Some days are more special than so many others – because,  TODAY is a GOOD NEWS Day!

Just in case you did not know – It is EASTER SUNDAY  and little guys like me, are out there letting everyone know – have FUN with the FAMILY – and do Nice things for each other- just like me, little ole  me, LEX!

Just need to get these  “ear-phones” on correctly, so that I can hear all of those wonderful questions, “You all” are asking me – and in just a second or two – I will be able to start answering, each and everyone of you  “wonderful friends” of mine!

“I can tell,  by the way that you are looking at me – that you think that I do not know – that which, I am doing here – but,  you just hold on,  for another second or two – and  we will be ready for you to fire as many questions,  as you all,  feel that,  you want me to answer – and then, we can get this “SHOW” on the road – that is “FLY” as high as we want – and  we  will do, just as soon as we are completely ready!

“Thanks and my LOVE, to all,  that are standing by”     D.V.

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“Celebrate with Prayer and SONG”


Remembering the Messiah   – the ONE and only to pay for our SIN DEBT – now marked, “PAID in FULL”  per HIS death on the Cross!


“Happy Easter to one and to all!”    D.V.

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“Today is the DAY – Hang out the WASH”

“Just start doing it – you will be better with the  fresh outdoor clean air – and exercise, that makes you feel young agin!”



Each year on April 19, Project Laundry List works with hundreds of other organizations to sponsor National Hanging Out Day.  This day was set aside as a day to encourage communities to learn about the benefits, both financially and environmentally, of using a clothesline for drying laundry.  According to Project Laundry Lists’ website, clothes dryers account for an astonishing six to ten percent of residential energy consumption.  Hanging your clothes out has several benefits:

  • Good for the environment.
  • Saves you money
  • It is therapeutic because being outdoors in the fresh air has benefits to your health.



Celebrate National Hanging Out Day by hanging out your clothes to dry and sharing your pictures on social media using #NationalHangingOutDay.


National Hanging Out Day has been sponsored by Project Laundry List along with other organizations since 1995.  Project Laundry List is a New Hampshire-based group that wants to encourage outdoor drying of clothes, “making air-drying laundry and cold-water washing acceptable and desirable as simple and effective ways to save energy,” as quoted from their mission statement(http://laundrylist.org/about/history/)

Sure am glad,  that the date is on this old PHOTO of “me” and baby “LEE” in our back yard – where I,  would hang out our wash – and at the same time, keep  my eye on our baby “LEE” – as he would like to go where ever,  he wanted –  and when ever he felt like going some where,  no mater who would be in charge of watching him – even the “Day Care Nursery” – had no idea how he could wander off from their facility?

To be able to hang the wash out side on the lines is some of the best exercise one gets – the heavy wet wash – shaking the wet item out and getting it to hang  just so-so, and with the clothes-pins,  to hang the item up on the line – so that when you take down each item – you shake and fold the item just so correctly, that,  you can place on the shelf and or in to drawers – so that when you what that item, it smells fresh and is so nicely folded – half of  the time,  you never need to use an iron.

The above PHOTO is when we lived in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and we did not have a basement as we did  here in Saint Louis, and had to carry each load of wash up the steps and then into the back yard. So that right there – you can see that you are walking  and going up and down steps, with a heavy load of wash,  building up the muscles in the arms and legs and as a bonus the fresh out-doors smell of freshness with wonderful SUNSHINE, where else or what could you do and still receive all of that wonderful workout – always feeling better each time you decide to wash clothes.

Sometimes there were seven or eight lines hanging from tree to tree  and each line full of clothes. In and out  the door from the basement downstairs and smelling all of that nice clean load of clothes blowing in the wind, WOW! The best part is putting all of those nice clean  sheets and pillow cases back on the beds – sure does make for a real good night’s sleep and ready to do it all the next week again!

“It is a shame that so many areas where people live today – the hanging out of the “WASH” has been  disallowed.”  My thought – they prefer everyone to stay in the house and get fat sitting in front of the TV.

“Still today, I hang my wash on the lines in the basement –  – just can not break the habit!”    D.V.

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“EASTER TIME for the GRAND-Children”


How do you celebrate,  EASTER?

When you have “Grand-Children”  EASTER is  like CHRISTMAS,  go to CHURCH as a FAMILY , and stop by a RESTAURANT for BREAKFAST  and make that a  great big BREAKFAST,  since for  and during all of LENT,  everyone was on a low food intake  and did without a lot of the regular “FAST FOODS”  while  just trying  to be ever mindful of the season  and  trying to do with less food,  make that,  a whole  lot more of doing without  than  at any other time of the year!

So,  in the PHOTO below,   we see “ALYSSA”  and as you can see,  she is not being disturbed by the number of relatives,  coming in and bringing “EASTER GIFTS” for her and her sister, “JAIME”.  Whatever she is doing, nothing is stopping her from  this  very important task,  that she is working on,   so that  it will be done  ‘right’  because,  I know “ALYSSA”,  and she is very thorough in completing,  that which is  most important, as it  must be done with precision.

This next PHOTO is of  “JAIME”  and she is a year younger,  and has all the qualities as “ALYSSA,”  as she learns by watching what others do,  and usually ends up doing a much  faster  job,   since both girls work together on so many projects,  in my book,  it is  so wonderful to have a sister so close  in age, that you both can do things much better,  since   there is something in that old saying, “two heads are better than one”   and I believe that my two “GRAND-DAUGHTERS”  are “A # 1” in all that they  do together.

“HAPPY EASTER” to everyone , and do remember that the “ALMIGHTY YAHWEH” is the  LIFE of this world  and “YAHSHUA the Messiah,”  is  the real reason for celebrating  with,  HIS VICTORY over DEATH!    D.V.

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“Enjoy BREAKFAST after CHURCH on this SUNDAY”

Breakfast After Church!


After Church on Easter Sunday we took the children to eat at the Pancake House and meet the “Easter Bunny”  — left to right – Donald – Al – Lee Aldrich.

This picture was taken at least  “50”  years ago. Looks like “little Al” has his doubts about getting too close to this “Big Bunny” – something just isn’t right – this “Bunny” is bigger than anything “real” that, I’ve seen and, this  BIG BUNNY, takes the cake! I’m only guessing that maybe  little,Al  is thinking this – what would a little Kid think,  when he sees something so out of the normal order of things, and so  over sized  and, when you think about it –  that does not look like a  very real “BUNNY”  – nothing at all like the little “bunnies” you can hold in your arms!

The  next  PHOTO is two PHOTOS,  spliced together in  the front  of the Church, on the left side is DONALD holding LEE’s  right  hand and ME holding the other  hand,   and if you  will  observe  carefully, you will notice that the dress that I am wearing,  is the very same dress that my “AUNT IRENE RILEY”  had made for me, to  graduate in,  from the “eighth grade”  I  took the sleeves off,   and  used  a light cream color of dye,  so that,  the dress would be suitable   for SUMMER wear.

On the right side of the above PHOTO,   that is still DONALD holding baby Lee’s hands,  and TOM the oldest brother is standing with the dark color  trousers,  and since I am taking this PHOTO,  and not in  this one, do have my husband, Lee  standing  to the right of  his son, TOM,   since  LEE is tall and thin,  you may not be able to  clearly  see  or notice that,  that is him.

“HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT???”   “We are early for CHURCH,  sometimes  not  an easy thing to pull off,  and one other thing,  BACK then living in FLORIDA, we never locked the doors of  our  house,  some years later when we were all going to be together,   for a long trip to ST.LOUIS, we had to have a “KEY MAKER” make keys for us, but then,   when we arrived back HOME, and after the month away  from home,  we  could not find the  new “KEYS”  to get into the house,  so LEE, then had to use his magic  “KNOW HOW”  to get a door open.”

“HOW the “TIMES” do change – HOMES today have LOCKS and bolts and even cameras  surveying the front doors all the way out to the street and even in other places around the old homestead – just to see who is trying to break in – so that we now need more “keys” to lock ourselves in.

Talking about “KEYS” to open your doors to your HOME around  “1900” – my Mother told me,  that they had “Skeleton Keys”  – that would open  almost every door in your neighborhood. Most families thought,  that they were safe, locked in their homes – but, someone  with  one of these  keys,  well  could just  come into a HOME just as if they owned the place – and who would know the difference – I am  guessing,  that they are illegal, today?     D.V.

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“Easter Today and Yesterday”

When it comes  to EASTER – what can one say that  would be better,  than anything ever said,  before?

Everyone does go to Church for EASTER and CHRISTMAS -but,  do they go to Church any other time of the year?

These are two days that, when you have small children, you just have to surprise them,  with all kinds of good things, candy, treats, and even toys that relate to that day, and since there, just  is not enough time in one day to do everything that, would come as a great big surprise for your children – you do have to do all of these    surprising things, in two or three days – just so that all basses are covered, and everyone feels that they have shared the  FUN and RESPECT for the day – in a way, that all FAMILY members feel very good about doing even more, for next year!

Now this PHOTO, above –  is “TOP DRAWER” stuff! All these many years of getting things ready and set up for EASTER or even any other HOLIDAY – I just think that the above set-up, for EASTER takes a “Blue Ribbon Award”  – if,  I say so myself!

That is my “Great Grand-son, LEX, himself – just  the best looking “EASTER BASKET” filled with the best of all the best of gifts for a FAMILY to have on display – in his very own basket, surrounded with such wonderful gifts, that,  when he is older and looks at these PHOTOS – “LEX”  will certainly know forever – that, from day  “ONE”  that, he was always wanted  – and  in this PHOTO,  it just  shows,  how  very much he was LOVED and WANTED –  just tops everything else in this world!


and  now…  for  a Yesterday’s Easter…


Easter Sunday and an “EASTER BUNNY” is all  foreign    information,  for a fifteenth month old baby, and we can see that,  “baby Al”  sitting in the “high-chair” just has no real idea of what all that stuff is doing on the dining room table,  and so early in the morning?

The table is set up,  for four boys,  “Tom” in high school gets the smallest basket, and  for  “baby Al”  the youngest boy,  gets the largest basket,  but it is not the size of the basket that makes you feel good,  it is all of the sweet treats that are spread out on the table,  that,  when  being  bigger and older,   you  already know , there is   more  that your hand can reach for  and grab,  “all”   without any help  as every  thing   on the table is there  for a variety of tastes,  for each boy  to enjoy  what they like,  while they   just share and even  enjoy sharing with their class mates, when they  will be  coming over!

“The early bird gets the worm”   he who gets up early, can start to try out some of those colorful and fancy wrapped candies, mostly chocolate,  who wants any thing else, but,  who will get the  big “Chocolate Bunny”  some of the larger size bunnies  are now made hollow inside, such a  big disappointment, I always enjoyed the solid “Chocolate Bunny” as you would have more of the good stuff,  and the longer it  will last,  the more you think about  “EASTER”  and all those goodies,  I can see  that you,   and your friends  are enjoying “EASTER”  too!”

That’s big brother, “Lee”  serving baby brother, “Al”   with some  of the “EASTER” treats,  the ones he knows he can give to  “baby Al”  but, he is big enough  and knows  what he likes, as  Lee has been around  a little longer, and NOW  can tell, his  little baby  brother, “Al”    all about the way,  that things happen on  “EASTER”  so nice to be the bigger brother,  the one who  NOW   knows  and has  all of  the answers  and  just knows so much  for being  a,   “so” big  four years old.

“PHOTOS” taken along time ago always,   have a good story, and  do help one to remember the “GOOD” old days!” ***    *******   D.V. 

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