Nov. 22, 1963 – Nov.22, 2013

Fifty years ago – do you remember where you were and what you were doing? People are starting to recall and tell their stories of what they remember and what they will be doing next Friday. Here in Florissant, Missouri – there will be a re-dedication of the JKF Memorial Building ceremony. I am guessing that there will be a large turnout. All the older citizens will have their own stories to tell, and all the young people will listen and learn, since they were kids back then or not even born until much later?

When this happened, our family was here in Saint Louis, I was working at the Telephone Company, my husband was in the hospital and the kids were small, and before we went back to Florida, I wanted to take the family downtown to Famous Barr store to see their special Christmas Show for kids, like I saw when I was a kid! But, due to the murder of President Kennedy, there was a national black out of everything. Television only covered what was happening with the Kennedy Family and Famous Barr Christmas Show was cancelled as was everything pertaining to the Holiday Season. I naturally was upset and had seen more than enough of the re-enactment of the Dallas, Texas motorcade ride, showing the killing of President Kennedy, and now today we find out who was behind the whole situation and who wanted the President out of their way?

Following up on stories about the “Kennedy Family” – I especially liked reading that they have dinner together every evening, and that each child was expected to have read an article in that day’s paper and each child was to give their interpretation of the story and meaning. A current event, maybe something political, to inspire the youngster into the politics of the family ways of life. This family time around the dinner table – giving each child time to voice an opinion on the subject of their own choice, is something I feel more families should do. Work to inspire the kids to be able to talk about a subject they like, talking in front of a group, their family, without fear of being shut down. Daily reading for a new topic each night, and ask for a response at the table and a follow-up.

Public speaking, and learning what the newspapers have printed on the current events of the day, will sharpen the mind and thought process, as well as help the individual to go forward in any field they may choose for their daily living. Inspiration to know and to learn will take people further and help each of us to be more productive. The name of the game is for everyone to be employed.

Motivating your youngsters today,  and balance yourself with good amounts of work, play, and “THANK Yahweh”  our Creator…for all  for all of our great abilities to do so!

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Take Time to Be Thankful

Since I have several “Bibles” – from time to time I have to check a verse with another Bible to see how they have it written out, and if I can receive the message intended for me from the author? The one Bible is from the 1940’s when I was in second grade and has the extra books that this newer Bible, which recently purchased a couple of years ago does not have. There are a couple of other Bibles that I also have been given and each has a different translation, some are easier to read than others – and some are difficult. But, today I read a verse in the older book and looks like the whole book of Psalms is a Chapter Number difference with this newer Bible?

In the older book – I have written the date 09-20-06 and in RED –INK, Be Thankful, Psalm 99 verse 4 – Go, ye into his gates with praise, into his courts with hymns; and give glory to him. Praise ye his name. My thoughts on reading this verse then, had me to write “Be Thankful!” When reading this verse at that time in the month of my birth, must have moved me in a way to realize just how much I have to be grateful for and that Almighty God, my creator has given me so much more than I deserve and that I should never ever forget to give “HIM” praise!

I need to be “Thankful” everyday and every hour of the day – for the family that I am a part of and for the family that I married into. Especially in these older years of my life – my sons and their families – There just is not enough that I can say to be sure that Almighty God knows – how truly grateful I am, because He has given me the “Best of Gifts” – my Grandchildren!


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Best Veteran Movies

When Veteran’s Day rolls around on the calendar for me, it’s like a whole new season of memories! Since my father had been in the U.S. Army and there would be a Parade in the downtown Saint Louis area, we had to be there. Every “Parade” and for the full length – we (Denny Sr., my Dad, Denny Jr., my brother, and Tommy and me) stood there – rain or shine. My brothers and I would sing the words to all the songs as the marching soldiers and bands marched by. These were long and full of color and activity “Parades!”

1944 was the year for the movie, The Fighting Sullivan’s and Ann Baxter, a favorite movie star of my Mother’s – is the reason we had to see that movie. My Mother enjoyed Ann Baxter’s acting and I, a girl and old enough, got to go to the movies (I did not fall asleep during the movies). The movie, The Fighting Sullivan’s, is one of my favorites and I seen it as many times as available, just because the story line is one based on a real family in Iowa!

IF we had more of the George M. Cohan, music such as the song, “Over There” from WWI and the movie “Over There” and a lot of the other songs from 1939 to 1945, I feel that we Americans would be more enthused to get this current “WAR”  over and done with. With the right motivating songs and movies, we Americans could start marching together like the united front we had back then.

The five Sullivan brothers in Iowa, gave us a glimpse of how is was then, and as five brothers had their differences daily, but when America was getting into a “WAR” – they united together so strongly that they were not going to allow anything to harm America and the Freedom that all Americans enjoy. That’s what I see in this movie, and that is exactly what America does not have going for it today!

Today, in America, everybody is against everybody – and we as individuals are each an “all for me-me-only” – “mine and only mine” – and nobody wants to give a helping hand to their neighbor. It is too hard to win any “WAR” elsewhere, when we are at ‘war’ with ourselves?

Let’s watch some of the old timer’s movies, even if they are only in black and white – they have the message of “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR” and learn to live in peace with one another!


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One Day and Its “ALL” Over?

Veterans need more! One day just is not enough for our Veterans! On radio station 91.5fm, yesterday and today  – the rest of the story of a young man, who, is now “BLIND” due to be being in a “WAR” that is  killing and sending our young men and women, home to their families, injured for the rest of their lives. Today’s story on the “Bott Radio Station” family program, is one that more of our young married people should listen to, as these are people today sharing their true life story of keeping “God’s Love” first and foremost in their marriage – the vows they spoke, “for better or worse” – we had better, now we are getting a dose of the “worse.”

The family on this program, the husband was a graduate of West Point, and excelled in everything he was doing. He married a beautiful woman and life would have been a dream comes true. But this young man is sent to a War that America has been sending our young men and woman to, since the election of the first President Bush, and all these years later – we are still in the same “old” War? When does a War stop? And how do we, “America” get ourselves out of trying to “POLICE” the whole world?

Listening to this radio program, just makes you want to do something to try to help this young family? But, HOW? With WHAT? This young man has half of his face blown off, and no eyes? He did state, that he wondered if his beautiful wife would stay with a man in his condition, and cannot see. He is no longer what she saw and sent off to War – her husband when injured was sent to Germany for immediate medical help, and then to Walter Reed Hospital, which when he woke up, never knew what had happened to him or his condition?

I really do not see how we can think that we are helping anyone, when America is ending up with more tragedy on our own “DOOR STEP” – than we need, in addition to all the turmoil going on in this country? We have too many men and women from all the Wars, since the first WW l – which was suppose to be the, “WAR To End All WARS?” What happened?

If we must continue with more “WARS” – we must give all of our “VETERANS” more! And give to them “NOW!”   Giving more compensation to the Veteran to restore all that they have lost and compensation to restore the “VETERAN FAMILY” to a far better than average family. The price of WAR is expensive and “WE AMERICANS” who want to enjoy “FREEDOM” to its fullest, must pay the piper!

Treat the Veteran with the respect he deserves – He is giving His all for America!


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Thank Your Veteran!

Lee Aldrich_001

Thanks to my son, Lee Aldrich Jr. for his years in the Navy aboard the Ranger. Thanks to all the men and women who serve and give their lives for the American Freedom we enjoy under Almighty God’s Love!

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Another Memory of O’Fallon Park!

Before the previous picture of me taken in O’Fallon Park, when I was in High School (Beaumont High) – had an assignment to make a notebook of leaf samples, where they were found, condition of tree and surrounding grounds. I had no idea of where to find all kinds of different trees and be able to get samples, especially of the type of trees not normally seen on the streets of St. Louis, but when I told my “MOM” what I needed to do – she had the solution to my problem, O’Fallon Park.

My Mom and I headed out early one Saturday morning, me with a couple of large envelopes in hand, school notebook and pencils, and off we took toward O’Fallon Park!  If ever, anybody would want a personal teacher, they would want my Mother. She knows all about trees and flowers and knows the Latin spelling – the English name and spelling, and best of all she knows what she is looking at, without having to look all this stuff up in a book. If it were up to me, at that time of my life, I would have to have had a book of the leaf pictures to see what I was looking for – and then I would have gotten lost trying to look for a leaf on a tree that looked like a picture in the book.

I’m tired just thinking as to what would have happened, probably – you would be seeing me lost in the “PARK” still looking today, and probably crying myself sick? “What a nightmare” situation that would have been for me? I did get a good grade for all my hard work, and my report did look like I knew what I was doing, but that really was not the case. To explain to class the tree leaf names and all that I had in my notebook was very difficult, as I and all those big and long “BIOLOGY” words made no sense to me and my mouth could not say nor even come close to saying some of those words.

Needless to say, at the end of the school year, I got an (F) on my report card, and when I was in college and I decided to give “Biology” another chance, why? I do not know, because I got another (F)! In college the professor wanted know why I got an (A) in the Math, and he had to give me an (F) – saying that if you do well in one, you do well in the other? That may be the case with most people but not with me? I wish that I was terrific in all things, but just no way? I did speak up and told him that he could make it a (D) instead, but he must not hear too well, when it comes to suggestions like that!

When I was in High School, and had to give my mother the report card with the (F) on it – I almost thought the end of the world was coming! My mother called the teacher, to see what could be done to change the grade to at least a (D) – but the teacher was not going to make a change – and the last of her conversation to him was, “In a hundred years from now, who will know the difference?” She sent me to “Summer School” so that I would not fall behind. Wow! Just thought of another story!

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