“The GIFT to FLY is so Marvelous”

“Flying is something Special for Every ONE”


“You too, Will Want to FLY Today”

Life is…  kind of funny…

When you first start out in LIFE… as a very small baby… you just have no idea of what you will  end up doing… where you will live… and what kind of a family… will you end up with.


Baby Al 001

Just so LUCKY for  our  little Al Aldrich… “Photo above” that he was born in Florida… a mile from the Ocean, and his older brother, Lee was born up in the north part of America… Saint Louis, where it is so cold at some times in the year… that those folk that can… will visit Florida during those cold months,  just to have some extra FUN… swimming in that great big  and warm Ocean!

Sometimes in Life,  there will be things that happen and they may not be for the best… but at that same time… you are in that family, and that just could be an extra special and very good thing for you… as this  very special experience,  for you… is something  that… just does not happen for everyone!

Little Al’s father had been shot while working on the Saint Louis Police Department, and now needed more medical treatments in that Hospital  up there,  and right away.

Well now, this family has lots of changes and arrangements to make and fast.

The most important  and first concern was baby Al at the age of eighteen months of age.

DADDY… Lee Sr.,  will now be in a Hospital for several months, and MOMMY will need to go  to Saint LOUIS, too! 

So right NOW… we will need to find someone to care for our little  “baby Al” for maybe a month or so, till we find a place to rent on a temporary basis, while we will be living  there , in Saint Louis… which will also… be as near as we can get to the hospital.

This story is about our dear Al… as seen in the Airplane below.

How does one get that thought to “FLY”  when….  there are no Pilots in the family?

This came to me while thinking about  our  “KING AL”… as he  has books published… and he is “KING” in every way possible.

We did find a family which would care for our son, AL and one of the questions that she did ask of  me was, “Is he “Potty trained”? 

Of course, he is as we do have a “POTTY chair” for him, but at the age of eighteen months… nothing is ever perfect?

So Al stayed with this family almost a month… as his Dad, Lee, Sr.  was now in the Hospital and I have found for us a rental place and… it is pretty close to the Hospital.

The family in Florida makes all the arrangements with Eastern Airlines for our 18 month old son, AL  to Fly, and all alone… as I will be at the Lambert Airport in Saint Louis, to receive him… when he arrives.

It was so wonderful to see our little AL, all dressed so nicely and standing so nice and tall… and I took pictures of him in the brown suit of clothes he had on… I do have photos of him at the Airport… if only …I could find  those photos  and in a hurry to also post … right now.

Since this “Airplane” trip took place so early in LIFE for “AL”… I  just feel that it made a forever and  lasting  impression on him … in  that he just had to take up “FLYING”… at the tender age of seventeen … and he continued to Fly and purchase the plane you see him sitting in.

There are so many and very good things, that I can tell you about “FLYING”… that I do believe, that you too… all readers of his story… will also, just want to start to FLY right NOW…  TODAY!

Posted in Childhood, Family, Grandma, Today and tagged , with 1 comment.


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