“Make a WISH TIME”

After you blow out the candles on the “Birthday Cake”  someone asks the question, “Did you make a WISH?”

How in the world could I think, just so much to think about –  what am I doing, where should I stand, do I have enough extra “AIR” just to throw-out, so that all   of the candles will be out – can not have one of those that you can never get completely blown out? 

And then, on top of everything else – did I remember to make a WISH?  “WOW”  “I know that I am now, in my second  “child-hood” – but I sure do not remember LIFE being so complicated,  back then, when I was only TEN?”

This next PHOTO is of my GREAT Grandson,Lex, himself and he is just eighteen months old. Little LEX may not know the words for this game, but he found this spot by the drapes, and gives us the biggest of smiles and laughs, when he pulls back the drape – after he thinks he has been hidden from us, and hears all of  us sing out “PEEK-a-boo” “We see you, LEX” and just as fast,  “Little Lex” grabs that leading edge of drape material, swings it around himself,  just like “Superman” would do, and the game goes on, for as long as LittleLex, wants to play!

That is the cutest and best smile to see, when you know everyone is having FUN, playing a terrific game with “Superman, LEX!”

This is a retake of the first PHOTO, and by the time we get “ME” all charged  up  and  a “raren to go”  – with the main thought – blow out all the candles – and then make a “WISH” – that just maybe,  someday – may come true??

Well, all of this silly stuff for grown-ups, was not what little LEX had on his mind to do. Looking at this PHOTO, it looks like to me, that “LITTLE LEX” said to himself, “I’ll just catch a nice “forty winks” – see if they even notice?

So, when you take the time to start having FUN in your second “Childhood” – the best part is to include all of the youngsters in the FAMILY – They will have FUN watching  you do all the silly things that you used to do a hundred years ago – and will say. “I Just did that, because I was not allowed to do that back then – we all had to,  toe the mark, or else – and you do not want to find out, what the  “Or Else” is, never!”

“I can still hear everyone singing “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” – that is some real music – when you are in your second child-hood and you are enjoying cake and ice-cream!”          D.V.

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“Professional House Cleaners Day”

National Professional House Cleaners Day - September 17


National Professional House Cleaners Day on September 17th recognizes Professional Cleaners for the necessary and skillful trade they provide every day. In homes and business across the country, Professional Cleaners create healthier environments.

This recognition day celebrates a career many may overlook or take for granted. While not everyone hires a Professional Cleaner, in some way, they do impact our lives. Nearly every business we frequent, and apartment building rented, utilizes professional cleaners. Economically, the industry employs approximately 3.25 million people creating a positive impact on the marketplace.

Benefits of Hiring Professional Cleaners

Besides cleaning homes and businesses, Professional House Cleaners offer so much more. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved air quality – Regular professional cleaning reduces the build-up of dust. In older homes, exposure to allergins, lead, and asbestos fibers increase. A regular schedule of professional cleaning removes those contaminants from the air.
  • Longevity – Regular care of furniture, drapes, floors, and homes extends their life. Over time, items look newer longer and need replacing less often. These savings add up.
  • Time – Profession Cleaners free up time for family, friends, and investing in the essential things of life.
  • Health – Getting a sanitary clean in places like the kitchen and bathroom is essential. Not only do Professional Cleaners know how to achieve a hygienic clean, but they also use the right tools for the job.
  • Relaxation – Psychologically, coming home to a clean enables us to relax. We don’t face clutter. Everything is in its place.

Exceptionally Skilled

National Professional House Cleaners Day also praises the skills and knowledge of the people. Those in the industry have a passion for perfection, and here’s why:

  • Detail-oriented/well organized – A Professional Cleaner’s eye for detail and organizational skills make them ideal for this career. Their no-nonsense approach and thoroughness leave satisfied customers behind. Besides, how else do you get a house clean?
  • Experts – Professional Cleaners are experts when it comes to protecting, cleaning, and restoring fabrics and surfaces. Not only that, but they’re also the experts when it comes to protecting you and their employees. Doing the job right without injury to an employee, and maintaining a safe home is essential.
  • Leading the way – Many Professional Cleaners run their businesses. They employ specialists, balance product, schedules, and training. These business owners set a standard for their employees who in turn become leaders, too.
  • Efficient – When it comes to getting a job done right and quickly, Professional Cleaners mastered efficiency generations ago. Not only do they know the most effective ways, but the most cost-effective and healthiest ways to get a home or business clean. As a result, they’re also the businesses you can trust.

According to the United States Department of Commerce in the next few years, 8 out of every 10 dual-income households will invest in a form of house cleaning services. The day presents an excellent opportunity to acknowledge the stellar services and value Professional Cleaners provide.

HOW TO OBSERVE #ProfessionalHouseCleanersDay

If you currently have a regular cleaning service and/or independent house cleaner, show your genuine appreciation for what they do! Thank them for their work. Let them know how their work impacts your family. Show them how valuable their service is to your quality of life.

Use #ProfessionalHouseCleanersDay and TAG a housecleaner and/or a cleaning business you know to share with others on social media.

Want to do more? Show your support and appreciation for all cleaners by learning more about our movement on our website. Learn the truth about house cleaners and the stigmas that still actively affect our society’s understanding of this trade today. You can also donate or even become a member of the AHCA! Visit our website today, cleanerscomehome.org.


Professional House cleaners Day logo

The American House Cleaners Association (AHCA) founded National Professional House Cleaners Day in 2019 to raise awareness, respect, and recognition for House Cleaners and the professional house cleaning industry. The day was also founded to celebrate their necessary contributions to the health and wellbeing of our society, as one of the most skilled trades of the labor force in the United States. 

In 2019, the Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed National Professional House Cleaners Day to be observed on September 17th annually.

About the American House Cleaners Association (AHCA)

AHCA LOGO1500The AHCA is the leading voice of the professional house cleaning industry in the United States. Our private cleaning community of 19,000 professional house cleaners is led by house cleaning industry community leaders, Kevin and Grace Reynolds and Sheryl Milligan, of Handmaid Cleaning, LLC in Walla Walla, WA. Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/handmaidcleaning

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Constitution Day and Citizenship Day is an American federal observance that commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of the United States and those who have become United States citizens.  This day is observed each year on September 17. On this day members of the U.S. Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in 1787.

Constitutional Convention 

While many contributed to crafting the document known today as the U.S. Constitution, James Madison wrote the draft forming the basis for the Constitution. Those who participated in its development gathered in Independence Hall in Philadelphia that sultry summer of 1787. George Washington presided over the Convention. But many “Founding Fathers” attended to other diplomatic duties, unable to participate. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, served overseas on behalf of his country. John Adams also served abroad. However, Patrick Henry refused to attend due to principle and preferring the Articles of Confederation. He was eventually swayed when convention leaders added a Bill of Rights.

The convention lasted from May 25 to September 17, 1787. During that time, the 55 delegates debated the duties of the government, checks, and balances, and the rights and freedoms of the people. They divided the government into three branches: the legislative branch to make the laws; the executive to execute the laws, and the judicial to interpret the laws.

The delegates suffered through rough weather, heat, and illness. Despite the conditions, the formed a Bill of Rights enumerating rights and freedoms of the people.

Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and George Washington all signed the Constitution.

On December 7, 1787, Delaware became the first state to ratify the Constitution. So the process began, obtaining each state’s approval. Rhode Island didn’t send any delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Their headstrong character did not appreciate a powerful government and held tight to their independence as long as they could. As a result, they were the last state to ratify the Constitution on May 29, 1790.


Under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, citizenship is defined as “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” Secretary of State William Seward proclaimed the amendment ratified on July 28, 1868.

While the 14th Amendment was the first step in a long line of amendments defining citizens and their rights, it took decades to enforce some of those rights.

For example, one of a citizen’s most valued powers is the power to vote. The 15th and 19th Amendments define those rights for blacks and women. However, it wasn’t until 1924 that all Native Americans were granted citizenship. Through the Indian Citizenship Act, many Native Americans were allowed to vote for the first time. Still, this legislation did not stop some states from preventing some from voting.

HOW TO OBSERVE #ConstitutionDay or #CitizenshipDay

Use #ConstitutionDay or #CitizenshipDay to post on social media.


This holiday dates all the way back to 1911 when schools in Iowa first recognized Constitution Day.  Then in 1917, the society known as the Sons of the American Revolution formed a committee to promote Constitution Day. Members of that committee included Calvin Coolidge, John D. Rockefeller, and General John Pershing.

In 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared “I am an American Day,” and Congress designated the third Sunday in May to celebrate it.  By 1949, the governors of all 48 states had issued Constitution Day proclamations.  On February 29, 1952, Congress changed the name from “I am an American Day” to “Citizenship Day” and moved its observation to September 17.  In 2004, the day was renamed Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.

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“May the Almighty Bless Your Home,too”

How do you like the above   “Aldrich HOME” prayer?  Seems like I have had  the above hanging on the front of the refrigerator, for a very  long time.

Today, more than ever, we do need some “PRAYERS” especially when it comes time to eat. I feel that it is good, that we take the time to say a prayer  because, as we walk through LIFE – we are going faster than our ancestors, as they were able to get more done in twenty-four hours, than we get done, and mostly due to our conveniences, that make things easier to do in less time, but we cram more into our doing  process, than we need to do!

When is the last time you and your FAMILY, took the time to sit down, all the members, together around  the table for the big “BREAKFAST” meal?  May as well ask that  same question about the “SUPPER MEAL” when all of the FAMILY members should  now, be back HOME from the Office and or Business  affairs, and the children should be Home from School?

When we were small – we had our meals together and at the time time, but there was no television – not invented as yet! Then the time for us to go to the Orphanage, “WOW” – we did everything by the “CLOCK” and never a variance of any kind!

How many times, when I hear someone say “NEVER” – I have to immediately stop them because,  as soon as the word is said, sometime in the past – a remembrance comes to mind!

Just that fast, my brain  remembered, when we were in the Orphanage, I may have been in the “5th Grade” and my two brothers were in the next lower grades, and I do  believe, that my brothers, Denny and Tommy saved the day for the “Velvet Freeze Ice Cream” store – that was near the Orphanage. It was probably a very “HOT DAY” like today, and for some unknown reason, the electric was not working and the “ICE CREAM” would all be melted and they needed to get rid of a very large supply of “ICE CREAM”, immediately!

As it happens, at twelve o’clock noon, in the Orphanage we have our “DINNER MEAL” at NOON. That is everyday and exactly “NOON” – the largest meal of the day for us. “Supper”  is  at  “Six”  in the evening, almost nothing, as we go to bed at “Ten after SEVEN” every evening, so you can not sleep with your stomach full. Also we rise at “Five-Thirty” and our day begins with Church at “Six O’clock”

On this particular day, just after “NOON” and we all had our “Dinner” and were now back into our classrooms, when a call came that there was “FREE” Ice Cream for the Orphans – “Come and GET it!” The vehicle that the “NUN” used for going to “TOWN” in,  with a driver – they went over and picked up gallons and gallons of “ICE CREAM” – all that they could load up!

We did not have freezers, but we had many mouths – that like “ICE CREAM.”  So,  all of the children were sent back down from “SCHOOL” to the Dining rooms. We got in line,  each of us picking up a spoon and a  Pint – Quart or whatever size of “Ice Cream” in a container – that you were able to eat and fast!

This could have been called “Christmas” as none of us, in our whole LIFE were invited to eat as much “ICE CREAM” as we could – just to help the “store” from having to throw it out! That only happened that one time – but we  each got   more “ICE CREAM”  – just as fast as we emptied a container, and were out of School,  for as long as it took,  for us  to continue  eating and enjoying  this FREE ice cream, and  as much as we could!

Later in the day, we found out,  that my brother, DENNY had the most ICE CREAM and Tommy had his fair share  – there is always a “Tally” of what – went where – just for the record!

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“Online Learning Day”



On September 15th, National Online Learning Day recognizes the advantages and vast potential of online learning. It also honors the accomplishments of online students everywhere.

Whether you’ve ever taken an online course, used educational resources at a traditional brick and mortar school, or taught them, this day is for you! The day showcases online learning helping people accomplish their goals and dreams. It helps check things off their bucket list!

Not only that, but online learning offers valuable resources to parents, too. The ability to check in with teachers and assist their child remotely heightens the educational experience.

Alexandra is excelling at school and her self-esteem is sky high. She believes in herself as a student and can be herself. We also love online learning for the rigorous curriculum and we know that Alexandra will be prepared for her future and career. ~ Emerald Zeitz – parent of an online student

Evolving online technology makes education more manageable and convenient. Every day, students earn high school diplomas, certificates, college degrees, and credits online. Online Learning Day brings national recognition to these students. And online schooling continues to grow and provide new resources and support to students.

The observance is about students learning, educators teaching, and family members supporting this type of education. With your selfies and other photos, the goal is to cultivate blended and online learning and recognize the student possibilities available with this type of education. Become part of the national online community on Online Learning Day! The power of technology has knocked down barriers and built bridges in education. With online learning, adult students can balance working with furthering their knowledge, and today’s youth can receive an individualized education and learning environment.

HOW TO OBSERVE #OnlineLearningDay

Show your support for online students everywhere by participating! If you’re an online student or educator, know that your academic achievements have made this celebration possible. On September 15th share what online learning has taught you.

On your existing social media channels using #OnlineLearningDay and this statement, “Online Learning has taught me to _______!” Fill in the blank and then tag three friends to continue the celebration. (Students, please note, you must be over the age of 13 and have your parents’ permission.)

Join the conversation on FacebookFacebook EventTwitter, and Instagram.


National Online Learning Day was established in July of 2016. It recognizes the online education community with an official day focusing on the significant achievements made through online schooling and the students attending.

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“Like I Said, Birthdays Last a WEEK”

When I was a little girl, a hundred years ago, to have a BIRTHDAY Celebration was big news for all the FAMILY and Relatives, as everyone lived so close together.

Not everyone had a vehicle and those that did, would ride right by some of those invited to the PARTY, and be sure to take them to the PARTY, as with everyone having GIFTS to bring, the ride   would be  appreciated and the courtesy pick-up. I know that if I had to carry an armful of “GIFTS” and walk a long distance – a  kind and thoughtful  friend or relative would just make my day, if I say so myself.

But TODAY, everyone lives miles, and miles away, could take at least an half hour drive one way. Then if this was a day for other activities going on – you could even get caught in a long traffic jam – and you know happens then! “That’s right – the “DRIVER” will  start talking,  to himself,  probably words that are not understandable enough,  for me to spell!”

“OH” – “I almost forgot, there are some people working on SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS and can not  take off work, to visit you!”  So, as a reminder to everyone that I  talk with, that is the first thing that I check out – “Which day and time is most convenient for you to visit and plan on having FUN, for a couple of hours!”

Today everyone has  such a busy schedule, even though we have more  “handy-dandy”  conveniences to make our “WORK” easier – but TODAY, the “DAY” itself, seems to be shorter, or maybe we are just cramming more  into “twenty-four” hours – than is possible for just a  single day!

Just one more “old time” thought, about how it was, when I was a kid. Since so many of the FAMILY lived within  blocks of each other,  we would stop by to see them. In the evening – the weather was just right for taking a walk  and no matter if you went,  left or right down the street,  before you knew it – we were passing by  a house of someone we knew,  and find them just out front, on the  steps of the entrance to their home.

Generally, as they would see us approaching, they would callout, “Come on by, and stay awhile”  and before you knew it – everyone was passing on the “NEWS” of the DAY! Those were the years of  WWII and some had members of the FAMILY in the SERVICE – we could see  the small “FLAG” hanging in the “Front-room Window”  and they would tell you things,  that you may not have known were going on.

Before too long of a time, we were all inside and being invited to some refreshments, as the evening would carry on, maybe for hours. They always had something special to give to the children to keep us busy,  and even some good eats. As I remember, we always had  FUN – and never thought of asking to go home – since we enjoyed being there, and they must have liked for us to come by, as when we decided to leave,  they would always say,     “Don’t wait so long, come over again, and soon!”

“Just having good memories  this “Birthday” week, as Family and Friends are coming over each day, and more tomorrow, “Sunday” so, I guess that “NOW”  I can say, that I am in my “Second”  Childhood, and enjoying everyday of it!”     D.V.

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