National Good Samaritan Day - March 13


National Good Samaritan Day on March 13th recognizes the unselfish actions of those who provide help when needed. The day is also known as Good Samaritan Involvement Day and celebrates kindness in all its forms.

The term “good Samaritan” comes from the Bible parable where a Samaritan helped a stranger who had been robbed and beaten and left to die by the side of the road.  The Samaritan not only cleaned the man’s wounds and clothed him, but took him to an inn where he paid for the man’s care.

The term is used today to describe those who perform acts of kindness for those in need, especially those who are strangers.

HOW TO OBSERVE #GoodSamaritanDay

Make an effort to help someone who is struggling or having a problem. Use #GoodSamaritanDay to post on social media.


Our research has found that this day is in honor of the death of Catherine “Kitty” Genovese who was murdered near her home on March 13, 1964, in New York City. For Miss Genovese, had just one good Samaritan stepped forward that night, she may be alive today. Her killer was interrupted two times, each interruption witnessed by neighbors or passersby, but no one called the police. After his third and successful attempt, one person called, but it was too late for Miss Genovese.  The creator of this day was not found

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Everyone has a story and on March 14th, National Write Your Story Day challenges you to tell your story in written form.

You may think to yourself, “There’s nothing in my life to tell.” It will surprise you once you put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard and the words start filling the pages. Words have a way of triggering memories. They form a moment in time, and before you know it, there’s a story flowing from your fingertips. Even if you never share your tale, it can be an essence of who you are and where you’ve been.

Trips down memory lane or recreating the moment when a spark of inspiration occurred, are more intriguing than you know. Today, they fill blogs, inspire novels and entire television series. More importantly, they are treasures to family and loved ones.

The observance encourages us to start telling our personal stories today. There’s a story worth recounting in there somewhere!

HOW TO OBSERVE #WriteYourStoryDay

Commit to writing your story. Grab pen and paper or your favorite electronic device and begin typing away. We all have a story to tell. Use #WriteYourStoryDay to share on social media.


Mitzy founded National Write Your Story Day in September of 2017. Mitzy is an Author, Artist, Guide and founder of Mitzy TV, which pushes to inspire authors and artists to become better individuals. This business also works to provide direction and encouragement to others so that they can push their work out into the world where it can best serve others.

Contact information:

The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed the day to be observed annually beginning March 14, 2018.

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“Some nice thoughts!!”

   There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!

   When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one, which has been opened for us.

   Don’t go for looks; they can deceive.  Don’t go for wealth; even that fades away.  Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.  Find the one that makes your heart smile.

   Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

   May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy.

   The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of
everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

   The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past;  you can’t go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

   When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you’re the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.


“The above message was just sent to me… from my little brother, Tommy.”

Since there is a very good message in those words… just thought more people would like to read and pass on to others at this time in AMERICA… as so many are going through lots of problems with  all of the world having problems just trying to be well … as the Coronavirus Disease is freely traveling  from Country to Country.

“Looks like we are being told to,  “Keep your hands off your face”…  as those dirty fingers are carry the disease from one person to another!”

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“Little Miss Ruby is…  the big “TWO” Months old”

“Little Miss Ruby is…  the big “TWO” Months old”

Image may contain: one or more people and baby

Mary Ellen Aldrich..  “Baby Ruby talks with big brother” xoxo

Image may contain: 3 people, including Jill E. Rempala, baby

Mary Ellen Aldrich…  “Smile everybody… you are on Candid Camera” xoxo

Image may contain: 1 person, baby

Mary Ellen Aldrich…  “Just so you all know… I am still too young to sit up by myself… my back needs more support” xoxo

Image may contain: one or more people, people sleeping and baby

Mary Ellen Aldrich…   “In my new and fancy “PINK” outfit… I feel… that I could go dancing all night” xoxo

Image may contain: 1 person, sleeping, baby and closeup

Mary Ellen Aldrich…  “Nothing like a first outdoor trip… and someone takes my picture…sure glad I was all dressed up in all of my favorite things” xoxo


Image may contain: 1 person, baby and closeup

Mary Ellen Aldrich…  “Blessings to my best friend… they knew that my name is “RUBY”… and they purchased … for me an outfit… to match my name… Thank you” xoxo

Image may contain: 1 person, baby

Mary Ellen Aldrich… “Just so… You all know… I really like my new dancing slippers… just in time for turning the big “TWO” months old” xoxo

Image may contain: 3 people, baby

Mary Ellen Aldrich…  “There’s nothing like all of the family having FUN… when it is time to celebrate my sister RUBY being “TWO months old, today” xoxo

Image may contain: 1 person, sleeping and baby

Mary Ellen Aldrich…  “Happy Birthday to you… Happy birthday dear sister RUBY… we all LOVE you so much” xoxo

Image may contain: one or more people, people sleeping and baby

Mary Ellen Aldrich…  “Just because you are my brand new little baby sister… “RUBY” I am giving to you a great big kiss…I LOVE YOU” xoxo


… and MY little GIRl… is so Sweet…

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National 311 Day March 11


On 3/11, National 311 Day offers an annual reminder that 311 is a resource for communities around the country to connect with their city and non-emergency services. The 311 system is the non-emergency number to call in many cities across the country for residents to report issues, find out about city services, and ask questions.

Since the creation of the 911 emergency system, non-emergency calls have slowed operators’ response times to true emergencies. In 1996, Baltimore, Maryland adopted the first 311 system as a way to ease pressure on the overburdened 911 system. The new system freed up emergency phone lines and shortened wait times for emergency calls, helping 911 dispatchers get emergency services to folks that need them more quickly, ultimately saving lives. The 311 system also invited the citizens to be the eyes and ears of the city while more closely connecting the public sector to its citizens.

Citizens call the 311 number to report concerns they notice in their own cities. Some examples of the kinds of reports residents make include:

  • graffiti
  • road, park or fence damage
  • debris on the road
  • noise
  • trees needing to be trimmed
  • illegal parking

Today, the 311 system is available in most major cities and is spreading to smaller towns across the United States. A 311 system saves lives by diverting non-emergency calls from the 911 system so emergency personnel can focus on those who need it most.

HOW TO OBSERVE #National311Day

Learn whether your city uses the 311 system. If so, be sure to use it to report non-emergency issues. If your city doesn’t, encourage your city leaders to add 311 to their program. Get the word out about using 311, too. Make sure your friends and family know how to use it and when. One way to do that is by using #National311Day on social media.


In 2020, seven Google.org Fellows worked with the City of San José to improve 911 and 311 response times. Google and San José, in collaboration with Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Santa Clara County, founded National 311 Day to increase awareness of the non-emergency number and honor the ‘first’ first responders who field these calls and assist people across the country.

The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed National 311 Day to be observed on March 11th, annually.

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“7 Rules For a Happy Life”… “Plus”

“Good inspirational thoughts…  to have on the tip of the tongue … before speaking and or doing something…  that we may be sorry for…  long after the fact”    D.V.


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