National Walk Around Things Day on April 4th each year is a holiday open to interpretation. Very little information is available regarding this celebration, so we’ll give it our best to guide you through it.

This day may be looked at both figuratively and literally. Literally, one would not walk through a puddle of water or mud; one would walk around it. One would not walk under a ladder or over broken glass, one would walk around both.

Figuratively, one would “walk-around” avoiding certain problems or potential problems. One would also “walk-around” avoiding arguments, certain situations, or unwanted or uncomfortable conversations.

Another possible intent of this day could very well be to walk around things such as a neighborhood, park, or the shopping mall. While we’re walking around we might also walk around obstacles or structures we come across during our stroll. In a park, we might find a fountain or swingset to walk around. At the mall, benches and planters interrupt our easy stride. Of course, at home, we have all sorts of things that we walk around willingly. Sometimes the reason we walk around these items is pure avoidance like laundry or clutter. We might also walk around a sleeping pet. 

HOW TO OBSERVE #WalkAroundThingsDay

Make a point to walk around things or subjects. No matter what you decide to walk around, make sure you do it properly:

  • Warm-up those muscles. 
  • Wear good shoes. 
  • Keep your head up and maintain good posture.
  • Swing your arms.
  • A brisk walk is about 20 minutes per mile. Walking around things might slow you down, though. 

Other ways to participate in National Walk Around Things Day might include:

  • Take photos of the things you walk around.
  • Count how many things you walk around. (That might become more tedious than walking around them.)
  • Leave things for others to walk around. For example, a mysterious obelisk in the middle of the living room.National Walk Around Things Day -Obelisk in the living room

Share your achievements using #WalkAroundThingsDay to post on social media.


National Day Calendar continues to research the origin of this vague and yet possibly useful holiday. To make a point, we’ll walk around and see what else we can find out about the day.

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