“Daddy Will Sing to His Little Girl”

Just have to go through some of the old photos of Daddy and us children with him…as the memories are all good and never to be forgotten.

Today… with the help of a computer…it is wonderful for all of us to be able to pull up all kinds of old photos and then… start to remember… that we had such good times with Daddy… as our “DAD” was terrific,  when it came to having FUN… as he was always one for doing things that he wanted… whether or not it was approved by others…and later on…I will spell this out… as there was no other Father, that did some of the things he would do!


During WWII days it was a time when we had to ration coupons to buy some things and  because…most things that were needed for the WAR effort…were done by most of us… so as a reward for all of out efforts and to have FUN…Daddy took us to Fairgrounds Park to play.

We  would play on the swings. and also do some fishing… and on one exciting trip… never to forget…which included  our little “Tommy falling off the Bridge and into the Lake.

Take note… Tommy is the one without the shirt on… and he also  lost one shoe and sock in the water.

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This next photo is taken in OHIO and on the Farm of Daddy’s  parents…and we were  younger, and as you can take note… we are just a year apart in age.

As I remember… we took this trip to Ohio in the Spring and in the Fall of each year…sometimes  in the months between …Grandma and one of Daddy’s brothers would drive down to Missouri to see us and stay maybe a week or two…Grandma especially  liked little Denny Jr., and would  take Denny Jr.,  home when they would  return back to Ohio.




This next photo is one of my favorites…Daddy holding me  in his arms… so nice and high…that I could see everywhere and forever…

Guess that I am learning to talk… as I must be seeing something so important… that, I have to point to it …just so that everyone knows… that I like being able to see so far away… when I am so high above the ground… it is like seeing the whole wide world!


“Just have to add a special little song “Daddy’s Little Girl”… because when you are the first girl in the family… you feel that forever… when you hear this song… all of those very young days and years in your LIFE… your Daddy was the “Super Man” of the world!”

“Sit back and enjoy… and sing to your little girl… she will LOVE it!”

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