“If I don’t do it…WHO will?”


“Looks like someone …left a lawn mower out… so I guess that I may as well give them a hand… and do what I can…to get this grass cut???”

This is Lee Jr., and he sure does like to grab a hold of the “Lawn and Garden” tools … and see what…if anything he can do… to help do what he sees others doing… just to make the place…look like some lives here and really cares.

Lee Jr.,  just could be …and or near to his 3rd Birthday… and with all  of this Florida Sunshine… his muscles  and strength must really be  kicking into “HIGH”  gear! He never was a kid to just sit in front of the Television and  eat… as some of the children do today.  Lee  must have  had an  internal clock  – installed …in his young body… – that said… you have to do whatever you can… and do it  NOW…to build up a body…that will last as long as you want.

So…I am  for all  those – – that   can do something  – –  just  as soon as they  can…to improve their body…to make it as fit as they can… and since Lee is NOW… much older today…I am happy to say…that he has always done the body-building techniques that help to make you physically fit…for what ever your LIFE’s work will demand of you.

NOW…is the time of the year…to review and reflect on all of the gifts we have received…all these wonderful days of our LIFE… and with Gratitude  and Thankfulness… stop whatever we are doing and remember – –  that without our great CREATOR…to give us that which  we have received…we would be nothing and have nothing.   “Thank YOU Almighty Yahweh…. YOUR GIFTS are the BEST!”  DV


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“MY very FIRST pet…”


My very first puppy…a   FRENCH Poodle …and  we named  her…”Charlie Brown” – – just a big bundle of LOVE!


My  Father has a friend that does all the  work of making a little poodle  …look beautiful…and the best part of  the “Groomer” coming to our house to do the trimming and cutting of the toe nails… “I get to see how it is all done!”

We set up a card table … with newspaper on top…to catch the toe nails and hair…and hopefully keep “Charlie Brown” from making scratches on the top  of  the card table – as we do  use the card table for all of our games…that my friends and I play.

While…Charlie Brown  was standing so nice…for all the cutting of her curly hair …and then she would stand so carefully… while each toe-nail was cut…and she did not cry …she did not put up a fuss…just would stand so calmly  and quiet…as if she knew all about what was going  to be going on…next.  We should give credit to the  “Groomer” – as he had a special way of talking to my puppy… it was as if they were the best of  FRIENDS…and spoke a language …all their own.

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“Getting ready for my …BIRTHDAY!”


Since it will soon be my  BIRTHDAY… just thought that I would  let everyone know…that some of my “scary  friends”  – – would like to make  FRIENDS…  with some of the newer  American wild and silly new creatures…created just for little boys like me…to make up stories of all the new and old  “WORLDS” to be explored …by me and my FRIENDS…especially when they come over to play with me!

My “BIRTHDAY” Invitations have been sent out…so if you did not  receive your invitation…be sure to call my MOM and see if you are  on her  invited list… and …be sure to tell her… that you want to come to my “PARTY”  – – – and that you always have so much  FUN…when you are over here…continue to lay it on thick – – that you  just love BIRTHDAY CAKE and ICE CREAM!

Just so you know… that I am on my best of behavior… as I know that at least ten (10)  of my FRIENDS will be coming over for my  BIRTHDAY… and also that if there are a few that she forgot about – – – my MOM said she will let them also come and have FUN!  My MOM has lots of games and plenty of prizes for everyone to  receive  something…she does not like for any of my FRIENDS  to go home without a special gift, too!

We are decorating the house…NOW – –  we are hanging all kinds of surprises and making some special  things – – that are to be used for the games – – some games inside and some outside… as this is FLORIDA… and we have the best weather at this time of year…just for BIRTHDAYS!

“You are all invited…just tell my MOM…when you show up at the door…LEE said for me to come to the “BIRTHDAY PARTY!”


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