Enjoy the last days of summer and the warm summer breezes on August 23 as you celebrate the annual National Ride the Wind Day.

The observance commemorates the anniversary of the first human-powered flight to win the Kremer prize.  It was on August 23rd of 1977 that the Gossamer Condor 2,  flew the first figure-eight course specified by the Royal Aeronautical Society, at Minter Field in Shafter, California.  Slowly cruising at only 11 mph, it traveled a distance of 2,172 meters.

The Gossamer Condor 2 was built by Dr. Paul B MacCready and piloted by amateur cyclist and hang-glider pilot Bryan Allen.

The Gossamer Condor 2 aircraft is preserved at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.

We all know that cooler air is right around the corner so take advantage of these nice days and get outside as much as possible. Test out those human-powered aircraft and make some history. Summer breezes allow us to fly human-powered. In the event you lack a human-powered aircraft, flying a kite is always a good back plan.


Take to the air! Learn about piloting a glider or consider being a passenger. FFA certified pilots will take you soaring into the beautiful blue skies. Share your experiences and be sure to use #RideTheWindDay to post on social media.

If,  “BIRDS can do it – Why can’t we do it” – make something  that will take us – up into that big “BLUE” yonder – and  from up and as far as we can go – just sit back and sail over the area – just as if we lived up there forever!

The first  Photo is of “Al Aldrich” taking a first flight in this “Pilot Friend’s”  little “hummingbird” –  that is my name for it – but,  the second PHOTO shows  – that if you want to Fly and will take the chance to try – YOU can do it, and all by yourself!

The third  PHOTO  is an older man that would come up each year for the “Fly-In” at the “Bowling Green Airport” – as he was welcomed and everyone just love to see him do the  many maneuvers that he would do – while up there in the SKY above the crowds – just watching and wishing, that they could also do all of those nice things – just for the pure pleasure of flying.

One of the very best things to learn to do in LIFE – is to learn to Fly. Just s soon as you are old enough – get to an AIRPORT close to your home – see if you can make friends with someone – they may even take you up, for a free “FLY OVER” – giving you a chance to see how wonderful the WORLD looks – from up and above. You will soon want to learn to FLY an Airplane – maybe even take some lessons and before you know it – YOU will want to build your very own AIRPLANE!

You can even do that too! In AMERICA – you have the opportunity to do so many wonderful creative things – things that will take you higher,  than you ever thought and make for you a  LIFE,  so much more worthwhile – only  thing  that you will need for this opportunity, is  your strong and personal,  “want to do it attitude!”








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Observe National Composites Week annually during the last week in August to promote the way the Composites Industry transforms our lives.

A composite is two or more materials with different properties, typically fiber and resin, combined to act in concert. Fiber reinforced composites produce some of the strongest, most versatile, most technologically advanced parts ever developed. Composites offer manufacturers, designers, and engineers a new world of design possibilities. They can be tailored to provide the exact material properties and mechanical performance required, enabling efficient use of material – saving weight and reducing waste.

Composites entertain, found in the majority of recreational activities including biking, hockey, golf and paddle sports. They help people stand tall, enabling the development of state-of-the-art prosthetics and orthopedics bringing comfort and independence to amputees and the injured. Composites save lives, advancing the performance of body and vehicle armor, and seismic reinforcement. They protect the environment by enabling reduced emissions on the road and in the air, and by supporting renewable energy through better wind turbine design and more sustainable infrastructure. Composites help create a more technologically advanced world, enabling the development of fuel-efficient aircraft, drones, air taxis, and heightened space exploration.

The composites industry contributes $22.2 billion annually to the U.S. economy and is expected to reach $130 billion by 2024. Help us celebrate the innovation found within the Composites Industry, innovation that is helping transform the world.


Consider all the ways composites impact our lives. What composites do you rely on every day? Educators, consider reviewing composites as a classroom project. What careers are directly involved with composites? This week would be an excellent time for a S.T.E.M.  or S.T.E.A.M. project.

Share what’s happening in the composites industry. Are you an engineer, builder, designer, researcher? What’s the latest innovation, and how are you changing the world? Use #NationalCompositesWeek to share on social media.

Visit www.nationalcompositesweek.com to find more ways to promote your participation within the Composites industry.


A&P Technology founded National Composites Week in 2019 to celebrate the exciting innovations of the past, and that continue to be developed in the composites industry.


The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed National Composites Week to be observed the last week of August annually.

Composites help create a more technologically advanced world, enabling the development of fuel-efficient aircraft, drones, air taxis, and heightened space exploration.

 This is Al Aldrich – a builder and pilot ready to take some one, already in the back seat,   up for a test flight!

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National Senior Citizens Day - August 21



On August 21st, National Senior Citizens Day recognizes the achievements of the more mature representatives of our nation. The day provides an opportunity to show our appreciation for their dedication, accomplishments, and services they give throughout their lives. 

According to the 2017 census, 47 million seniors live in the United States. By 2060, that number will nearly double. Their wealth of knowledge, skill, and experience offer so much to the next generation. As technologies advance, these are the people who’ve experienced each step of change. Not only have they contributed to it, but they understand first hand the benefits and the drawbacks. They know life without the advancements that exist today. 

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By the time you’re eighty years old you’ve learned everything. You only have to remember it. ~ George Burns

Our senior citizens are pioneers of science, medicine, psychology, civil rights and so much more. Their valuable contributions to our communities create better places to live. They deserve the respect and dignity their achievements earn them. The encourages supporting senior citizen to live their lives to the fullest and as independently as possible. 

HOW TO OBSERVE #SeniorCitizensDay

Spend time with the senior citizens you know.  Let them know they are appreciated and loved.  It may also be a good day to volunteer at a retirement home. Share your smile with those who may not otherwise get a visitor today. 

If you are a senior citizen, check for special discounts and promotions that may be offered at stores and restaurants in your area.

Use #SeniorCitizensDay to post on social media.



In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed Proclamation 5847, declaring August 21 as National Senior Citizens Day. Read it here →http://bit.ly/2vWqBE8

“For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older — places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity.” –President Ronald Reagan, August 19, 1988 Proclamation 5847


For a typical  “Senior Citizen” photo – in my opinion the following PHOTO is what I would call a PHOTO that sends a very good message – and that is, “When you become of age to qualify to be called “Senior Citizen”  – it is best to celebrate your new  and highly earned position, the new earned status you acquired with age and authority over a long period of time.

So, when at this point of time in your LIFE – start enjoying with the LOVE of your LIFE – celebrating more evenings out and dining at your favorite spots – maybe even reminiscing those  “wonderful” days  of your younger years together – when things and times were Fun and Games!

“Have your ever heard,  or can you remember, hearing some people saying  a long time ago, “I recollect so!” and you were wondering, what  are they  talking about?”

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“Sparton Radio” Day for Mary Ellen, Herself”

“1947 Sparton Radio – instead of record player”

The best time in all  of the “seven years” of my “LIFE” of being an  “ORPHAN” would be, when “VISITING SUNDAY”  would finally get here!  At first, in the Orphan Home, there was only “one Visiting Sunday”  a month,  and then, that was increased to the second and fourth    “SUNDAY” of the month. 

So NOW,  after the NEW   “Record Player” was sent back to “FAMOUS  BARR  STORE”  –  I had to wait till my MOTHER would be out to see us,  and ask for a radio, since there was no hope of using our “records”  sitting in baskets  at our  home,  on  a brand new record player,  that the “NUNS”  decided to, not allow me to have! The “NUNS” said, “the  “records” would all  –  be broken –  by everyone throwing them around!”

When my MOTHER would come to visit us, she would always bring a shopping bag of all kinds of good stuff, “especially”  some of the things, that I would ask  “MOM” for, on a “POST CARD.”  I had a regular grocery list, and sent it,   just the week before visiting day.

I liked, “Hi HO Crackers”  – “Bosco Chocolate Syrup” – “Sardines”  and “Grapefruit.”  Sometimes my MOM would  also bring a pan of homemade  “FUDGE”  which was always the best of treats!   Since my MOTHER was a saver of  my “mail,”  she  did have,  some of my old “POSTCARDS”  and  of course many  years later, while  going through lots of old  stuff, that is, after leaving the Orphan Home and, WE DECIDED TO MOVE TO A NEW LOCATION.  I was lucky to find some of those  old postcards,  which I still have somewhere,  so  many good old memories,  just for  today!

“Visiting SUNDAY” –  “WOW” – Now, I  will have to sell my “MOM” on the idea of getting for me, a portable radio. Something,  I can plug in, when and where  I can, but  also, be able to play when not  near any electric outlets?

 The good “radio stories” that they had on radio, in the 1940’s and 1950’s were terrific!  The same as  those, that we would listen to,  when we were home with our Parents. Then, too they had  good “MUSIC”  like  the “TOP FIVE” Hits of the Day,  there was one song, the  “Twelfth Street RAG”  – which I would like to dance to, as did some of the other girls in my class,  and even some of the older girls.

Then, there was was  a  “someone” around,  as always some of the other kids,  had “No Visitors”  and always enjoyed being around my “MOM”  as she always had lots of good stuff to say,  just as, I do today!

A part of living,  is always,  to enjoy having FUN and LAUGHTER,  just to  make, one-self  feel good! 

Even though, they are not  exactly, where they want to be,  a “buttinsky”  type of person, a someone that liked to listen  to the “Ball GAMES” of  which, I was not really “big” on doing  and  was not planning on doing, has time to put her “two-cents” in, and  when my MOM heard  the word “Baseball”  she said,  “she was not interested in getting a radio for that  purpose!” 

NOW, I had to really turn the conversation around and even ended up promising  my MOM,  that, I would not waste my time listening to ballgames!

 When my “MOM”  had to leave us, at “Five O’clock”  on that vising Sunday,  I really did not know, if she would,  or would not,  buy a radio for me?  I  just had to start praying, like never before,  that,  she might  change her mind, and buy a radio – for me! 


“WHO said, that “PRAYERS”  are not answered?”

The  very next “VISITING SUNDAY”  there my MOM is, walking in with a “brand new portable radio,” just like the PHOTO –  as seen  below!

Sparton 6AM06

This “Sparton Radio” looks just like the one I had  back then.

It did take a couple of days  for me to recall the name. The one above,  looks as if it has been restored. The one that I had,  I never had any  problems with,  and had for a good many years, even in moving  from place to place, no problems, but I  am guessing, “someone” must have liked it better than me,  and just  helped their selves to it.

“Can you dance this fast?”

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National Radio Day - August 20


Each year on August 20th, National Radio Day recognizes the great invention of the radio. Celebrate the news, information, music, and stories carried across the airwaves.

Several inventors had a part in the invention of the radio in the late 1800s. Amazingly, not just one person can be credited with its beginning. Each component developed through invention and discovery. As these technologies converged, the radio came to life.


In the paragraphs that follow, a noted international effort contributed to the conception of the radio. In Germany, the research of Heinrich Hertz proved electricity could be transmitted wirelessly. Elsewhere, the multiple patents of the prolific inventor Nikola Tesla provided the radio with the Tesla coil. Born in Croatia, Tesla also contributed many patents involving alternating current advancing the science and production of numerous inventions. When it comes to the first commercially available wireless, Italian, Guglielmo Marconi receives the honor.   

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 In radio, you have two tools. Sound and silence. ~ Ira Glass


While entertainment and music fill the airwaves today, they were not the radio’s first functions. First, the wireless radio served the military. It also provided a regular public service role. Much like the dits and dots of a telegram, the wireless transmitted information. On board the Titanic at the time of its sinking, a Marconi wireless broadcast the ship’s distress signal. However, in 1906, the first radio broadcast of voice and music purely for entertainment purposes aired. Reginald Fessenden transmitted the program from Brant Rock, Massachusetts for the general public to hear. The Canadian born scientist would go on to many more successes in his lifetime.  

An American contributor to the radio, Lee de Forest invented the Audion vacuum. This invention made live broadcasting possible. Born in Iowa in 1873, de Forest would become the chief scientist for the first U.S. radio firm, American Wireless Telephone, and Telegraph.


As wireless came alive, the first broadcast stations began airing programs in the 1920s. News and world events were the first items over the airwaves.

  • Radio ownership grew. In 1931, two out of five homes owned a radio. By 1938, four out of five owned a radio.  
  • According to FCC statistics, at the end of 2012, there were more than 15,000 licensed broadcast radio stations in the U.S.
  • On October 1, 1999, the first satellite radio broadcast occurred. Worldspace aired the broadcast in Africa. 

The Tech Ranch Podcast

The founder of National Day Calendar hosts a radio talk show.  The “Guru of Geek” Marlo Anderson hosts the Tech Ranch, featuring discussions on technology for everyday life.  Click here to listen.

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalRadioDay

To celebrate National Radio Day, listen to your favorite radio station. Give special recognition to the station, radio personalities and the programs that make your days better.  Use #NationalRadioDay to post on social media.

Educators, join the National Day Calendar Classroom to get your students involved in National Radio Day with crosswords puzzles, a podcast and more! Every week the classroom offers a variety of lessons and projects to keep children engaged and learning. 


We were unable to find the creator and the origin of National Radio Day.

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“Come Fly with me, Little LEX – Today”

How’s this,  for starting  out, as young as possible, learning  just exactly how to use the head-phone?  Just never  know, “When you might need to call out for HELP!” 

“Looks like  this, “New Aviator, Lex”  is making a very important call out – but, and  since I do not have my “Head-set”on,  I am unable,  to read lips!”

  “Flying is in the blood.”  Looks like it is passed on down from my Mommy, Alyssa. Just take a look at my beautiful MOM, herself! “MOM” is waving to me, “LEX” –  as I was LUCKY to let the Almighty Creator know – that if,  it is at all possible – I would like for her to be  – my very own and extra special MOM!”

09-04-2014    In the above PHOTO is my MOM to be,  she does not know  that,  as yet! Alyssa is in the arms of my Great Grandma to be.  Grandpa Al, is holding my Aunt Jaime to be.  My Uncle Alan to be,  is standing  alone in front of the rest of the FAMILY, and my Grandma Jill,  is standing in center, as she and Gramps are ready,   to take a trip South and Great Grandma, Ellen will be taking care of the little ones – in other words, “baby-sitting” which she is pretty good at doing, as I have had my eye on her, too – and for a very long time!

Well, there they go, my  Grandpa and Grandma, and I have been keeping my eye on them for a very long time, too!

“Well, there she is…my MOM to be, Alyssa, herself – and I am guessing,  at about the age, that I am right NOW!  She is so energetic – making out to be the very best Secretary at her AIRPORT – ready to greet and help all of the PILOTS,  that come in for fuel,  and any other thing that they might need.  Including,  a very friendly and smiling face!”

“Just have to add the “best PHOTO”  – that I could find of my “Grandma,  Jill”  and –  this is it!”   “Just kind of,  looks like my family likes to FLY – so much so – that,  that is what they do – now guessing,  that someday soon – I just may be getting my “Flying Wings,”  too!”

“Since,  Today is National Aviation Day,  this August 19th, 2019” just had to do my part,  in promoting  the “Flying” that we do in our Family – and that we all enjoy taking part in  and of  receiving,  this wonderful  learn to FLY gift – that  in having  the time to learn and practice  until we received  a license,   that qualifies us –  to where  we can take those we LOVE  on Flying trips –  and that extra specil gift of  having  a FAMILY to where all  like  to Fly,  and does FLY, together!

“Thanks be, to our Almighty Creator, that saw that all in this FAMILY,  would like to FLY, and would help the next generation to learn to FLY – and always continue with the help needed  – to help the future generation, that would be me, LEX, himself!”     D.V.

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