“If YOU have a BIRTHDAY – this MONTH”

“How would you like  for me, to send this beautiful Birthday Cake to you, no matter where you are  – in the World?

With so many BIRTHDAYS in this month,  so… I thought that I should send out some Birthday Greetings to one and all, and then, remembering,  I do not remember the exact date for each  of the Birthdays girls? 

Now that I am thinking on the front burner, I do not know of any men having a Birthday this month, gruess only girls were born this month?

During the mid 1940’s when we were  active in WWII, and you needed a ration coupon stamp to purchase “SUGAR” as well as so many other important things, my Daddy would  make “Divinity Candy” and “Fudge Candy” to send to our American Soldiers.

My DAD, being  a Chef could make  these candies and my two brothers Denny and Tommy would be sitting around the Kitchen table, watching and waiting for our turn to sample the the candy mixture as it would have to at a certain temperature to then be whipped up  and dropped on the wax paper sheets, each a perfect  piece of candy. Each of us would get our turn to sample a small glob of this candy that was dropped into the cold water – to the perfect hard stage, setting up  so perfectly!

Every flat surface had sheets of WAX paper, for the Divinity to set-up,  till ready to be boxed and labeled and to the Post Office to be sent overSEAS to the  Army, for a special treat.

The reason we were doing this, when my Dad was a young man in the Army, his mother would send  homemade candy  to where he was stationed to share with those men in the SERVICE and they all enjoyed  the boxes of candy that they received.

Since I was the oldest and always like to ask questions, my questions was,  “What did you get, when you were in the Army”

When my DAD had first signed up for the Army, he was a little younger than you were to be to sign up – but times were bad and lots of men signed up as there was no work , and they needed something, there were too  many mouths at home to taken care of. So, for my DAD, a very young man and his first Birthday coming up and not at home, his Mother decided to bake him a “BIRTHDAY CAKE!”

Those were the days when everything was made from scratch, and they had a farm, in OHIO, so they did have all the necessary good ingredients to bake and cook something delicious.  My DAD continued to say,  that this was  a nice large BIRTHDAY CAKE, because of the size of the box that  he did receive, after having  been in the mail  for at least a good month or more.  Evidently he was moved  from one place to another location, and the box with the Birthday Cake, was forwarded to each location.

 By the time, that my DAD received his “BIRTHDAY CAKE” it was no longer in one piece. When he opened the box – and lots of his friends anxious to see what he received, all standing around, were amazed  to see several layers of wrapping paper all around  a ball of several layers of wax paper all around and covering  a newly broken up cake?

Since the cake was so well wrapped up and secure in the wax paper – most of the  young men in his unit decided to taste the cake – as this was the first time any of them had heard of any one sending a “BIRTHDAY CAKE” through the MAIL System – and my DAD said, “It was  so well preserved and tasted good, even though it was broken up!”

“Wishing everyone a very “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and many more…Best of WISHES  – and may the Almighty Yahweh  continue to bless you – with more blessings,   than you  would have been ever expecting!”       D.V.

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“Tell me again, the DAY WE CELEBRATE”

           “Is it THANKSGIVING…DAY…yet?”img157

“Is…anyone…paying …any…attention – to me?”  “Is there anyone …at all…paying any attention…at all to Me?”

“Do I have to stand on my head, or do some other drastic type of “DANCE” around here, just to get someone’s  attention?”  

“That is,  if someone  with ears, up there can hear and see  ME  –   can any one, with ears to hear, hear  ME, look down here, do not keep pretending, that you can not see  ME –  and that you, “UP THERE”   any good  ole FRIEND to the “cat family.” 

“ME, I am standing here, and I  have my  “BIB”   on, and am “ALL”  ready for some good  “Eats”  if only  someone, who is highly important will you  just give to little ole  “ME”  –  the “Time of DAY”   down here!”   

“I only, am the most “Sophisticated CAT” in this neighborhood, I personally take  special care…that your home is free from all those  hungry  mice  that  I, alone,  am the protector of this household,  I  can see and hear…everything that you are doing – and I know that you are getting ready for “THANKSGIVING”  so, if  there are a few  special pieces of that  “OLE BIRD”   that you feel that you will not  be eating, well…look down here, here I am, patiently waiting for a little sample or two or more, THANK YOU,  from the bottom of my HEART!”

“Remember, that  – this  is the one and only  CAT, that protects you from all  of those little ole pest -eee mice  some BIG  and  so small – or even  a MISTER  in between!”      D.V.

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“November Birthdays”

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the WOMEN with a NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY” – –  “That is that I know of.”

Just dawn on me,  to wish a  “Very Happy Birthday” to those  that I know of and having  a  “Birthday”   in this month November! When you get to be my age,  you are allowed to forget  half of what I thought that I knew  –  and  that which remains, well – I can not be too sure of – any more? What I  just said  is,  that  I am sure that all of your Birthdays are in  November, but the dates  –  I can no longer remember  what date goes with  each of the four (4) Birthday Girls?

“Sister Margaret Mary” –  you were my 7th and 8th grade teacher,   and we did keep  in touch over the years and  you did visit  my home, in Fenton, had dinner with my FAMILY  and  insisted on helping to do the dishes –  even to rolling up your cuffs –  you were  so insistent  –   so  that, is what we did together –  and following  dinner and dessert –  you gave us a real treat –  you  gave to me  and my FAMILY, a memory that I will never forget,  YOU  sat at  the Lowery Console  Organ –  while we all took seats  in the Living room to listen to you play  “Irish” music,  that my MOTHER gave to me so many years,  while listening –  just  thought I was in Heaven!

(In the above PHOTO,  “Sister Margaret Mary”  is the  “NUN”  standing next to the tallest man on her right –  and they are on the  ‘left side’  of the above  picture –  the story for this picture is elsewhere on ( “fourgrandmas.com”).

NEXT BIRTHDAY GIRL  is “Judy McClarren”, my brother  Denny’s wife and  for several years was  taking good care of  Denny, which required a whole lot  of time! I am so glad you are able to keep me  in the loop,  with photos and  updates!     (Since this was previously posted… DENNY  has passed away two years ago.)

“In this PHOTO,   “JUDY McClarren”  is  on  the right and  her husband, DENNY,  and our  “Aunt Irene Brady Riley” on the left of the above  PHOTO.”

Next “BIRTHDAY Girl, “Rose McClarren”  wife of  my little brother,  Tom, aka  Mr. Wonderful, and  everyone is always happy to see such an “outgoing” couple –  always ready to


share “HAPPY  TIMES”   –  of all of your “Gardening  Activities”  that of  you both, on  “TV” and in the “Newspaper”!  You are both doing a fine job with the flowers, that   you  both provide and care for in your community!  


NEXT BIRTHDAY GIRL,  “Char Bay”  an extra special Grandma!   Having a “BIRTHDAY “in NOVEMBER  –  puts everyone in the mood to do it up right –  or should I say “First Class” and is also the  Mother of  “Jill Rampala” –  providing us  “Grandmas” with two beautiful “Granddaughters”  – “Alyssa and Jaime” -just so terrific!

In this  “Five Generation” Photo  is from left, Jill and then  Great-GREAT GRANDMA Phyllis,  holding newest generation, Lex,  and the  new Mama, Alyssa, and our Birthday Girl for November, Char.


Almighty Yahweh,  has  truly blessed me,  with these   wonderful  “November  Birthday  People!”
I am asking  “Our Creator, and  Giver of all  NEW LIFE”   that which is so good and perfect for all of us,  to continue to  Bless each and everyone of  us, even more abundantly from His generous bounty. “Thanks be to  Almighty Yahweh!”        D.V.

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“Don’t Fence Me In”

Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above
Don’t fence me in
Let me ride through the wide open country that I love
Don’t fence me in
Let me be by myself in the evenin’ breeze
Listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees
Send me off forever but I ask you please
Don’t fence me in
Just turn me loose, let me straddle my old saddle
Underneath the western skies
On my cayuse, let me wander over yonder
Till I see the mountains rise
I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences
Gaze at the moon till I lose my senses
Can’t look at hobbles and I can’t stand fences
Don’t fence me in
Just turn me loose, let me straddle my old saddle
Underneath the western skies
On my cayuse, let me wander over yonder
Till I see the mountains rise
I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences
Gaze at the moon till I lose my senses
Can’t look at hobbles and I can’t stand fences
Don’t fence me in

 and… Dalene with the new foal, Diggar – Mr. Lee taking the Photo!

and… learning the new ways of getting something to eat from Mommy, herself.

and…  time flys and we have the time  now, to watch the people that like to take care of us!


Lee did learn to take care of horses when he was in grade school, and did learn to get up early for all of the chores that are required to take care of – when you like to live with your friends – the noble horse!

With this early training, the next step in LIFE was to sign up for the NAVY – and with this additional training  – and having put my six years in the sailing around the globe – just like most NAVY MEN do – nothing better then  after serving and doing your duty for the land you love, AMERICA  than to get your own  farm and have your favorite  horses – just like you did in your early childhood!

Since I like music, just love to hear my favorite  song – so must share with you.

“Just remember to listen and remember,  that there were a good number of Servicemen that gave their lives for our “Freedom”  and along with that, AMERICA is the best place to have your very own little farm and to also have that favorite horse and all of your other extra special animals!”    D.V.

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“Children are the very Best of Gifts”

We all want a very good family, one that has both parents at home and with the children, for all of their  lives.  That is what we want! But, what are we willing to do, as  good parents to see to it, that we have a  very good family – can not say a “perfect” family, as there is nothing,  that is so  very perfect on this Earth, right NOW!

With all of that said, take a look at the  following…

Do you realise that the words,  those words, that are  the most important, are  words that most of  us, do not use in our daily LIFE as we should.

TIME – that is  so important, as none of us know for sure just exactly how long we will be here on EARTH!  The next important WORD Is  MONEY!

“SPENDING” what a word?”  From day one, we are given “money” as a child to buy something – and we did nothing in the world to earn it and for no good reason, but that someone just thought we might like it? They may have even coached us about how to spend it, like getting something that we might like?

As we reached that age, when we were not so cute and sweet, “NOBODY” was just handing out any kind of money, and made it clear – that one does have to work, to earn it, and there we are wondering, “What in world happened to me, I can not have something for nothing?”

So it looks like we have to  start thinking more about “TIME” – and how much “TIME” do we feel we really have?  Having our children,  and now, that they are small, and everything is new and amazing as  it can be, this  is a  very big and beautiful world and everything we see is new and so wonderful, that which we hear, we never heard before?

We are learning from the very first day, we enter into the LIFE with our new family, and we want to enjoy the new road that we are on – on EARTH – and what those best of ways would be  – for each child  here, it should  be so special,  that  – we must think of, just how,  we want to spend all  of our TIME,  and as much as we can, right NOW this very new minute, showing my new child, everything that is beautiful for my child to enjoy with me, the parent, as for this very first TIME in my LIFE.

I am  NOW, seeing it all NEW,  as if, I had  never seen it before, because now,  my child is asking questions about everything that is new and beautiful – as this  is his first TIME, and  is a first TIME for me. too!

“Small children are just so  extra wonderful – the most precious  of all of the GIFTS, that our Creator can give to us!”    D.V.

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“If Daddy Flies – I Fly too”

“Wouldn’t YOU?”

“Just before I was born – I went Flying with my MOM and DAD!” They like to Fly everywhere, even to Florida and back. So, when I was little and they were going to the Airport – I was there,   too! I believe that I may have been born with my very own set of WINGS, not something that anybody and everybody can say – but It  is terrific to be with your parents, doing what they like doing for FUN – and that is to FLY!


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“Everything that my DADDY does – I want to be able to do – so that is why, I like to Fly – whenever,  I get the ChANCE!”   D.V.

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 …and…    “Just have to add the next generation,  “Little LEX, himself”  and  –  he is looking like he will be a Pilot,  too!

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