The Chinese New Year GIFT…to GIVE…

Chinese Red Envelope

Red envelopes…… also called red packets, lucky money, or hongbao in Chinese, are a popular monetary gift given on some important occasions or festivals in China and some other Asian countries, especially widely seen during the Chinese New Year (Spring Festival). It is a Chinese New Year gift with money stuffed into red paper to kids. The red packets are usually presented by parents and grandparents to children during Chinese New Year, which is probably one of the most recognized traditions that are observed during the Festival.

Protection:        According to legend a monster known as Sui appeared on New Year’s Eve with the intent of harming children. A sleeping child who was touched by this monster would develop a fever and subsequently become an idiot. However it was said that when their parents prayed sincerely, God sent eight guards disguised as coins to protect them. So people threaded eight coins on red string and placed them under the children’s pillows.  This became an annual custom and the monster Sui no longer came near. As the Chinese Character Year (岁suì) has the same pronunciation with the monster’s name (祟Suì), the people called the coins Ya Sui Qian, meaning “lucky money warding off the evil spirit”. As time passed, paper notes replaced the coins and the envelope replaced the thread.
Share the blessing:      Nowadays, money wrapped in red is a gift not only for kids but also elders, relatives, and sometimes friends. Red is the most popular and auspicious color in China, so people use this way to share blessings and happiness to each other

Children or unmarried members of the younger generation look     forward to receiving lucky money from others, something which is definitely not a privilege that adults enjoy. Once an adult has started earning money, they will begin to give the red envelopes in the Spring Festival. As a wage earner, you will be expected to give money nearly to everyone, kids, elders and relatives, but lucky money seldom goes to you.
Kids:         Adhering to the old tradition, people should give the kids the lucky money if they start to make money. Those targeted as receivers usually will be their own children, nieces, nephews, as well as friends’ and colleagues’ kids. Greetings like wishes for good health and happiness usually go along with the luck money.

Elders:    People who are bread winners, are expected to give money wrapped in red paper to their parents and grandparents. This is a gift to show respect and a grateful heart.

Employees:    The boss in a company will distribute the red envelopes to employees in the working days preceding the Chinese New Year. However, in southern China, people are likely to give “a start back to work” packet (Li Shi) when employees return after the Spring Festival.

Acquaintances’ children:    If coming across an acquaintance with kids, you need to send the packets as well.

Crisp Bills

Most people will be glad to receive new cash, so you’d better acquire some crisp new notes from banks in advance. Some people will wrap change in the envelope, and so puff up the packet.

Right Moment
When you set out on a New Year’s visit, you need to seize the right moment to present the red packet. Once you arrive at your host’s home, you … should pass the red packets to them …when shaking hands and or greeting each other. If they have children, give the lucky money straight away, too. Do not wait… to do it… when it is time to say farewell.


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Celebrate the NEW YEAR of the MONKEY…


May your New Year be filled with tons of happiness, fun and joy,
Let all your dreams turn in to beautiful realities!
Happy New Year Greetings for 2016!


Chinese New Year Greetings

  1. “Hope the rising sun will bring with it bundles of joy, happiness and luck. Happy Chinese New Year!”
  2. “Light the lanterns and usher in another great year with new hopes and aspirations. Happy Chinese New Year!”
  3. “Let this Chinese New Year see you in the best personal as well as professional form.”
  4. “Get rid of the demons of the year gone by and embrace the positives to lead a fulfilling and pleasurable life ahead.    
  5. This is the year of the MONKEY… Have FUN..Let us know that you are enjoying the  very good wishes…




  1. The RED MONKEYthis YEAR.chinese-new-year-wishes

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Looking at a PHOTO …like the above…”What do you see?”

“Do we take TIME to think about where we have been?”

“How about some thought…as to where we want to be?”

“What qualities…talents…abilities and or plans are working?”

“Where do we see ourselves…in the Spectrum of LIFE?”

When we jump into the “Ring of LIFE’…grabbing  a “GOLDEN  RING” in the RAT RACE…that everyone…at some point in LIFE thinks is important to them…but find that they are not prepared and this just is not to their liking.

Each of us is special to our CREATOR…and in LIFE we look for someone to guide us…but sometimes we make the wrong turn… just seem to fall down on the job…and or we wasted some valuable TIME…as that TIME that we are allotted …goes so fast…and we did not really accomplish that which… we had in mind for our position… in LIFE to be.

If only we came here…to EARTH…with an outline of what we are to do…what PATHS we are to follow…who to seek and find as our positive LIFE PARTNER…which will be with us for ever…to the end.  BUT…for our TOMORROWS…it sure does HELP…if we only learn to PRAY…PRAY DAILY…PRAY OFTEN…since the GOOD WORD spells out  for us…some very important information…if only we will take the time to read.

I can still hear my MOTHER…telling me…when she could see that I was at a loss …as to what to do next…”ASK, that is what that mouth on your face is for…to RECEIVE the correct way or information …that you need …SEEK and you will find your answers…to KNOCK on the correct DOOR…guidance is there. Seems that those words …are the very same words that I read in the BIBLE…that my MOTHER gave to me …when I was in the third and fourth grades

A reminder…remember…remember…when you have received good information…and are instructed as to how to find it on your own…you will always be ahead of the game of LIFE. The good and correct answers are there for those that will only take the TIME to SEEK!


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“Quick Rest…on Park Bench!”


With the weather getting a little warmer…sure  does feel good to take a nice brisk walk in the PARK!

When you have a very nice PARK…right in your own back yard…the best thing to do for your HEALTH – – is to get out side with a FRIEND or two  even more…and walk as fast as you can.

The “AIR” is so FRESH and CLEAN – – at this time of the year …  the change of temperatures some  a little on the chilly willy side…and then the very next day – – you have some nice warm weather…it feels so good…you wish that you could have it all year round.

All those that have “DOGS” – – grab that leash and run as fast as you can to your PARK…letting your favorite  “little ole dogie” see all of his friends…getting to pass on the latest NEWS – – that only the “DOG WORLD” can communicate…and keep their-selves  in the know  – – as to WHO made it thru the WINTER months without their daily walks through the PARKS.

Walking through  the PARKS…keeps us and man’s best FRIEND…Healthy…Wealthy…and WISE! Just a good time for filling up those lungs with all that nice clean and fresh oxygen – -will do wonders for our bodies…that have been  doing a first class job of turning into a “couch potato” – – and who of us  wants  to be called an old slouching body!

So… here’s to seeing you walking as fast as you can …in the PARK and even better…stop to give me a big “HUG”  – – just to let others know that we “WALKERS” are having more…energizing moments  that our bodies…and if you have your favorite walking dag…who just loves to get out and meet his old friends, too –  let’s just  find the TIME… for more FUN… now and everyday….”We are NOW meeting in the PARK…for our HEALTH’s  SAKE!

“See you all…in the PARK!”

Posted in Childhood, Grand-Children, Grandma, Todaywith no comments yet.

“Gift of Life…VIDEO to Watch!’

This is just a few words of how I feel – – regarding the best  of GIFTS that we can ever give.

Have you ever gone to a FUNERAL HOME and felt that …if only there was better thought about what is going on…long before hand with  some real planning…the Gift of LIFE to others would be so much more important …than to just have our bodies put in a box and buried…while… there could be …someone just waiting for maybe that which… only you could give to them…a very   valuable part of your body…

No amount of money could buy – – that which your body could do for another…at that time when you are no longer able to continue …here on your personal journey…since  there is a TIME to LIVE… and a TIME to DIE…and a TIME to pass on what we

can…to keep others…keeping on this path in LIFE.


So…I am passing on a POWERFUL VIDEO…if you watch …you will  be inspired to pass this message  on…may the Almighty Bless you abundantly… more than you ever expected!


Powerful Video!!

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“The Original… Music Man!”

Geo. Raft - look-a-like 001

This PHOTO of DENNY H. McClarren…marks him as the “ORIGINAL  MUSIC  MAN” taken while serving in the Philippines…early 1930’s.

This PHOTO and another of him…taken several years later…and the one that I like the most, can not be found. So…here is the story. the PHOTO that I wish that I could show you…my FATHER looks just like Clark Gable…both were born very close in years and same vicinity in OHIO.

When I was in grade school and had seen several movies…had to tell my MOTHER…that I thought DADDY… looked just like CLARK GABLE and of course…she did not think so. I had mention that so many times…but never a word as to why she did not think so.

After a good many years…my Mother told me that she always thought …that my FATHER…reminded her of the movie star, GORGE RAFT. Now that I have come across the above PHOTO…I think that I can see the resemblance to GEORGE RAFT… The differences are in the years of a person…for awhile when we are younger and full of vim and vigor…we could almost look like SUPER MAN.  BUT…after years of wear and tear…just living and the old age of living…without taking care of the health of that good looking body…that we started out with…we are someone else.

No one…when they are young even gives a second thought about what they are doing to their beautiful…they just eat and drink poison…and never give their treasure a good chance to make it to the ripe old age of “One-Hundred!”

So…a word to the wise that will think twice about what you are doing to the best gift you have in hand…use respect in all you do to it… it    will take you places…you have had in your DREAMS!

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