On July 15th we recognize the love of one magnificent creature on National I Love Horses Day!

With over 200 breeds, these spirited animals give humans much to love. Their loyalty and devotion throughout history may only be a fraction of the reasons to love them. Not just a means of transportation, horses cleared fields, fought wars, and moved cattle. Beyond their utility, their companionship was indispensable on long lonely trails. Cattlemen, pioneers, and more recognize horses as cornerstones of survival in a burgeoning nation.

Horse Breeds

The tallest horse breed is the Shire. The stallions of this draft horse breed tower at 17 hands above the tiny Falabella, which grows to only eight hands and is the smallest breed of horse.

The phrase “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” is a reminder to be grateful for the gifts, opportunities or kind gestures that come our way. The phrase comes from inspecting a horse’s teeth to determine its health and value. If the horse was a gift, such an inspection would be considered an insult.

The quarter horse, named for its speed on a short track, is one the of three fastest breeds of horses. Thoroughbreds follow quarter horses for longer distance, but Arabians outlast both breeds for endurance on the longest races.

Horse Facts

A horse can see almost 360° at once. Because of this, it’s difficult to sneak up on a horse. Their only blind spots are directly behind them and in front. However, don’t approach a horse from behind; their powerful hind legs can do serious damage if they decide to defend themselves with a kick. Because horses have such an excellent range of vision, they can be easily distracted or startled. Trainers will place blinders or blinkers on their harness to block the horse’s view from the side. The small piece of leather helps the horse to focus their vision forward.

Just like human hair and fingernails, a horse’s hooves are made of the same protein – keratin. Farriers specialize in caring for horses’ hooves. They not only fit horses with shoes, but they trim their hooves and make recommendations for hoof care and foot health. Since horses spend an enormous amount of time on their feet, the care a farrier provides is instrumental to their overall health.

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalILoveHorsesDay

Celebrate by visiting a local stable for a horseback ride. Seek a view of wild horses in a national park. Spend time riding your own horse if you have one. If you’re looking to spend more time with horses, consider these 14 Interesting Equine Careers

Post on social media using #NationalILoveHorsesDay.


We were unable to find the creator of National I Love Horses Day.

“Lee and one of his horses with foal having FUN!”

“Darlene with her favorite horse… everyone loves  and has a favorite horse.”

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GET TO KNOW YOUR CUSTOMERS DAY – Third Thursday of Each Quarter (January, April, July, October)


Get to Know Your Customers Day reminds businesses to reach out to patrons and get to know them better. The day is observed annually on the third Thursday of each quarter (January, April, July, October). 

When businesses get to know your customers, you also get to know more about what you need to grow. Remember when Main Street businesses were locally owned and operated? The owners knew you by name and knew your shopping habits. Additionally, they typically knew what you wanted to buy. Not surprisingly, if they didn’t have it, they were willing to get it in for you.

With the advent of the Internet and big-box stores, unfortunately, much of the personal attention has gone by the wayside. Get to Know Your Customers Day is a day to turn that around. Make it a point to get to know a little more about your customers. Most importantly, make each of them feel like they are your most important customer of the day.

Tips to Knowing Your Customer:
  • Ask your customers questions. Find out what services and products they need.
  • Use social media. Get the word out about your specials and new product. Social media is a great tool to find out what your customers like and don’t like about your store. It’s important to respond as quickly as possible. When you do, it will be noticed. remember, fixing a negative customer experience in a positive way can show you stand by your word. In turn, it could transfer into future multiple sales.
  • Follow up on a purchase. Ask your customers how their purchase or service worked for them. Not only will you find out about your product, but you will learn more about your customer and the services they need.
  • Network with other businesses. Learning and sharing best practices for getting to know customers from other successful businesses will also grow your business.

HOW TO OBSERVE #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay

Grow your business by taking the time to get to know your customers. In doing so, you’ll be planting a seed that will flourish! Use #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay to post on social media. Read about these 7 Ways to Know Your Customers to learn more.




We have been unable to find the creator of National Get to Know Your Customers Day.

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National Management Training Week - Third Full Week in August

The third full week in August queues up the processes that businesses and organizations need during National Management Training Week.

The week invests in the knowledge and talents of the people businesses entrust with the role of manager. Every organization, from small businesses to non-profits and civic groups, promote employees internally. Many managers often find themselves in leadership roles because they were performing well in their entry-level position (or line-level job).

According to Bloomleaders, 77% of corporations experienced leadership gaps in 2019. Employees typically seek jobs at companies that have leadership development, statistics show. But employers seek candidates that already have some form of leadership skills. This is because management doesn’t always have the time or money to train employees to develop their leadership skills. Because of this never-ending (not to mention vicious!) cycle, the stats just keep on getting worse and worse. Therefore the primary goal of the week is to help businesses place management skills before leadership. By giving managers the tools and skills to be managers and supervisors, they will lead their teams to success.

Another key goal behind the week is transforming the human back in human resources. Lisa I. Perez, the founder of HBL Resources, Inc., says she wants “every employee to walk out of their manager’s office with their dignity intact.” And that’s no matter how tough the conversation has to be.

National Management Training Week hopes to create productive conversations in our workforce that lead to improved management training practices and the development of excellent managers.

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalManagementTrainingWeek

Businesses, organizations, and employees are invited to join the celebration. Review your current internal promotion process and consider how it can be improved. Other ways to take part in the week include:

  • Launching an internal succession process.
  • Getting your leadership team together to design your training plan.
  • Creating a mentor or protégée program.
  • Sharing a gentle reminder of internal training programs your business already has.
  • Creating a training schedule if you don’t already have one.
  • Putting your potential managers on special projects.
  • Promoting job shadowing within your organization.

But don’t stop there. Employers and employees can boost their potential and resources by taking proactive actions to improve their business’ management outlook.

Share your experiences learning, training, and building in your business by using #NationalManagementTrainingWeek on social media, too.


In 2020, Lisa I. Perez, president of HBL Resources, Inc., founded National Management Training Week to bring national awareness to the need for better management training and preparedness in the workplace. She’s made it her mission to provide all the elements necessary for successful career advancement in every business landscape.

The Registrar at National Day Calendar proclaimed National Management Training Week on July 16, 2020, to be observed the third full week in August, annually.

About Lisa I. Perez

HBL Resources IncLisa I. Perez, SPHR, SHRM-SCP is the founder of National Management Training Week and HBL Resources, Inc., a human resources consulting firm. She brings over 30 years of HR experience and serves as a trusted advisor, trainer, or consultant to a broad range of organizations. Her mission is Transforming the Human in Human Resources® through “The Complete Manager Makeover®” management training system and its memberships. Her commitment to growth and development emerged early in her career, when she started in hospitality as a front desk clerk, progressed within the HR discipline, and accomplished the role of Corporate Director of Recruitment and Succession Planning within 10 years. The founder also believes in giving back; therefore, proceeds from The Complete Manager Makeover products and services are donated towards installing clean water filters in Kenya and Uganda, Africa.Stevie

HBL Resources, Inc was named the winner of a Silver Stevie® Award in the Entrepreneur of the Year category in The 18th Annual American Business Awards®. The firm focuses on HR Consultation, HR Administration, and its founder’s true passion, Training, and Development. HBL Resources is designated as an approved provider of recertification credit programs from both the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and The Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI).

Relevant Observances

There are over 1,500 national days. Don’t miss a single one. Celebrate Every Day® with National Day Calendar®!

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“We Remember our Aunt Irene Brady Riley”

“Aunt Irene’s BIRTH-DATE and TIMELINE”

Just have to start off … with  that which… I feel was Aunt Irene’s  finest HOUR in LIFE… the birth of her one and only son, Bernie. This old PHOTO which I feel  very “LUCKY”  to even  have and so glad that ‘It’  was one that was not lost in all of the  many moves from  moving to several  homes in Saint Louis  amd Florida locations.

“Little Bernard Riley” was  the LOVE and JOY to  “William B. and Irene C. Riley!”

This is “Irene”  in the one and only baby photo of little Bernie that I know of .

Mr. Thomas F. Brady  would be taken  to Heaven at least fifteen years  later  after this happy event  and Mrs. Thomas Brady  maybe another ten years,

Our  little “BERNIE” was killed by a drunken driver at the age of ten (10) … which really was devastating as there are no words to describe  how things were after that.

This is Mrs. Thomas F. Brady and Mrs. William B. Riley.

“Years have gone by and finally  “MARIE BRADY”  a much younger  sister to “IRENE” gets married and “Grandma Anne E. Brady” is still living  and Aunt Irene  and her husband, Bill …  have moved to Ashland Avenue,  Saint Louis and live in the downstairs flat and this is where I am seen in the arms of Aunt Irene in her backyard!”

“Time just seems to “Fly” when you  are having  “FUN”… and since Aunt Irene lived here across the “Fairgrounds Park” from us … it was  very easy for us to visit  and visit often…  as so many of the cousins of the  “SMART and BRADY Families”  all lived within  just a few short miles of each other … in most cases…  just a real nice walking distance  and there you were… visiting!”                                                                                                                                    

                                                                                                         Photos in color indicate that “TIME” has really gone by…  as these two PHOTOS of  “Aunt Irene” were taken when I was married and living in Florida.  Aunt Irene came down to visit for a week or two…  and  in part of the time with us…  we took her to the “RACE TRACK at Hialeah” and we had a nice meal in the “CLUB HOUSE”…  as I do not like to  take a chance and bet…  I prefer a nice meal and  to watch  others  just spending money they do not have …  in HOPES of winning MONEY…  that  they  will never happen to win…  at something you most likely know nothing about…  as  for those that need the money the mostest… also lose the most! 

Trying to remember what was happening in this time frame… my guess for these two PHOTOS would be in the year of 1965 as there were lots of things going on in the  1960’s… trips back and forth to Missouri and Florida… then births and deaths  and  then complete moves from one place to another …  sure glad that I was young enough to be able to do all that… as  now it  seems to be…  more than just one person could or would be able to do.

Thanks be to the Almighty for giving me the  extra strength to do and be where I was suppose to be…  when and to where…   I was most needed to be of some help!     D.V.

“Happy Birthday   Aunt Irene… and enjoy the Heavenly realm with so many members of  our FAMILY!”

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“Birthday Wishes for Aunt Irene Brady Riley”

“Aunt Irene Riley…PHOTOS FOUND”

Thanks to Jill… for reminding me the other day… that there was an old PHOTO of “AUNT IRENE” in the house on  “Fenway  Drive”  and she was sure that  is where she had heard of our Aunt Irene… having never met her… but remembers  hearing  and wondering  about  this Aunt Irene … that we all talk about… just as if she were still here with us.

With all of the  tlak… and not ever seeing the person being talked about in our conversations …  I do believe that I have finally been taught an important lesson in LIFE… just be sure that all those that are within hearing… have been informed that this person is no longer with us… but since she was older than any of us and did live a good and long life… that the “hearers” will join in on the conversation as Jill was able to do… after  so much of our talking about  the late and great AUNT  IRENE BRADY  RILEY… and Jill was wanting to know if the PHOTO… that she remembered  seeing was still available?

The above PHOTO was inside the frame  and under the PHOTO… that you  will see below… and I am showing it first… because… that is the face, that  I most remember as being her best.

This is also a very good PHOTO of AUNT IRENE and it is with several other framed PHOTOS …  which were  of her husband  William and her son, Barnard,  and when the photo above was taken… these were both deceased.

Many years later when I was living in Fenton, these photos were in my living room near the fireplace…. for all to see … but  after twenty five years… I moved again  and these photos were packed for moving so many years ago.

So now…after another move…well how does someone look for “stuff ” to hang on the walls… when the walls just are not suitable for hanging… “your prize winning  ART pieces of OLD!”

These “PHOTOS” were taken… and this is my information… that the chair that “Aunt Irene” is sitting in…  is a “FAMILY HEIRLOOM”…  there is a MR. and MRS. chair and “IRENE” is sitting in the “MR.” chair and this is the old tapestry material … some time later Irene had the chairs  recovered as these chairs were “WEDDING GIFTS”  to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. BRADY … Father and Mother of  Irene  Cecelia  Brady… I do not have the WEDDING date available… but  the year 1875 – – would be a good guess… when you take time to figure that there were “thirteen” children born to the Brady Family and the last child was born in the year 1900!

The “PHOTOS” on the table next to where Aunt Irene is sitting is her husband, Wm. B. Riley  and their one and only son, Bernard Riley.  I believe that they also celebrated  at least “50 years”  marriage as did  Mr. and Mrs. Thomas  BRADY.

Aunt Irene has a Birthday coming up on the “17” of July…  so we all are wishing you a very HAPPY Birthday… we will celebrate here for you!

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“Little Miss Ruby to be Little Miss AMERICA”

“At just “six months”… I am able to wave my very own AMERICAN Flag !”

my own

Since this  is still the month of JULY… the month that we all celebrate the big HOLIDAY… the FOURTH of JULY… I feel that I should start a “MEMORY PAGE”  for my Great-Granddaughter Ruby!

When I was only eight months… my Mother took my picture…. being held in my Daddy’s arms… and the most important thing about that photo… was all of the important information that my Mother wrote on the backside of that photo.

and the front side…

Most children do not care about all of the information that is written on the back side of a photo… they just want to see a photo… that they look good on… and how much all of their friends  will say that they like it!

But since and when I have had my own little family…and have started taking photos of  my family… and seeing  those photos that I toke and compared them to old photos of my  family…. do not find that extra something that is missing…INFORMATION!”

The above photo of me and my information… is something that I feel is needed… more so now, than ever before!

It is a big “WOW”… I was able to say this and that… and also … the note of what I could do and or at least know where and what … I was going to learn to do… if only I kept getting that chance to try to do more… than I was able to do… that last time we went through that same situation!

So… I look at this lovely PHOTO of  my Great Granddaughter … little Miss Ruby, herself all dress in the favorite colors of AMERICANS… celebrating the  big Holiday our “Fourth of July”… and what I see… Miss Ruby is eager to learn all about all of this being decorated with flying flags and colors and music… with lots of family and friends… and when she is a little older… will get to add  to all of the above…that we also treat ourselves to lots of good eats on our special Holidays!

Just hope that everyone takes  extra special notice of  our little Miss Ruby’s head attire… there is just something that  gives a finished statement to  being able to say… we dress for the occasion… so as to feel that all points that will be talked about… we have covered everything … just by having something extra special on the HEAD!

I just LOVE that little Miss Ruby’s MOM… thinks about the fully complete look… and so far  as I can see… I do believe that little Miss Ruby… will WIN… FIRST PLACE… if and ever there would be a chance come up… to enter  our little Miss Ruby!

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