“Best Pumpkin Pie and EASY To Make”



  • 2 eggs
  • 1 16-ounce can pumpkin puree*
  • 1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 9-inch unbaked pie crust


  1. Add the eggs, pumpkin puree, sweetened condensed milk, and pumpkin pie spice to a large bowl. Stir until well combined.
  2. Fit your pie crust into a 9” pie plate, and place the plate onto a baking sheet.
  3. Carefully pour the pumpkin mixture into the prepared crust.
  4. Bake the pie at 425°F for 15 minutes, then reduce the oven temperature to 350°F and bake until filling is set, about 35-40 minutes. (Why start the pie in a hot oven? According to King Arthur Flour, it helps achieve optimal flakiness!)

  5. Keep an eye on color of the crust while the pie bakes. If you’re worried that it’s getting a bit dark, just wrap some tin foil around the edge of the pie to shield the crust. (Just be sure to leave the filling exposed so it can set up properly!)
  6. Let the pie cool completely, then serve—topped with a mountain of whipped cream, preferably!

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“Remembering Sister Emeline”


   “Happy Birthday Sister Mary Emeline!”

Almost twenty years ago,  one of my very best friends went to her Heavenly reward,   Sister Mary Emeline Gander of the order of  “Sisters of Christian Charity”   in Wilmette, Illinois.   Sister Emeline’s   whole life was  a continual prayer.  Everything she did  was  with  “LOVE!”

I first met  Sister Emeline, while  living at the “Orphan’s Home”  and was assigned to work for her,  in the  “BOY’s” dining room,  which was on the  left side of the building on the ground floor. On the right side of building was the “Girl’s Dining Room”  as the building was divided, with the  “Chapel” right in the middle. The “Dormitories” and the  “Playrooms” were also set up to accommodate  the girls and boys separately,  where as,  if you  were the oldest child  of your family and a girl, your brothers  then,  would come to the “Girl’s  Dining Room”  for  their meals – same way for the boys – and this was the only time as a family,  you were together, just  to eat your meals.  

This was in the mid  “1940’s”  and each child   would be assigned some type of work to do, which  lasted six months.  “Girls” were assigned to work in both dining rooms, and I was assigned to work in the “Boys’ Dinging Room” and a new NUN,  “Sister Emeline” was in charge,  and she was something,  so much better than most of the “NUNS!”  And then, maybe  again,  a year or two before I was to graduate from the 8th grade,  I worked for “Sister Emeline”  another six (6)  months.

“Sister Emeline” became a good friend right away, because she was so nice to talk  with,  and  just seem to understand what ever I wanted to say and  or do  when it came to decorating the  “Dining Room”  for the “Holidays”   more importantly,  she would  talk to me as if I was a friend  and what   I had to say ,  always  made some kind of sense?   She was more friendly  than most of the “Nuns”   and that is what  I  liked and needed,   since I missed my own family!

Also, “Sister Emeline” was one of four (5) sisters and one brother,  who were  also placed in the same “Orphan Hone” when their  mother died and she was only three (3) years old.  Four  of the sisters  did  join the  “Sisters of Christian Charity”  her youngest sister,  “Sister   Mary Alvira”  was my  5th and 6th grade teacher,  and also became another very good friend,  and  later after leaving the Orphanage,   I  still kept in touch with them, until they  each  went to Heaven.

I miss not having such a good friend,  as “Sister Emeline”  we were always writing and sending stuff back and forth,  always with the best of communications  and up-lifting words, as  I  still have every card and letter. So hard to forget your really  “good friends”   no matter how long ago,  since  they  may be gone from this Earth,   but,  a very  good  “FRIEND” is  never ever forgotten!

Sister Mary Emeline  –  Happy Birthday!   You will always be “Family”  to me!      D.V.

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“One More Fish Story”

       “SHARK!”  “SHARK!”            May 1964


When you hear people calling out – “SHARK!”   “SHARK!”    and,  you are on the beach area,  of the “Atlantic Ocean”   you sure do  get up, in a hurry,  and start looking for where this “SHARK”  might be?  The first thing that comes to mind  is,   “I sure don’t want to be  ‘dinner’  for a “SHARK” tonight!

On this picture –   “Tom and Donald Aldrich”  have the look of a big  disappointment, they are  no longer  as  excited,  as now the “HAMMERHEAD SHARK”  is being  hung from the Pier,  as those men  just  above us, on the “PIER” are still working  as  if this  is their  security  job,  they have  a   most important duty or job,  in that,   those ropes must  hold, and if not the case,  then, with   all of  these people and  many  more  spectators,  all will  be   wanting to do more  inspecting and getting a closer look from above us,  as  in a spectacular situation like this,  everyone around  this beach area, now  have questions as to how,  the shark will be taken care of , what will be  the final disposal?

We also have pictures,  since we first heard the call of “SHARK”  taking pictures while  the “Shark” still in the “OCEAN”  also  and  including  most  of the   “fight” that the shark really had to  put up,   and a really  good fight,  just to live,  if at all possible, it  was  a fight till the death, and all of us,  that were on the beach, immediately got up from where we were just taking in as much of the  “Sunshine” but, with all the commotion going on, in and out of the water,  just too many  spectators  now  with their cameras in hand, standing around and taking pictures of everything and any thing going on – as this is a once in a  “LIFE TIME” experience for most people,  so WHO ever was in charge of this situation,  just had to put an end to this  event, which was causing too large of a crowd,  they  NOW,   had to put the shark out of  its misery!     D.V.

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“You remember “GARFIELD” – Garfield the CAT”

“If ever there was such a “Sophisticated”  and  “Miss Elegant Cat” – “one” that makes tracks around the Globe!” – -“I’ll eat my hat!”





Celebrated each year on June 19, it is National Garfield the Cat Day.  A fictional character, Garfield is a title protagonist from the comic strip Garfield which was created by Jim Davis.   Today is set aside to celebrate him and the entertainment that he brings us.

June 19, 1978, was the first publication of Garfield which chronicles the life of the lead character, the cat Garfield (named after Jim Davis ’s grandfather); Garfield’s owner, Jon Arbuckle: and Jon’s dog, Odie.

  • 2013 – Garfield is syndicated in roughly 2,580 newspapers and journals and holds the Guinness World Record for being the world’s most widely syndicated comic strip.

Set in Muncie, Indiana, common themes in the comic strip include Garfield’s laziness, obsessive eating, love for lasagna and coffee and hatred of Mondays and diets.  The focus is mostly upon the interaction between Garfield, Jon, and Odie.

  • Garfield was one of the cartoon characters to appear in Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue.


Share your favorite Garfield memories or Garfield-like tendencies by using #GarfieldTheCatDay on social media.


National Garfield The Cat Day was first celebrated in 1998 on the 20th anniversary of the comic strip and Garfield’s birthday. Boca Raton City Council Member, Wanda Thayer, proclaimed June 19 as Garfield the Cat Day during surprise birthday party at the International Museum of Cartoon Art in Boca Raton

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When we were living  in Fort Lauderdale, Florida – sometimes we  would all go somewhere and try our hand at “FISHING” – this is something that “bogs like to do”   and I was along for the ride – the “guy” that takes the PHOTOS – and has something  ready to eat,   for everyone – and  then will clean up afterwards –  just the morale support to keep the rain away,  and the good fishing  in a  very good and quiet time –  what a wonderful job,  just made  for me to do – and even to like doing it – just for  the FUN!

L to R – – – Lee, Jr., and Lee, Sr., and  youngster AL,  keeping his eye on “ME” wondering around – not talking – as that would scare the fish away – if they are even out there – waiting for their dinner – so that we could maybe catch them – and then,  have them for our dinner!

“What a game we all play – while we are thinking,  that we are  all having lots of FUN!”


June 18



National Go Fishing Day is observed annually on June 18th.  This is a day to take time from your daily routine to find a stream, pond, lake or river, bait your hook, cast your line and catch a fish or two.

In addition to providing food, fishing is a recreational pastime of many.

Recreational fishing includes conventions, rules, licensing restrictions and laws that limit the way in which fish may be caught.  A rod, reel, line and hooks with any one of the different forms of bait or lures, are the most common form of recreational fishing.

The practice of catching (or attempting to catch) fish with a hook is known as angling.  Catch and release (returning the fish to the water to continue its life) is sometimes expected or required by law. For others, this is a preferred form of fishing. 

Hobbyists with knowledge of habitat, foraging behavior and migration hone their fishing techniques for a successful fishing adventure. Some fishermen still follow fishing folklore, which claims that fish feeding patterns are influenced by the position of the sun and the moon.

The earliest known English essay on recreational fishing was published in 1496.


During the 16th and 17th centuries, recreational fishing began to gain popularity.  In 1653, Izaak Walton published a book titled, The Compleat Angler or Contemplative Man’s Recreation. Walton’s book is the definitive work championing the position of the angler who loves fishing just for the sake of it.


Celebrate National Go Fishing Day with a few friends or the whole family.

Share your whopper using #NationalGoFishingDay on social media. And enjoy those fresh fillets using this Easy Fried Fish Fillet recipe


Within our research, we were unable to find the creator and the origin of National Go Fishing Day.

“While living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.”

“While we are on the beach, one very terrific day – and when we got  too tired of getting our body tanned by the wonderful “Florida Sunshine” – we  decided that,  we can take our “fishing rod” all nicely baited up – and wade out into a nice spot in that great big “Ocean” that you see, behind me,  –  just inviting us to sit,  on our very own – over-blown tire tubes – and “just wait”  for that extra  big fish to  find us,  and tie  its-self  onto the very well baited hook  – and maybe we will have a real nice  “fish-dinner” tonight, but, and   or even –  maybe just a real silly fishing story  – to sit around a nice fire, and just laugh  about – because we  all just had so much  “FUN”  — TODAY  – –  GONE-FISHING!”

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“Happy Father’s Day to Grandpa, Thomas F. Brady”

“Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Brady”

“Where, in the world would the “Brady Boys” be without a wonderful  “Mother and Father”  that took a chance,  with a new start in a very  “NEW  AMERICA”  coming over the “OCEAN  by SHIP”  and so  very over crowded,  with all the hardships  to be endured,  as this was  happening  in the “1850” era,  and  each   with their own parents,  and in different years, eventually  selected to  migrate to the “MISSOURI   STATE” area,  and that   is where they would live, and  one day meet,  by the hand of the Almighty, to start a  NEW  and wonderful  FAMILY in the middle of  AMERICA.”

Isn’t  it just wonderful to be able to have these very old PHOTOS of  “Anne E. Smart and Thomas F. Brady”   something now very old, and also to know,  that these  were held in their very own  hands,  and then my “MOTHER’s hands”  terrific old  PHOTOS of  my GRAND-PARENTS.  These old PHOTOS are a real treasure to me, just  to have and  hold, to see  for myself,  and now to share with everyone that is “new”  in our  growing FAMILY  –  from yesterday,  today, and going  forever – forward.

After Mr. Brady died,  and only Marie and her MOTHER were living together,  her one sister, “Irene married to Mr. Wm. B. Riley”  and all of the  Brady brothers married and living  as far away as TEXAS and CHICAGO,  it was getting time for MARIE to start looking around,  to see if  perhaps there was   a suitable person,  that her MOTHER would approve of.

If you have read some of these posts,  you have some of the story already but, I do not believe I had taken the time to mention, that “Grandma Brady” was still living when I was born,  and  as a baby,  I do not remember her,  but she did get to see me and even  to care for me.

I remember my MOTHER, telling me that since “GRANDMA BRADY”  lived with us,  that there were times when my Mother would have need of a  “baby-sitter” and  that she was not sure, if her  own “Mother” my  “Grand-mother”  was strong enough to pick me up,  and or even be  aware of me crying, and  or in need of something. 

“Grandma Brady” was in her eighties and now my DAD would do most of the cooking,  as he was a CHEF and was trained  for cooking, while  serving in the ARMY. So the story goes, that after “Grandma BRADY” was baby-sitting me  several times,  she complained to my MOTHER saying, “All Mary Ellen does is sleep, when you are gone,  and I thought,  that I would get to do something with her?”

My Mother had told me,  that she was glad,  that I like to sleep,  because she did not think, that   her MOTHER could lift a heavy “eight pound”  baby, too much,  and was afraid of my being dropped,  accidentally?   So,  My “GRANDMA BRADY ” was there  for me,  but I was  so satisfied with everything, that I did not take the time to cry for someone,  so my eyes may have seen you, “GRANDMA  BRADY”  but,  my  memory box   was  not as yet programmed for the re- memory of the first  few months of LIFE!

“May the Almighty Yahweh Bless my Grand-parents, as I  am anxious to see them in Eternity – when all of the FAMILY will be meeting together, to share LOVE  and STORIES with wonderful endings for all of us!”     D.V.

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