On July 1st, National US Postage Stamp Day recognizes the ease and simplicity with which we can send and receive mail. A stamp represents payment for the delivery of a letter or a package.  

The United States issued its first postage stamp on July 1, 1847. At that time, stamps were not required. A letter could be mailed without a stamp and delivery paid for by the recipient. In 1855, the postage stamp became mandatory. 

Philately is the study of stamps and postal history. Stamps often have a fascinating history. Everything from the inspiration and the artist to the postal rate in a given year affects the value of a stamp. Collectors look at quality and rarity as well.  

While the digital age may have slowed the flow of snail mail, it doesn’t reduce the excitement associated with receiving a letter or a card in the mail. A handwritten note in an envelope with a postage stamp in the corner holds so much more charm than most of the emails people receive. A colorful postcard from an exotic location or missive with crayon-drawn artwork improves one’s day when it comes delivered by a familiar postal worker.

Birthday wishes that come via text message or social media are one thing, but an unexpected delivery through the mail in a bright envelope brings more smiles than all the likes in the world. 


Put a stamp on it! Celebrate the day by mailing a letter or postcard to someone you know. Visit the Classroom Pages for a variety of postcards you can download and print. You can also start a stamp collection. If you’re creative, design your own stamp. Post your designs and collections on social media using #USPostageStampDay.

If you mail or ship packages frequently these Digital Scales can help you with more accurate shipping costs.


Within our research, we were unable to identify the creator of National U.S. Postage Stamp Day.

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“It is JULY the 1st…Alan’s Birthday”

“More BIRTHDAY Celebrations for ALAN”

“NOW,  this is my kind of a “PARTY” …. someone brings a tray of very delicious cakes for me… “ALAN”  to see and maybe even get to eat … maybe have some or  at least one!” 

Even though this lovely tray of  “Delicious”  delights are for “Birthday Alan”  on this  1st  of JULY,  and even a “lighter” is all that is needed lite up … just so  ALAN  can try to blow out, so  NOW… we can all get this PARTY.. on the BIG ROLL!

 This is a tray of favorites for everyone… some very fine   “cheese treats” I do know,  that this is a  very good PHOTO of our  “Uncle ALAN” holding our little baby “LEX, nephew”  and at the same time … with both hands full… with very precious cargo… little “LEX”   and will NOW… blow out…  the one and only candle …and also … being very careful, to not blow away,  that very beautiful tray of luscious treats. 

 It was terrific to just watch how cool  “Uncle Alan”  is at blowing out that one big candle lite, while they pass the tray of cakes around, too!  Just so much going on, and “Alan” has the best big smile, showing that,  we all are having the best  time of  our LIFE, enjoying  “ALAN’s BIG BIRTHDAY celebration!”

“Just wondering if,  I could accidentally let one of my little  ole  fingers on my hand,  just  kind of, hit the top of that  tray,  and  snatch  a very small taste,  of one of  those  yummy and “good-eats” they just look so good and  all could become a favorite to me, in no time at all!”

It is so wonderful to have so many BIRTHDAYS,  in JULY …  they all require people like me… to come and enjoy all of the wonderful new and excitingly good treats to sample, as I always like to give a good report on all of those things I really like!

Remember – we are celebrating Alan’s Birthday all week!

Happy Birthday Alan – Congratulations and Good Luck – May the Blessings of the Almighty exceed in abundance this coming year, with very much and more happiness,   that will be coming your way – more than you could or would have ever thought possible!     D.V.

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