“Getting Just a Little Better .. Each DAY”

Are you missing something?

When I was a little girl, and that’s been a long time ago, it seemed to me that “TIME” just stood still.

I can remember sitting on benches with some of my little friends, and we were talking about – “How long do we have to wait for supper?”

We also were saying, “The clock just is not moving – how do ‘we’ get the clock to move faster?”

It was as if we did something or just maybe… could even try to do something special to get  “that “TIME”  of the day to move faster and just keep  moving  faster, and  then we could really have something to do?

When you are little, and I’m guessing this goes for all little “SMART  and Little TIKES” – that’s the class of “SMARTIES” that we thought we were in – and we had to get the world to move… just a wee bit  faster?

So now, I’m putting my foot  down on the “BRAKES” of time – we do  need to slow down “TIME” – it’s  just going too fast – I cannot keep up with what I need to get done  in just  one (24) hour day!

I find myself complaining about things that are not getting done, especially…  since I am either just too slow… and  or this day is just going too fast!

There is so much that I have – that is … that I want to read, and if I take the time to just sit and read – the day is shot – all gone?

And, I have a whole list of stuff, which just has to wait for another day – hopefully a much longer day  and or a  much  faster me?

In reading … something that may just seem to be that which … I really need to read – something to  inspire me to stop all of this  complaining about … that which, I cannot change and think more about the blessings…  that I have received, and ask blessings on everybody and everything…  that is requiring just a little  more time…  than what I can give… at that time!

In other words…  just learn to realize,  that as one gets older, one must also learn to slow down.

Today, we are on a very fast  journey, which is turning into a “rat race” – and this “body” being used today…  has already used up the best of its energy a long… long, time ago.

So, I am doing a better job, because I am “blessing” everyone around…  as I go, and I’m  finding…  that by “blessing” everyone that I meet each day… on my daily rounds – I feel like I have more energy and strength to get more done each lovely day  – more so…  than in the past.

I just “LOVE” blessing everyone as I go –

You know that…  “what you say is what you get back” –

…  and getting all those “BLESSINGS” is the best part of this day’s  journey!”

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“Old Memories will bring many HAPPY BLESSINGS”

Schooldays – Memories – Found!

November sure is the month to “Remember” and then to  give “Thanks.”

First of all … to  Our  Heavenly Creator and  our one and only Heavenly Giver,  that  One above of all…the  most wonderful  ONE to give to us, here on EARTH all of those useful and  good gifts, He is putting… into our Life!  

I am most  Grateful and Thankful, for  so very  many good and   terrific   memories… that anyone,  could ever receive!

I feel  like that… ‘Little Old Woman, in the Bible’ … who has just found those  little  old… two (2) mites, that,  she had lost!

I  just happen to be,  and … I  too, am also… so very   “Happy’” to have found… those two (2)  extra special old books and  now  remembering … that  as they are so very old… and  were almost  forgotten about…  “Autograph Books”…  from my  very early grade school days … and if you know “ME” … those days have been so long ago … as I am now thinking back to that so long ago  time… in my past… have  almost … been forgotten about entirely… since, that time was…  almost a century ago!  

When you are thinking, that you would like to find some old stuff … and also  you  now have no idea as to where in the world you have thought to put those prize items… in such a terrific place…  as to keep them safe… for all of the days of your LIFE…

All of which… you also have no idea in this world…  as to where to look, and really with no possibility… of ever finding?

– I just could not find them…  for the longest time!

My search took  me into every little nook  and obscure  corner of a place, and even into some little  places, that…  I would not ever have dreamed  of …  that there…  even being a possibility of  finding  them?

My son, AL  was over to see “ME”  and also inquiring of me as to what… I was looking for?

AL could see … that I was so busy looking for something and decided to help me…  before he would do what he came over to my house, to also do.

AL started to tell me,  that he…  also wanted find and also to pickup some music  CD’s, and as we were looking through these  boxes  – a very small box…  with some little thin books, 8×5 and less than a half-inch thick booklets  – crammed  together like “sardines in a can!”

It’s a wonder… that we even took the time, to see  and  then… to find those  long lost  “Autograph books”…  and just guess where in the world… we did find  these  “Autograph books”  …  crammed among… at least a hundred and one, old…  but worth saving…  also old vitamin and health booklets

I am so grateful and happy,   that these books  are now found  –  and also…  that my son, AL was here to help me find them…

So… I will now have to re-read  all  of those well wishes and happy thoughts  –  all those blessings that the “Nuns”  wished  for me…  on this road of  …  “Life” –  following   –   that which… I have traveled!  

To all those who requested …  the Almighty…  to bless me,  “Thank You!”


I have been truly bless!

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“Celebrating Something Special Today Now and Tomorrow”

Now or Never?

This is definitely  the time to  “pull out all the stops” …

  It is that… appointed time in LIFE… to  use all  of that  –   “Good Stuff”  –   you have been  saving for just   the “Right Occasion.”

As a small child, I would  just love when my mother would open up her “Cedar Lane Chest.” The very first  and most delicious memory  ever…  as I remember back to those good old days… was that wonderful smell of Cedar.

Next, she would  very carefully  take out some items  out … one by one… and we  would look at each and match  together … the different sets together… and   always looking for those items that were  similar with  those items  that were to be used for this  special occasion and or whatever extra special Holiday occasion we were preparing for?

The above “Cedar Chest”  looks similar to the one my Mother had… as she bought her’s back,  in the 1920’s!

Mom would  have so much to say, about everything…  as she was taking items out, and all the while  handling so  very carefully, and  then giving to me the information… that I would need to know, regarding the care and concern for each item.

 Commenting on some items,  as  – “this was her Mother’s” –  and  then saving more like  something…   “someday all  of these linens will be  yours!”

It was easy for me to  dream of the way, that  I would  one day…  place and arrange, all of Mom’s gifts to me! 

There were beautiful  items, hand-embroider  and  made with hundreds o f French-knots,  these embroidery items made  with such wonderful silky threads, and also some  crochet doilies, and lots of table center pieces, also for the furniture there were beautiful  crochet arm rest covers –  also matching crochet items to throw over the sofa, and lots of other materials and useful hand-made items.

With all  of these beautiful and most wonderful  “Works of Art”  –  now  and  in the coming up months… we have all kinds of  extra special occasions, and  also including some very extra special  “BIRTHDAYS”  just a  waiting  on the calendar …. right NOW… for  all of these prize works of   “MOM’s” to  be used and in displayed !

 It is at this special time of the year… the last couple of months and the  very first two months  of   out NeXT year 2023 … and that will  all be starting real soon… so to remember “MOM”  we will use and put out for all  of   our visitors to the house…. to see and make wonderful comments on all of the wonderful items  which will be on display! for sure…  be used and seen this year!

 So now… it is  finally,  that  extra special time  of the year… with all of the up coming Holidays and Celebrations that  are on the Calendar  –  to use –  and to be seen…  for which they were made! 

 When on  display  –   and while  you can give your guests   the  “Grand Tour”    –    bragging on all  of the   “Ancestors”   who made and handed    down to you all of these wonderful items  –   and,  Guess  who … will be  the next  “Generation  to  receive and reap the  rewards!”

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“Take a Moment to Remember OUR VETERANS”

“Veterans’ and Remembrance Day on November 11th”

It’s Important To Remember Our Veterans!

Words and music that immediately inspire you to do something or  to  take  action… are what these times, cry out for! 

As I was wanting to hear some Veteran Music, played  the very first video  on Google, and  so now … want to  share  with  everybody.

Just have to add an extra note … in case you too … want  to know the words and hear  as you watch  the video. 

Check out  “terry kelly.com”  ********* You will feel strength and vitality… you will be able to fight the good fight!



“They fought and some died for the Homeland.  They fought  and some died, now it’s our land.  Look at his little child, there’s  no fear in her eyes,  could  she not so respect   for other  “Dads”   have died?   

Take two minutes,  would you mind?    ‘It’s  a  Pittance of Time’   –  For the boys and  the girls who went over  –  In Peace  May They Rest?

May we never forget why they died? 

‘It’s a Pittance of Time.’   God forgive me for wanting to strike  him   –  Give me strength   so as not to  be like him.  My heart pounds in my breast  –  fingers press to my lips  –  my throat wants to call out  –  my tongue dearly  resists,  but two minutes,  I will bide  – 

 ‘It’s a  Pittance of Time’  – for the boys and the girls who went over  –  in Peace May They Rest  –  may we never forget why they died  –  ‘It’s a Pittance of Time.’

Read the letters and the poems of the ‘Heroes’ at home  –  they have casualties… battles and fears of their own. 

There’s a price to be paid  – if you go  – if you stay?  Freedom’s fought for and Won  –  in numerous ways!  Take two minutes –  would you mind  –  ‘It’s a Pittance of Time’  – 

For the boys and girls all over  –  may we never forget  our young  become “Vets,”  at the end of the line  – ‘It’s a Pittance of Time’  – 

It takes courage to fight for your own war  –  it takes courage to fight someone else’s war  –  Our Peace-keepers tell of their own living hell!  They  bring hope to foreign lands that hate-mongers can’t kill! 

Take two minutes  –  would you mind  –  ‘It’s a Pittance of Time’  –  for the boys and the girls who go over!

In  peace time  our best  –  still down  –  battles rest  and lay their lives  on the line.  ‘It’s a Pittance of time’    –

In peace   may they rest    –  lest we forget  –  why they died. ‘Take a Pittance of Time’!”



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“Spending  TIME with Children…  is more important”

Sometimes in LIFE… you see something that catches your eye, and you  just start to read it… and then you start to think about the words, and then…  those old memories, that you remember… just start to roll on and on.

“Spending  TIME with Children…  is more important… than  spending  money on children!”


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The above words just got me to thinking… as to how those words may have applied to “ME”  … and as I am now thinking back… and as far back, as I can remember…  the way things were then with WWII going on, and “ME” just a youngster in and  about those times … and now must apply my memories…  as I start to  remember  them… to  those times… almost a hundred years ago.

Just to start to remember those times… when I was  a young girl and  and compare them to today… It is almost as if I have changed  a hundred times  over… with all of the changes that have taken place in just where we were living.


At some point in TIME…  the people living in the City… just had enough of the small and congested areas and the “Builders” started working WEST into the County… building new and  a nice mixture of styles of homes… some frame and mixture of stone… as they had some extra ground with them for some nice backyards for the kids to play.

Before “Television Days” my Mother read to the three of us… my two brothers and myself. 

 I remember the three of us sitting around in the living room… while my Mother would read from the BIBLE, some stories that we really enjoyed, as MOM would  also change  her voice for the different people, so that we knew those voices as people,  just like we would hear on the radio.

Back then… RADIO was the number one form of home entertainment. If you would be outside and walking down the block to friends … you could hear what was going on … on the radio… as most of the people would be listening to the very same program.. and with all the radios on the same block… tune in to the same program…  you were also entertained .

We also had WWII going  on and so many men were in the service, and so often … we would see a person on a bike delivering a “Telegram” to a home… and within just a very few minutes… everyone would hear loud screams… that  “Telegram”  was notification… that someone at that address… would have been wounded and or killed in the service!

As I remember way back to those days as a very young girl and with my brothers… that if we were not on some kind of a work effort that we kids would get involved with, and in  our trying to  help the WWII effort … we would then be at home getting the personal training of what and how to do, as we would also take long walks around the area, that we lived… as well as the Parks that were near to our home.

It was terrific to know where you live… as a small child, and also how to get to almost any where, in the nearby vicinity… that you and your friends were allowed to go, and or meet for some activity!

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“Some Old Time Memories’ are TOP DRAWER”

“Souvenir Program Memories”

Souvenier Book 001

More pictures from an old 60 year-old  – Souvenir Program –  that I was lucky to receive from “Sister Alvira” – just before she left the Orphan Home to retire to the Mother House in Wilmette, Illinois.

 The picture on the left – I remember it being taken as I was on the play-ground with other girls watching the posing and taking the photo. 

 The picture on the right is of Lucille Yoergler” playing the accordion and a very good friend of mine.

Cannot be sure  – but it looks like “Rose Mary Brady” sitting at the piano  – another  real good friend and…  I think there is a story I wrote about her.

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