“Watch and Share this IMPORTANT Message – TODAY”

If you are  an American… living in America, and are PROUD  to be an AMERICAN… then this message will answer all of  those  questions that  you may or may not have had.. so  be a very  good AMERICAN Ambassador… you will know  just exactly to whom … the above message needs to be sent to! 

I feel that when you are living in a Country that you will either LOVE it… or Leave  it… therefore…listen and watch the above… pass this message on to others… as you will want all your neighbors to also LOVE the Land of our FATHERS and you will then pass this important message on  of our great AMERICA on to all of our generations that will be following!

Do it NOW… with Pride… knowing that… we all live in this GREAT AMERICA… the LAND of the FREE and  HOME of the BRAVE!    D.V.

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“Remember about TIME and the TIDE”

When you have a few minutes to just sit back and think about the good ole days… do some of the things you think about bring you back to when you were in grade school?

Just the other day I was talking to someone about writing stories in the seventh and eighth grades and in our classroom… the  eighth grade class sat in the seats on the left side of the room where the windows were facing the side of the classroom, the side that you could look from your seat, and  would be able  to view that which  was happening on the road in front of the building…. “Causing you to daydream at various times of the day”

At various times and for different subjects of study, we were requested to write a story regarding the subject to see if we did retain some of what we were to learn. This was very easy for me to do… as I did like to make up a story about the way I felt things should go  and could write lots of words that made sense to me, but… sometimes I  would not be too sure that someone else would see things …the same way I would.

My Mother would tell us kids about  the work that DADDY would do  and sometimes… she added some line  like, “The MAIL must go through…neither Snow nor Rain will keep this carrier  from getting the MAIL delivered!”  That is not exactly the correct way that line goes, but at my age I do not remember it correctly, but you get the idea! That story that I wrote… way back then… I did get a high grade… I was satisfied, as I did know what I was talking about then.

Another line that I heard so often and maybe it was meant for me personally to get a move on and get something done. The “NUNS” also had  a full list of  suitable phrases that were meant to  do something… just in case you did not understand “ENGLISH” you would understand when your ears were “boxed”  around a couple of times and you heard… “LOUD and CLEAR”…  “Time and Tide wait for no Man”  and followed with… get a move on and in a hurry!

So now… just this message today… which made me think back about hearing this at least a million times so far… and was remembering that… when I was in “HIGH SCHOOL”  and in my classes there… also received a high grade for using this phrase and putting a good story with it!

When children hear words and phrases that may make sense or that have a special “ring” to their ears…  these little tidbits just find a special place in the brain… always ready to be pulled up at a moment in time and spotted off… just as they did … the first time, that they were introduced to them!

Everyone will remember the first time… that they were  introduced to a word  and or a special way to learn how to remember the correct way to spell that word – as that is what is happening in my brain right now!    ***** “Just so  that I do not forget… the word is  “business” and that was  way back in the third and fourth grades, Sister Florence was that teacher.”

Now … for a final word  about “TIME and TIDE” just ran across this  little message  regarding “TIME” as it seems there are so many people today… that have no idea that there is no “TIME” to be wasted! Once a day goes by… it is gone, just no redoing until you get it done correctly… as the saying…  “TIME FLIES” and you are getting older and never ever to have that spent time to re-use!

Never to forget that “TIME” is worth millions … but only if you use it well… something like that verse in the BIBLE… “WELL done good and faithful  friend… you exceeded that which was given to you… and now those TEN shares will be doubled for you.”  “Must always use the gifts we are given  to the fullest” … for that time in the future… we will understand about having done  the best we can… with the “TIME” allotted for each of us!     D.V.

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“Thy Will Be Done…Prayer”

“Worth While Words”

Elizabeth Elliot

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“Always  have HAPPY THOUGHTS.”


We were taught the prayer  from the BIBLE… The “Our Father” and through the many years said it just as we were taught. 

 But for some reason or the other… as I was saying it slowly and carefully thinking about the words as I was thinking…  it just dawn on me… that one line that makes all the difference in the world… as to WHY … we do not receive…  all that we put on  our PRAYER List of personal WANTS…

Of which so many are not right for the times – and we have too many  personal selfish requests… that are not right for  TODAY TIMES… and there is no way that … OUR FATHER  … who is in HEAVEN … would ever dream of sending the crazy  list  of stuff that we think… that we need!     “JUST NO WAY!”

Start to say the “Our FATHER” slowly… think about the words as this is a Prayer of wants and needs and  a petition for others that we LOVE and want help for their needs, too!

Our earnest request is for something important, but if it is not  to be in the “wlil of  our CREATOR”  because this is HIS CREATION … the earth where we are living… and if that which we are requesting is not for the  everlasting good and a  most favorable request… it will never ever be answered.

So… I feel that we think about the words we use in our PRAYERS… and when we say… Thy KIngdom Come…  Thy WILL be Done… while thinking of the request that I am praying for and thinking…is this really the best thing this person needs…I will request that part of the Prayer… several times!

What I am asking our CREATOR… is  only and if this request that I am making is for the true good of the situation and… if it is for sure… in line with the times to come about… only then  Almighty Yahweh.. do I want this request, because YOU may have a much better answer to this situation, one  that in  and on the present horizon – and since I do not know that far into  the advancing  TIME  – You have the final say… to work this request or just cancel it… YOUR WILL Be DONE!

Just so glad that at some times in my busy LIFE… I stop and take a time-out… with a little more of some very  slow  and thoughtful thinking about the situations of today.. and only  can ask… but… You already know… what is best for me and the whole wide world… and no sense in my request throwing a “clinker” into the situation!     D.V.

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“My GIRL – ALL LOVE – Here SHE is”


“I give up… if you all really and truly want for me to wake up… right NOW… I will!

BUT… I really  would…  just love hearing that piece of music that you are playing just for me… again and again!

Guess… that … I will have to start paying more attention to what is going on… on  the BIG EARTH … and what is going  on in my  very own… new HOME… seems that … that there are  so many new ways of doing things… looks like… I will be having so much more FUN … NOW … with all of  the new people that keep  singing and  smiling and sending to me… some  real big juicy KISSES!        D.V.


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“TOP ARTICLES – Need Prayer in OUR Schools”

President Donald Trump is scheduled to announce new guidance on prayer in public schools Thursday afternoon.

The announcement comes as the White House recognizes National Religious Freedom Day, which Trump said honors the “foundational link between freedom and faith in our country.”

While it is unclear what the guidance might be, White House officials told NPR that there will be no change to existing law or regulations. Trump teased the guidance at a Jan. 3 rally at a Florida megachurch, saying that he and Attorney General Bill Barr are “doing a big action.”

“We will not allow faithful Americans to be bullied by the hard left,” he said, according to Time and Politico.


Students are allowed to pray on their own, but the Supreme Court has ruled that public schools cannot initiate prayer or promote religious events or symbols.

In 2017, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against a Louisiana school district saying the district broadcast Christian prayers over the PA system every morning and included religious messages and prayer in other events, including pep rallies and graduation ceremonies.

A federal judge ordered the school district to end the practice by consent decree in 2018.

Another lawsuit filed in November by atheist students and their families claims school staff in Tennessee have made prayer a part of school assemblies and athletic events. The lawsuit said Bible verses are displayed in the school, and a Christian association has visited to distribute Bibles during class.

One student plaintiff told the ACLU the situation is “very awkward and uncomfortable.”

“I respect other people’s religion, and I would like it if everyone else would respect my beliefs,” the student said.

Madalyn Murray O’Hair, founder of the American Atheists organization, filed a lawsuit in 1960 over the Baltimore public school system forcing her son to recite prayers and read from the Bible, which eventually lead to the Supreme Court decision. Nick Fish, the organization’s current president, told McClatchy News there is nothing Trump can do to change that fact.

“The only thing President Trump and his sycophants care about is reinforcing Christian supremacy,” Fish said. “They have shown time and time again that they don’t care at all about equality under the law.”

Trump’s announcement comes a little less than a month after an editorial in the publication Christianity Today called for Trump’s removal from office. According to the editorial, the issue over whether the president should be removed is “not a matter or partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.”

“None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character,” the editorial said.

Trump responded via Twitter, saying the magazine would “rather have a Radical Left nonbeliever” than him as president.

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“Creating ART from something Unsightly”

Tom Bob (previously refuses to simply live in the world.

He’s reshaping it. 

Creating clever street art on common objects in the urban landscape, he’s perfectly personalizing his boring surroundings.

Whether it’s turning a pipe into an anteater or

transforming a fire hydrant into Princess Leia, there’s nothing he can’t do.

Usually, Tom Bob operates in NYC, but sometimes he unleashes his creativity elsewhere as well.


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