“Celebrating: Johnny Mathis”

Born in 1935, singer-songwriter Johnny Mathis is still going strong — 64 years after recording his first album.

Johnny Mathis – 1935

The pop crooner is best known for songs such as “Chances Are,” “Misty,” and “Wonderful, Wonderful.”




Larry 306
I remember approx 60 years ago his music was great..
His voice was special and crystal clear. It sounds the same now…
It seems like he started to fail when it came out he is Gay.. Back then that was horrible..
Even the radio stations in Connecticut wouldn’t play his records. I’ll never forget that..
Saw him in 1972 and it was awesome.
He made the house turn some of the amps off and tweaked the sound to perfection.


Alice Britnell
I absolutely adore this man.

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“From the White House” 1/25/1941

KJV 1611

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May be an image of text that says 'THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON TANS January 25, 1941 TO the Armed Forces: SIReT As Commander-in-Chief I take pleasure in commending the reading of the Bible to all who serve in the armed forces of the United States. Throughout the centuries men of many ths and diverse origins have found in the Sacred Book words of wisdom, counsel and inspiration, It is a fountain of strength and now, as always, an aid in attaining the highest aspirations of the human soul. i97klo1 Very sincerely yours Fahha Muawel Franklin Roosevelt.'


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“Just Some of my favorite old pictures”

This is a favorite old picture because… WHO in the world would not take notice of a bird sitting on your head…

especially…  after just having spent the night with the Grandchildren and their friends for a late FUN TIME Night of games and story telling and all the things that little young girls like to do… just for FUN!


This is a favorite picture because… I remember this occasion so very well…

When SCHOOL let out and  I was walking with others on Linton Avenue leaving Perpetual Help School… there was a man with his camera and stuff set up on the lawn where we were heading for home.

Back then I was nosy and some of the girls were wondering what this man was doing… so asking …he told us we could have our picture taken and he would see to it, that our parents would receive it.

This was also during the WWII years and people were  NOT spending their money foolishly… and this man did not ask for any money…so there I am!

As a little kid… never thought about this picture taking, but one day this   person showed up  at our door.

When he pulled out the photos…my Mother thought that they terrific and paid for them…

Sometimes… some things just have a way of  working out… just fine!


1944 ME 001

This Photo of me and my brother Tommy… was one that I always like as it shows the way I was always ready to start dancing around.

There was only the radio  back in these times, and some of the music was just exactly what my feet would like to start dancing around to.

We also had many records to put on the record player… just so that we had good music that we all liked… as my Mother was a terrific dancer too!

ME & Tom 001

This photo of me… is when I was being taken care during the weeks that my Mother would be in the Hospital have another little brother for me to play with.

I always did like a rocking chair and a doll to hold… so easy to please and just as good as I could be… seems that I was pleased with just living.

ME rocking 001

This is the best of photos, since I was just eight months old… and on the back of this photo, my Mother wrote all of the things that I could do.

ME @ 8mo 001

I am guessing that when you are the first child in the family, the parents have plenty of time…  just to devote to the baby.

With the parents always talking to me, and taking me places… seems that all I needed to do … was listen, and just start following all of the clues set before me…

How else do you get the hang of living well,  accomplished… guess that is why we are given those five (5) senses … touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste .

They sure do come in handy … when you are learning… just like I have been  learning for all of these years… and as, I have  been… and have had time to enjoy!

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“Stand by Me” Cover Story


“Stand by Me” Cover Story

(Acapella Soul) Wonderful!

New York Central Park

* Please watch headphones.

You can listen to a base with a sense of weight 2017 8.21

Cover Story Acapella Soul Stand by Me NY Central Park


This is the kind of street performance i like to see. You can clearly tell it’s raw and unedited because you can hear other people in the background. Pure talent, no extra mic effects. Awesome job guys, thank you for sharing! ❤️
 @nii adjei dsane  it’s not edited
I’ve seen these guys in person, they sound even better in person
Mary Cruz
This song will never get old.
Beautiful people in this video is happiness to people like us watching and listening to them.
Great show forever and ever! With Love 💕

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NATIONAL VOTER REGISTRATION DAY – Fourth Tuesday in September (1)

National Voter Registration Day on the Fourth Tuesday in September urges citizens to register to vote. Make your vote count!

More than 300,000 Americans registered to vote on the inaugural day of the observance in 2012. That number jumped to 800,000 in 2018. The day helps to ensure eligible voters register in their districts each year. The awareness campaign provides valuable information for each state, too. Timed ideally a few months before some of the bigger elections of the year, the day places information in the hands of the voters at the right time.  

There are hundreds of local, state, and national organizations driving the day and bringing it to you, too. Partner organizations help also by coordinating thousands of public events to bring awareness about ballot initiatives, local elections, and voter registration.

HOW TO OBSERVE #VoterRegistrationDay

If your right to vote means anything to you, make sure you are registered. While registration isn’t required in every state, every state has minimum requirements. Knowing what they are and being prepared to vote is an important part of a democracy.

Learn about your voter rights and requirements. Be informed by checking where your polling place is. You can also learn more about mail-in voting. If you have any questions about voter registration, all the answers are conveniently located in one place. Each state has different requirements. So, if you’ve moved recently, be sure to know the requirements where you live. Make your vote count. Visit www.nationalvoterregistrationday.org to learn more.

Register to vote and use #VoterRegistrationDay to post on social media.


The National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) established the first National Voter Registration Day on September 25, 2012.  In 2014, the NASS established the Fourth Tuesday of September as the official day for National Voter Registration Day.


Voter FAQ

Q. How do I find out if I’m registered to vote?
A. Visit vote.org and fill out this online form to find out if you’re registered.

Q. I don’t have a driver’s license. Can I still register to vote?
A. Yes!  You can use one of the following:

  • Register with your state-issued non-driver ID.
  • If you don’t have either a driver’s license or non-driver ID, some states allow registration using the last four digits.
  • Other states require the entire social security number for registration.

Q. Which states do not require voter registration?
A. North Dakota is the only state that does not require voter registration.

Posted in Family, Grandma, Today and tagged with no comments yet.

“Who is WHO and What is NEW”

There is just  something extra… about this PHOTO… one thing  for sure, is that it was taken at least  a hundred years ago!

When I was a young teenager, I was going through some old PHOTOS that my Mother had in a box, and was just looking at all of the older relatives that were in our family, and asking questions.

Today, I am thinking that, when I was told who was who  in these photos, I should  have had a pencil and pad of paper to white down the information that my Mother was giving, instead of just thinking that I would be able to remember all of this information…forever.

So many of the photos in this box were taken, way before my time, and like this photo, the style of dress and the length of these dresses was way before me, even being born.

MOM 1920 002

Starting with that which I now know, in the center is my Grandmother to be Anne Smart Brady, and she had thirteen children, of which were two daughters, Irene and Marie.

In this photo is a very young “MARIE” standing on the right, and in a very white dress, and standing with the two in such very dark, maybe even black material and even with the white dots, little Marie’s dress just seems to fade out, as maybe the photographer did not have the best of camera for picture taking, that day.

If the very young Marie was born in 1900, then maybe she is in her teens on this picture, as I am guessing, that those long dresses that they are wearing, were still in Vogue.

The young lady on the left is the one that I cannot be sure, if I am remembering correctly or not, but she or another woman related to the Brady’s did play the piano, better than anyone that  I can remember.

There was one person in the family, that would play the piano at the theater in those days, as the movies were silent and there was a need for music to correspond to the action going on, in the movie.

I do remember MOM telling me, that this person could play any kind of music,  the place she would be seated at the piano was close enough for her to watch the movie and just as fast as those scenes would change… the music she played would keep the audience in the emotions of what they were seeing.

When the movies were finally equipped with their own sound system… those who  had  these jobs,  that put LIVE and Death and every other kind of sound into those movies, that the people were watching… had to make changes, and put their talents in to other and maybe  even better careers … as there were lots of changes going on, in those early years of 1900.

America was growing with all sorts of creative people, making and doing all kinds of new things, even inventing  more, since there was such a demand for new and better ways, to do all kinds of things.

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