“Happy Birthday Grandma Lulu”

     “Remembering Great Grandma Aldrich – Stanley”

        “Grandma Louise Aldrich-Stanley born 1881”

How could we forget,   “GRANDMA Lulu” –   the grand-children always have a way to shorten their  “GRANDMAS”  name,   to something  short,  simple and easy for them to say.  So,  with  “Grandma Lulu” we also have, a “Grandma GoGo”  and everybody knew exactly,  who  and which “Grandma”  the  Grand-children  were referring to,  as they were learning to talk  and connect to the different adults.

GM Lulu with Al 001 This is “Grandma Lulu”  and she is holding our brand new baby “AL”   and we were, back then,  living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Have a quick guess “Grandma Lulu” would be “138” years old,  today. She did like to travel by “Greyhound Bus”  travelling to one son or daughter’s home to another,  and when ever there was a “newborn”  in the FAMILY ,  she would  always want,  to be there  just to HELP!

So,  this trip by “BUS” was a long one,  coming from Saint Louis, Missouri area, to Florida, so-  I  just had to ask her,  “WHY  travel by BUS?”  and HER  answer left me  really “thinking” – because her answer was, “I just LOVE   to talk to lots of people and when you are travelling by BUS,  you have more opportunity to meet  more people and learn more information  about things,  that you never knew before!” Lee & Al 001

This,  was very  HARD for me to believe ,  as all of  the years that I knew her, she was very “HARD of HEARING”   and,  whenever I would be talking to her,  I had to talk so LOUD,  that  usually  everyone,  but “Lulu”  heard and knew what I said.  BUT, let me whisper   something to someone,  not wanting  her to hear, you guessed right,  she heard every word!   This next  all  FAMILY get-to-gather  was  just weeks before  “BABY AL”     was to arrive!

This  last PHOTO is   just a  couple of weeks later,   “Grandma Lulu” with  both “Grandsons”  Lee Jr., and our  new baby,  “AL!”Grandmababy 001

“Happy Birthday “Great Grandma, Louise” with many Blessings from our Almighty Yahweh!”    D.V.

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“Happy Birthday Paul on Memorial Day”


               Memorial Day – Man in Uniformimg050

Today  – May 30th – 2019 is the original Memorial Day  – the day to remember Civil War Veterans – but since we had to continue with  ALL Wars, and  we now include all War Veterans,  because we  all need an extra day or  two, just  to  make visits to   each  and every grave site  and “Decorate the Military Cemetery  with American Flags”  so  we do need  all of  the extra days.

  Today we celebrate Memorial Day  on the Monday right before the 30th of May and  that makes for a nice extended time to give HONOR to those,   that gave  the ultimate gift, their LIFE  for our FREEDOM, which  with  increasing days and times  so that  now,  we  all have a three-day weekend to Celebrate and give full honor to all our Veterans,  remembering them  in our PRAYERS,  to  pray that one day  soon,  if at all possible,  we will not have to ever have another War!

Paul Jung is the Veteran, today!  It is also his Birthday, TODAY!   Paul Jung was also in my class in German St. Vincent’s Orphan Home and I remember him saying that,  when he was a little kid,  “He could not figure out why he was a  “DECORATION” on his  own “BIRTHDAY”  just because,  everyone was doing all this and that,  and going to the cemetery,  and it was his Birthday”  so, now that I think about it,  I think he was kind of  “left out of the Birthday celebration”  just no  celebrating  going on for him? Only vague  memories, of what I heard and was told, as  I was not there,  and do not know  for sure how his childhood “Birthdays” were celebrated. So, from all of us   “old Grandma’s”  –  we wish you a  very “Happy Birthday Paul”   and  may Heaven be the best place to be – NOW  and forever!     D.V.

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“Memorial Day Memories from Son, Lee”

A Veteran Speaks…

My son’s thoughts, as he was listening to  Taps,  on  the  radio, this Memorial Day.  Lee,  remembers  as a young Boy Scout, and  in  his SCOUT uniform, he and his Troop went to Jefferson Barracks – St.Louis, MO., to put American Flags, on the grave  of each Fallen Solider.

The above being done, and not knowing  then, what the future would hold,  that in just a very  few short years, that  he would be wearing a Navy Uniform,  aboard the, CV61 USS Ranger – The Flag Ship of the Admiral of the 7th Fleet.


Lee said,  “Brings me to earlier this week, getting out  our  “American Flag”  to run up the pole for this “Memorial Day”  because,  I know I am a Proud American, and I Love My Country.”     D.V. 


“Just hope that some of this – sticks with you…Partner?”

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“The Best of MUSIC and Words for MEMORIAL DAY”

91.5 FM radio

Did you hear the Complete Story program this weekend, Dick Bott, produced for Memorial Day?  You must go online and listen to the whole program. The information and history of Decoration Day,  the original  name, then changed to include all War Heroes,  combining all services and Unknown Heroes, now celebrated as Memorial Day, the last Monday of May.

If you are not as old as me, you may not have heard,  “Red Skelton”  recite the “Pledge of Allegiance,”  – this is necessary for us today,   to  remember  God,   He   must  be acknowledged by  all   of us – Americans!!


“America”-   was sung byCharlie Rich” –

…  and when you hear him perform and sing  “America” –  you will want  only him, to always sing  “America”.   It was “Top of  the  Charts!”

And Dick Bott  had as the  ‘send off ‘ for his half-hour program, “Sandi Patty” –  singing the, “Star Spangled Banner” – which gave me  ‘goose bumps’!!!   It was the best  rendition  I’ve heard,   and his whole program should win an award!!!

Remember the reason for the holiday, and give  –   “Thanks to  Almighty Yahweh –  for all those  who serve – especially those who had to give the ultimate  “GIFT” –  their LIVES!”    D.V.

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“Lee Aldrich, Jr. being REMEMBERED on Memorial Day”



                   Fly your FLAG -Today!

Lee Aldrich_001

My son, LEE G. ALDRICH Jr.

When you are in the NAVY,  you just LOVE to hear: “NOW HEAR THIS!”  And  also: “ALL HANDS ON DECK!”

I’m guessing that when you are on the “HIGH SEAS”  everything is an emergency,  because you will either sink or swim, unless you have the power of the “ALMIGHTY”  looking after you and guiding you all along the way, whatever your destination may be.  BUT, and let us never forget, to be protected, “WE” and  “YOU”  must PRAY and ASK  for PROTECTION,  against  the  enemy, wherever  “IT”  may lie!

Let us never forget,  to remember all of our VETERANS and all of our SERVICE MEN and WOMEN today, and FOREVER,   they are the earthly GUARDIANS, that were sent to protect AMERICA, and our only   “HOPE is to keep AMERICA  Strong”  for all generations to follow!       D.V.

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“Tom Aldrich being REMEMBERED on MEMORIAL Day”

“This is TOM Aldrich and,   In the 1960’s,  when Tom was in the Army – the K-9 group –  he was in HEAVEN, since he just LOVED  training and working  with dogs  as  he had some extra  special communication skills,  with animals and the “DOG,”  was the best  place for his talents to be used.      This is  a very young TOM and his  “WAR DOG, SHANE” …

So, to all the Veterans,  and to those that are in the “SERVICE” Today,  “YOU”  are the ones that protect and keep AMERICA  a NATION,  under the direction of our “Almighty Creator Yahweh”    a “land of  FREEDOM”  for all,  and if we all stand UNITED with our AMERICAN  FLAG,  flying  high, above us all, and at all  times, remembering,   that it  is,  when we all work together,  in unity  that,   we will be  a NATION always protected,  while  knowing that to LOVE our neighbor  will make our  “LIFE worth LIVING,”  NOW and Forever more!        D.V. 

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