“Remembering the VETERANS… FOREVER”

A Veteran Speaks out… Lee Aldrich Jr., my son son, USN

My son’s thoughts, as he was listening to  Taps,  on  the  radio, this Memorial Day, Lee,  remembers  as a young Boy Scout, in uniform, he and his Troop went to Jefferson Barracks   St.Louis, MO., to put American Flags, on the grave  of each  Fallen Solider.

The above being done, and not knowing what the future holds; that in just a few short years, he would be wearing a  Navy Uniform,  aboard the,  CV61 USS Ranger – The Flag Ship of the Admiral of the 7th Fleet.

Lee said,  “Brings me to  just earlier this week, getting out  the, American Flag, to run up the pole for… Memorial Day,   because I know…  I am a Proud American…  and – –  I Love My Country!”

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91.5 FM radio…

Did you hear the Complete Story program this weekend, Dick Bott, produced for Memorial Day?  You must go online and listen to the whole program. The information and history of Decoration Day,  the original  name, then changed to include all War Heroes,  combining all services and Unknown Heroes, now celebrated as Memorial Day, the last Monday of May.

If you are not as old as me, you may not have heard,  “Red Skelton”  recite the “Pledge of Allegiance,”  – this is necessary for us today,   to  remember  God,   He   must  be acknowledged by  all   of us – Americans!!!

“America”-   was sung by “Charlie Rich” –  and when you hear him perform and sing “America” –  you will want  only him, to always sing “America”. It was “Top of  the  Charts!” And Dick Bott  had as the  ‘send off ‘ for his half-hour program, “Sandi Patty” –  singing the, “Star Spangled Banner” – which gave me  ‘goose bumps’!!!   It was the best  rendition  I’ve heard,   and his whole program should win an award!!!

Remember the reason for the holiday, and give  –   “Thanks to  Almighty Yahweh –  for all those  who serve – especially those who had to give their LIVES!”

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82nd Airborne… TOM  Mc Clarren, my  ‘little’  brother and  he was  ‘six-foot’ … in the 8th grade!

If someone in their formative years, continually, seeks out different  and unusual ways  of making an entrance, would we be amiss to discover his Life’s Vocation? Today, as fast as , Living Life 101, is going for each of us, we are not directing our children into the  Field of Study, that would take them on and into a career  more in-tune with their , ‘natural abilities’.

I believe, we all come with,  strong intuitive powers,  but… by the age of seven we have had so much early correction, we are more, logical minded. In Tom, he is highly intelligent, with strong reasoning and remembering ability.

So, with all his, high flying Dives on Broadway, (small joke), it is good to note that Tom did well with the 82nd Airborne Division’s, 504th Infantry,  Fort Bragg, N.C.  ‘Three Cheers’,  for all the Service Men and Women, this Memorial Day!!!     “God Bless America”

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“Thomas H. Aldrich with his War Dog “Shane”


“Memorial Day” – remembers Dogs – Dolphins – Seals…

Tom & Shane 001


“Memorial Day” remembrance would not be complete without  “Thanking” those who do not speak our language – but learn to speak and learn to serve and work  in necessary fields  in our Armed Forces – Army and Navy.

First the above photo is Thomas H. Aldrich with his War Dog “Shane” – serving in Korea 1964-1965  – – Dog Platoon – – K-9 Corp  – Tom always had a dog at home – before and after being in the service. His passion was having “German Shepherds”  training them for his own home and for those who wanted a well trained dog – a dog that would  be  a family member – to protect you and guard your home. His training of a dog was  superb – in that you could talk to your dog and the dog talked with you – in other words –  instinctively – you each knew what and where  and how to get a job done.

Second, my younger son, Lee G. Aldrich  –  joined the NAVY  and was telling about when he was stationed in the San Diego base area – that –  they had  the NAVY’s Marine Mammal Fleet  – where they were training  the “Bottle-nose Dolphins” and the “California Sea Lions” – and the training was the same and or even better than   the training – –  that would be used for the “German Shepherds” – –  “Military Dolphins” did the same work that the “German Shepherd” did – but under the sea – in the water – along side the ships – – searching for the lost NAVAL swimmer or  even to do rescue work finding people and objects – where even the members of the ship could not go  – and or perform the work needed to be  done… as well as this “K-Dag – Dolphin” making their work  highly   rewarded  – for what they were able to do.

One of the tasks that required specialized training was  to be able to equip the “Dolphins” in finding mines and this alone – saved LIVES of our young men – our specialized teams that do the training deserved every dime  – that – this government can give  – to promote their  work in the training of the “Dolphins” and the Sea Lions” for  the combined work – requiring the young men in the NAVY and  to the  best of our friendly mammals  in our oceans – those that can  make a  top notch match of performing jobs – that saves  LIVES!

My feeling is that we sometimes  forget the tremendous job  that our “Dolphins, Seals and German Shepherds” do for us  – – –  with the   specialized training  – they  are truly “LIFE Savers” saving  so many LIVES – that we just cannot  continue to work without their help to  provide protection  for the American People  and the American  Freedoms –  that  – and –  when –  we all work together   – standing United under our FLAG –  we are always willing to help each Nation requiring our help!

United  – we ask the Almighty Yahweh to bless  all of our MEN in all the Armed Forces  and  we  give Thanks – that the Almighty has thought to give  to us the “extra  special help”  we need –  – by providing us with some of HIS most talented   “Animals” that  – help “Save LIVES!”  We are Grateful and Thankful for YOUR protection  to each and every serviceman  and the special “animal” that he  will work with – in the care and  training to protect America!     AMEN     D.V.

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“Decoration Day!” – “Now… Memorial DAY and BIRTHDAY”


“Memorial Day” – and “Birth DATE!” of the late “PAUL A.  JUNG”


“WOW!”  – “What a day to be born on…  May 30th – and guess what?”   –  “My Mother always – called me her  little… decoration” – since I  was born on the day – that she only remembered as “Decoration Day!”  “This is what “PAUL  A. JUNG”  – as you see – above –  in his military photo,  – so  very… and many years ago – told me !”  –  “Paul Jung” with his brothers and sisters were also in the “German Saint Vincent Orphanage”  and  PAUL  – – graduated in the same class as I did.” 

Today –  is the “DAY” that President Kennedy had requested  – that all of America  take the time at 11:00 A.M.  – – to spend a few minutes to remember all  of our “fallen soldiers” –  give a few  moments or minutes in prayer!   “A FEW”  – does that still mean at least “FIVE” ??? – why can we not give more –  than only  “FIVE” minutes –  –  time to remember –  those who gave all that they had – their precious  LIVES!”

“Here’s one  more thing – might just say   – “Food for Thought” – give a few more  minutes in prayer for all of our “service men and women”  – and also include asking – the Almighty Yahweh for more protection for America – since we have so many people who want to change all of our “Biblical Beliefs”  which  would completely ruin America – should we ever forget  – that our Creator –  the ONE – who gave to  us – –  all that we have!” ********* “In GOD We TRUST” – – D.V.

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“Happy Birthday to our “Grandma Lulu” –


“A – “Great” Grandma’s Birthday!”

Grandmababy 001

“Happy Birthday to our  “Grandma Lulu” – today…  on the 31st of May, 2015…   from little baby Al and big brother Lee!”

This photo was taken when baby Al was three or four weeks old  – in what you would call  “cold” weather  – if you lived in Saint Louis, Missouri  – but lucky for us this was in January, 1962 in much  warmer   weather  – Fort Lauderdale,  Florida.

In looking at this photo… here is what I see…  today – Little Lee  is still trying to get used to the fact  – that he NOW has a little baby brother,  Al   – and since  “Grandma Lulu” is not always living with us  – just came to stay for a few months from Saint Louis –  so.. little Lee is starting to feel like he is not the center of everything   – he has to share his time with the new baby  – so… he is trying to give his “Grandma” a couple of hugs and pats around her neck – – – just as she is giving to baby Al … so…. –  in this way he is  still in the picture of things going on  and all with getting used to sharing  in some or  all  of the time , too – – with his brother and everyone who comes to visit and see a new born baby???

(What do you think???)

Just in case  and for those who do not know “Grandma Lula” she was born in Germany in 1881 and that would be celebrating her 134th Birthday today!  Grandma’s full name – Louise Vosmeyer Aldrich Stanley – and if I remember correctly she had twelve children – my husband was the seventh and that made him extra special. Grandma Lula had told me  that – when she came to America from Germany – she had no special shills  – so she took jobs cleaning and cooking in homes of well to-do folks.

One special memory that I have is that  –  when I first met her  – she was living in Dixon, Illinois – taking care of a woman – older than herself – she did light cleaning and cooking  – – – and on this particular meeting – we were picking her up  – –  to bring back to the Saint Louis area — –  but she  had to finish  making a “Pumpkin Pie”  –  for the “woman’s dessert that evening – and when she came to live with us  – she could whip up a “coffee Cake”  faster than anybody  – – I had to get a “cook book” out  to make one. Nothing smells better than to have fresh baking “Coffee Cake” for breakfast.

Looks like to me  – that the Almighty Yahweh  watches over all of His creations – and sends extra blessings to them  – just when they need them – “Grandma Lulu” was well blessed with a wonderful   Family of some of the best of  the very best children!

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Today… is the DAY to REMEMBER for ever”

“It is this moment – – and only this one moment — we are are sure of”




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“Memorial Day is a Day to REMEMBER…”

This first song…”My Country… ‘Tis of  Thee… sweet land of Liberty” …  with the piano playing – –   each and every note – –  hit so strong  and slowly.. giving the young  children… enough time to sing the  song together and learn the words – – so that each time – – the music pace is  just a little faster – – and eventually all the young students have the song memorized – – and hopefully…forever.



This next song… “AVE Marie” is one song having so much feeling  for me – – in that – – when my MOTHER  had died and the funeral would start at  “Saint Francis Assisi Church for Mass – – then to the  Calvary Cemetery … for burial – – – it was as if my MOTHER was there. The FUNERAL was on MONDAY morning and “SUNDAY” was “MOTHER’s DAY” —-  the students were in CHURCH  – – –  and the one song that I remember them singing… was the “AVE MARIA” – – and they sang…and sounded just like ANGELS in HEAVEN – – with the most beautiful of  voices – – it was the best thing – – that could have happened – – to welcome my MOTHER – – to the final resting place… for all of eternity.      “and  to hear…Ave Maria –  by Luciano Pavarotti  – – is like hearing the ANGELS voices”



“Ave MARIA” by “Mario Lanza” is the first way  – – that is recorded in a MOVIE in the 1940’s 1950’s time frame – – that is … the way he sang  it  – – his voice gave the song so much  to it. Since…  we,  ORPHANS  did sing this song in CHURCH – – that is  – when – we  did sing… we did  not put ‘in- to- it’ – – all of the gusto – – that a professional singer could give it.  And TODAY… when this ‘AVE MARIA’ is played – – I sing along  – – and I belt it out – – as if I am on stage – – but  – – my voice  still sounds… terrible!

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