the time to review old pictures and re-enjoy…  those good old times, that have long pass as time  does pass on and our memories begin to fail… memories are so wonderful … and the old photos help the memories… last forever!

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