“The “5th’ is just a DAY AWAY”

“A #1 Favorite Birthday Party for Lee Jr.”

       “Happy Birthday…LEE”

No matter the weather…  no matter the age of the boy… when you  receive  your  “first PONY” …  you will be there no matter what it takes … to take good care  of   “Your DREAM”   come true!

This PHOTO  of  Lee Aldrich  Jr., and his best  “BIRTHDAY  PRESENT”  a  real live little “PONY” was   what I would call, “Top  Drawer”   of  all of the gifts received!

There was nothing in the world that would keep  “Little Lee”  from being outside in all of that snow and ice or even in some of the  rain… that “PONY”  was what  he  had wanted,  the mostest, in those days…  and  Little Lee… was  so LUCKY, that  he did receive the PONY of his DREAMS,  that he was NOW in Seventh HEAVEN, Snow  and or no Snow!

“Seventh Heaven” did not last too long” as you can see this PHOTO was taken in our backyard at “100 Cherbourg Drive, 63129”  and evidently  you can not have a “PONY”   in your backyard.    (that is a story for another time)

xooxxoxoxooxxoxoxoxo               xxooxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

This next PHOTO is “LEE” at an  even   younger age for “Little LEE”  just  sitting  there at the “Keyboard”   and   Little Lee is all registered to start  taking  his first lessons … some “basic lessons”  to learn to play  and make some real good music all the  while … playing.

This PHOTO is when we were  living in “Fort Lauderdale,  Florida” and my husband, Lee Sr., was one of the partners  in managing and running  the “TOPPERS Restaurant and Lounge” and of course,  when  they  want you and  you are  to be in on the  updating  of the  “LOUNGE”   you  will need a “PIANO”… so why not make a  ‘sweetheart’ deal … one that all  of  your FAMILY will like, such as a little something in the HOME… for  our little LEE… to learn to PLAY!

If  and that is a big “IF” … I could  always have my  own way… every  “HOME  IN AMERICA” would have a “PIANO”  for the children to learn to play.

Just as soon as the children can… and I mean early… they should start to learn  all about music … lessons… practice but, with   a serious course of study  as is  usually  the case, PIANO is  maybe good for everyone but… then, there could be some children  that would like another instrument better.

“MUSIC” It is the same as learning another language, the brain  is enhanced  immediately making for the learning ability to increase so much  and even more so, that  all  of the  other subjects taken in class at school, become easier and just does so much more for the person’s personality  in all  of  the areas of their LIFE…  and for all of  their years, for their  entire LIFE.  

Check with anyone that took music lessons early in their LIFE… learning is easier  as is those life choices…  that they will be making, and I feel  that the whole wide world  would be so much better, just to make this one serious change early in the LIFE style… for all  of the children in AMERICA.             D.V.

“Only two more days, the   “5Th”   is almost here  and a big BIRTHDAY PARTY WISH   goes out  to our most  favorite …


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