“June is for Remembering Our Fathers Forever”

Did you ever take the time to think about the different people in your LIFE and or Family?

Have you ever given a second thought as to the members of your very own family… especially when you were a very young child?

Being the oldest child in our family… I was always around to see and hear everything that was going on… whether or not everyone knew… that I was watching and or listening?

I guess that I could have been called a busy-body but… as I was paying attention to what was going on… I did keep my mouth shut… and my “two-cents” to myself… everyone probably just thought… that I was not listening and remembering everything as it was happening, which is a very good thing.

As I remember things, that so very many others in the  family … do not seem to remember correctly, and now make all kinds of dumb excuses, for not maybe being there… when such a thing happened, or just were not really paying any attention to just being alive… and storing good memories… that would last forever!

Daddy the “Master-builder”

In the early  1940’s  –  my  DAD  built  for  my brothers and myself  – a one of a kind  “Swing with  a Water Spray”  – 

That we used to swing and  as swinging  we would sing  –  for the whole wide  world …to  hear us.

Back then I remember my  Mom  saying that in the winter time some people left the outside water faucet on all through the freezing weather so that their pipes would not freeze.

  Those were the days that for a flat monthly rate… you could use however much water you wanted. 

 Today,  you pay for every drop, and a whole lot of extra charges.

Anyway,   getting back to our… one of a kind swing, especially built, just for us! 

There was a tree in the center of the right side of the back yard  –   so…

ME 1942 001

  I’m  guessing at about the six-foot mark up  –  my “DAD” drilled an inch diameter straight through.  Then…Using pipe that  he ran in the hole to be  the top piece for the swing. 

On each side of the tree, he would set up for us…  one swing,  making this a two swinger  swing-set. 

 He   added fittings on the ends to add  a five-foot length across, with corner fittings to each of the tops to add the four corner six-foot pieces.

  At about the four-foot up from the ground, he added  a bracing pipe.  There was concrete footings …  at the four corners  –  this swing-set was not going anywhere, ever!

All the pipes in the areas where we would   be  swinging had small holes,    so that when he would turn on the water hose,  that he had attached to one corner of the swing-set… 

 (this was some kind of special connection) 

We would be singing in the rain! 

And what fun we had! 

Better than a small backyard  “kid’s pool.” 

That swing- set lasted till we sold the place, almost twenty years later.

Dad was the original  “Handy Man”   –  he could fix  almost  anything   –  and don’t forget …

He was also  “LOVED” for being our all around best “Chef!”

Thank You!”

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