“A Song with SILLY WORDS to HEAR”

Sometimes when I am on the telephone with someone … and we  somehow or the other get to talking about something  that I remember from a hundred years ago or so…

I just start to look up on the computer … those few words that are making me think about something so silly… but without their knowing… and before we are finished with the importance of the “CALL” to me…

I will say … 
Do not hang up just yet… I have something, that you may like… after you hear it!

 And just so fast… I press the button and then…  we get to hear the above old song…

… from way back when I was a kid … during those days of  WWII …. and I do believe back then… all the children of very young age knew more songs… 

…the whole song with all of the words … and could sing so well and so often… it was like magic!


So… after that phone call…

I was in the mood to hear other versions and see for myself … if just maybe for a few minutes…  I was that same olé  little girl, that I was back then,  during those WWII days when  everybody was singing this song and just having so much fun… with the words… especially  the little kids… as they like silly stuff to make them happy while singing!


Today…  there are so many that  have an instrument and can play if…  and when, they have the music sheet available and  the time … and the most important ingredient available… some  small children… to play and sing  some silly words of this song in such a way, that the small fry children…  just want to hear this song over and  sung over so many times … as they like the mellody, and at the  very same time  are trying to figure out those words!

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