“The Old YEAR ends with a ‘NEWYEAR’ Starting”

Ben Stein – I’m Taking Action!

Many Thanks!   for your sincere  “Confession”    – 

America had just about pushed  all of its  “Decency Buttons”  out of  control!

Our  Fore – fathers wanted religious freedom for all  – but they  relied  on the  “Bible” for the laws – do not kill   –  do not steal , etc.,    and for inspiration  needed  –  when they endured such hardships,   we   today  –    just could not bear up under!

Live and let live   –  Love your neighbor as yourself?

What ever happened to extending a  “little  Charity ”  to your fellow man   –  we could all use a helping hand  now and then and “Charity”  starts at  “Home”  –  in more ways than  we bestow.

“Prayer”  all the time I was growing up   –

“Prayer”  came before everything we did!  

There was  “Prayer”   when we got up out of  bed – while making the bed. “Prayer”  before and after eating   meals  –  each and every meal! 

“Prayer” before school  started and before tests  and before basketball games  –  before baseball games!  When the day was done  –

  “Prayer”  before going to sleep! 

How in the world could you ever think of doing anything with out  “Almighty Creator”     being a part of  our safe ventures ?

I’m hoping more will read  “the Word”  and take “Action” –  to reverse our “internal disease!” 

Everyone needs  to  “put their  Trust  in God!”   

What other country  –  has all their currency  marked… 

    “In God We Trust”       –      Our Almighty Creator Loves Us!

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“Year END…Just so may HOURS …Away”

“Close OUT the YEAR… IDEAS”

Dull Facts…  make Exciting Story!

My son, Lee Jr. and I were talking on the telephone – when he started to give me some ideas of old stuff I had done a long time ago.

All kinds of silly  old stuff, that one would put in  that…“FILE 13” –

Lee was telling me to write something about that which…  everybody would like to hear about.

I’m telling him, that I want or would  like to be reminded about stories that I had told him or someone in the family, that he remembers … and if I were to re-tell them now, would these  old  stories mean something special to the reader,  and would  they also be… something  that…  they would really enjoy?

The time just seems to  fly by so fast, when you  realize that you are actually… talking about “NOTHING!”

The days between ” Christmas and New Year’s” – are those days, that we do not know what we  really should be doing … everything and  anything special  was done… because these days are  NOW… just a few “extra days of the year”  … with no special plans previously made for, to do something, as we are really too tired to think!

Also… some of us are on “HOLIDAY” from work and without a regular schedule to work from – “WE ARE LOST!”

We all have heard a million times of all the “NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS” we should be making and  also… we need to make amends for all the wrongs – and resolve to make this coming year,  “a much better than any other year” –

Looks like, that we are  NOW  – – moving up and in to a better than ever position in time! 

This requires … if we could  hopefully maybe start using our  BRAINS… for something more important than… just  a “HAT RACK!”

It is very important that … we look back and take note of some corrections that we can make toward  putting  forth…  a much better effort in all that we are now planning.

Let us resolve  to make our life and those lives of our family much better.

Have a pencil and pad of paper ready for this list – so that by writing down  and making good notes of all that needs to be done, now… we are making sure we have a written record and  a date  of this … with dates as to when we are going to do so and so,   and  or start new resolves to correct ways that were not productive in the past.

This of course takes time – but we will find  that, this will be the best start for a new and fully ambitious  and aspiring as well as  fully motivating  new person we will be in this NEW YEAR!

Time spent now on our plans to make ourselves a much better person to be…  and to live with – will make wondrous results in all aspects of our life – today, tomorrow and forever!  D.V.


“Happy New Year to one and to All… with many Blessings from our wonderful Creator”

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“Viewed as the “King of Ragtime,” Scott Joplin “

Scott Joplin’s New Rag | Cory Hall, pianist-composer


The ragtime tune “The Entertainer” by the classically trained musician Scott Joplin is registered with the U.S. copyright office.


He also registered two other songs: “A Breeze from Alabama” and “Elite Syncopations.”





Scott Joplin’s “Scott Joplin’s New Rag”, composed by Scott Joplin and recorded and published in 1912 under the auspices of Scott Joplin, is a ragtime piece written by Scott Joplin in the key of C Major.

Around the time Scott Joplin’s “Scott Joplin’s New Rag” was underway, Scott Joplin was struggling to have the self-published Scott Joplin opera “Treemonisha” performed.

Date: 1912 Performer: Joshua Rifkin on piano


What are Joplin’s two most famous pieces?
He immersed himself in the emerging musical form known as ragtime and became the genre’s foremost composer with tunes like “The Entertainer,” “Solace” and “The Maple Leaf Rag,” which is the biggest-selling ragtime song in history.
Joplin also penned the operas Guest of Honor and Treemonisha.

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“Bible Verses with Rain for Sleep and Meditation – 2 hours (Male Narrator)”

YouVersion Bible Verses for sleep, meditation, and ASMR helps you relax with 16 Psalms from the Bible read to you by a male voice, set to soothing rain sounds.

Made for you by the creators of the YouVersion Bible, YouVersion Rest features 2 hours of calming audio Bible readings to help you start your morning Christian meditation, or relax and go to sleep after a long day.

These Psalms loop on repeat so that your body, mind, and soul can be continually refreshed by hearing God’s Word from the Bible.

Share with us in the comments what Psalm is your favorite to meditate or fall asleep to!

If you’d like to listen on Alexa or Google Assistant, simply ask Alexa or Google to open YouVersion Rest.

Whatever your day looks like, YouVersion Rest was created to encourage you with a soothing and stress-free experience that gives your soul the rest it needs.

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Pledge of Allegiance Day on December 28th commemorates the date Congress adopted the “The Pledge” into the United States Flag Code. 

Congress formally gave recognition for the Pledge of Allegiance on December 28, 1945. Francis Bellamy receives credit for writing the Pledge of Allegiance. The Youth’s Companion, a magazine for young people, first published it anonymously on September 8, 1892, under the title “The Pledge.” It was written in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America.

In 1923 and 1924, the National Flag Conference inserted text of the pledge into legislation. Though modifications were made, the pledge remained nearly the same. At the same time, the conference didn’t designate it as the official pledge. In its original form, it read:

“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The small changes resulted in this version:

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

On Flag Day in 1954, Congress added the words “under God” in response to the anti-Communist opinion sweeping the country during the Cold War.

HOW TO OBSERVE #PledgeOfAllegianceDay

Learn more about the Pledge of Allegiance, its history and what it means. Recite the pledge. Use #PledgeOfAllegianceDay to post on social media.


Over the years, various attempts to create a national day honoring the Pledge of Allegiance have reached Congress. Others have failed. Around the country, Pledge Days, large and small, focused on the history of the pledge, the flag, and the Nation as a whole. We recount some of those efforts below. Interestingly, none of the exercises in patriotism point to a holiday taking place on December 28th. 

Grade School Movement

In the 1970s, a movement took root aimed to set Pledge of Allegiance Day on April 30th. The significance of the date points to President George Washington’s inauguration on April 30, 1789. The third-grade students and their teacher, Mrs. Priore from Cleveland Hill School in Cheektowaga, NY, launched the campaign. Their campaign gained some ground with editorials and articles published across the country. However, their efforts never resulted in any continuing observance.

Congressional Designations

In 1982, Congress received a submission for National Pledge of Allegiance Day, but they took no action.

That same decade, the House reviewed a Joint Resolution to designate September 8, 1988, as Francis Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance Day. While they referred the document to the Post Office and Civil Service Committee for review, no further action resulted.

The following year, National Pledge of Allegiance Day returned. The House passed H.J.Res. 253 designating September 8, 1989, as National Pledge of Allegiance Day in commemoration of the first day “The Pledge” appeared in print. The resolution also called for the Pledge of Allegiance to be included in the 500th anniversary commemorative activities celebrating the discovery of America. The anniversary took place in 1992. That year, a commemorative stamp was issued.

In 2004, the Senate passed Resolution 378 designating June 14, 2004, as National Pledge of Allegiance as a way to reaffirm the United States flag as a unique symbol of the United States and its ideals.

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12 Days of Christmas - December 25th - January 5th

While many people automatically think of the song, the Twelve Days of Christmas celebrates the days after Christ’s birth on December 25th. The twelfth day lands on January 5th and is often called the Epiphany. This is the date the magi, or the three kings, were believed to arrive in Bethlehem.

The Twelve Days of Christmas have been celebrated in Europe since before the Middle Ages. Each day celebrates a feast day for a saint.

The Twelve Days are as follows:

  • 1st Day: the birth of Christ
  • 2nd Day: St. Stephen – the first Christian martyr
  • 3rd Day: St. John the Apostle – one of Jesus’s disciples
  • 4th Day: The Feast of the Holy of Innocents – the baby boys King Herod killed when trying to find and kill baby Jesus
  • 5th Day: St. Thomas Becket – Archbishop of Canterbury in the 12th century murdered for challenging the King’s authority over the Church
  • 6th Day: St. Egwin of Worcester – A Benedictine monk
  • 7th Day: Pope Sylvester I – one of the earliest Popes
  • 8th Day: Mary, the Mother of Jesus
  • 9th Day: St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen – two 4th century Christians
  • 10th Day: Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus – celebrates the naming of Jesus of in the Jewish Temple
  • 11th Day: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American saint
  • 12th Day: St. John Neumann who was the first Bishop in America

Traditionally, celebrations took place each day. However, the biggest celebration was held on the Twelfth night. This night is also known as Epiphany Eve. The last night is also when most people take down their Christmas decorations.


The Twelve Days of Christmas is a predominantly Catholic celebration. However, Christians of every denomination can celebrate these 12 important days. Most Christians celebrate the birth of Christ. To participate in the remaining 11 days:

  • Instead of opening every gift on Christmas day, open one on each of the 12 days instead
  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen or give to someone in need
  • Celebrate the season with someone who doesn’t have family nearby
  • Read the entire Gospel of Luke, which gives a Biblical account of the birth of Christ
  • Since you’re already humming the famous Christmas carol, go ahead and start singing the Twelve Days of Christmas
  • Share this festive time on social media with #TwelveDaysOfChristmas


The Twelve Days of Christmas were first proclaimed by the Catholic Church during the Council of Tours in 567. It was to be a sacred and festive season. During the Middle Ages in England, the Twelve Days of Christmas were a time of continuous feasting and merrymaking. The early colonists to North America celebrated their own version of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Today, many denominations choose to only celebrate the first and last of the twelve days. Other days in between that are commonly celebrated include Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day.

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