“Star Spangled Banner As You’ve Never Heard It”


This needs to be re-played and heard by all AMERICANS to know and understand what our AMERICAN FLAG and the song that was…  thus written by Francis Scott Key …1779 -1843…

mona rose

34.7K subscribers

A story of how our national anthem came to be. I was asked by someone to put a video together for this audio and upload it, so here it is.
I was never expecting it to get so many views. Yes I’m aware some info is sketchy and wording isn’t exactly right. Please stop sending complaints. Like I said before, I’m doing a favor for someone here. You can look up the accurate story if want the precise info.
Here’s a link to one of many sources for info on the true story: https://tinyurl.com/yb6laets Hope you enjoy the message of this video though.
God Bless America
P.S: Really sorry about the typos in the anthem *I don’t own the audio or pics and the flag video that I used towards the end belongs to FarWestTexas.
amd another version…

4.8K subscribers

The Real story with the ACCURATE facts. Powerful, moving and Patriotic. Will cause you to HONOR the Flag and our Country. Purchase DVD at http://www.flagrespect.com.

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“Our Little Miss Ruby Celebrates her Sixth Month Birthday”

Mary Ellen Aldrich
“Lex discovers American soil… and plants his AMERICAN Flag… on the LAND … that all free American people love and share… forever” xoxo



Jill E. Rempala
Happy 6 months old today our little Ruby-Ray of sunshine girl☀️

“Happy big SIX Month Birthday to our little Miss Ruby… herself”



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“Mairzy doats and dozy doats” 1942

I know a ditty nutty as a fruitcake
Goofy as a goon and silly as a loon
Some call it pretty, others call it crazy
But they all sing this tune:

Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
Yes! Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?

If the words sound queer and funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled and jivey
Sing "Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy"

Oh! Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you-oo?
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?

Visit www.earthlingsmusic.net A new performance of a universally loved song from 1943. Funny visuals to go with clever song. Performance by Ann Earthling of the Earthlings Electric Washboard Band.


Mairzy Doats – Dodie Stevens

“Mairzy Doats” The Merry Macs on Decca 18588 (1944)


Mairzy doats and dozy doats And liddle lamzy divey A kiddley divey too, Wouldn’t you? If the words sound queer and funny to your ear, A little bit jumbled and jivey, Sing “Mares eat oats and does eat oats And little lambs eat ivy.”

MAIRZY DOATS by The Pied Pipers 1944

Ray Wise sings Mairzy Doats at SF Sketchfest 2018

The Music of Twin Peaks event at The Chapel in San Francisco.

About Mairzy Doats

“Mairzy Doats” is a novelty song written and composed in 1943 by Milton Drake, Al Hoffman, and Jerry Livingston. It was first played on radio station WOR, New York, by Al Trace and his Silly Symphonists. The song made the pop charts several times, with a version by the Merry Macs reaching No. 1 in March 1944. The song was also a number-one sheet music seller, with sales of over 450,000 within the first three weeks of release. The song’s refrain, as written on the sheet music, seems meaningless: Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey A kiddley divey too, wouldn’t you?However, the lyrics of the bridge provide a clue: If the words sound queer and funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled and jivey, Sing “Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy. “This hint allows the ear to translate the final line as “a kid’ll eat ivy, too; wouldn’t you?” 

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National Simplicity Day honors transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau. The day advocates a life of simplicity and recognizes the life of Thoreau.

Henry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 – May 6, 1862) lived his life as many things including an author, naturalist, philosopher, and historian. He was also known to be a tax resister, abolitionist, development critic, and surveyor. His book, Walden, is a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings.  

“In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness.”
– Henry David Thoreau

In our fast, ever-increasingly busy lifestyles, the observance encourages stepping back and looking at ways to simplify our lives. It’s an opportunity to declutter and eliminate the unnecessary burdens that weigh us down. Even taking a few moments to tune into nature helps us to refocus and find balance.   

“My riches consist not in the extent of my possessions but in the fewness of my wants.”
– J. Botherton

“Simplicity is the essence of happiness.”
– Cedric Bledsoe

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”
– Robert Brault

How to Simplify

Seek a leisurely pace that doesn’t include the accumulation of things. That’s the easiest explanation of the day. Look to nature or companionship, perhaps to a few passages from a book or the wisdom of a child. We all need the nourishment of food and rest and satisfaction of a job well done. These simple things collect together to fulfill our greatest needs. All that remains falls away.

However, living simply doesn’t mean living without. It means living with only what we need. Look around you throughout the day and consider the excesses. The next time something breaks ask whether it can be repaired instead of replacing it.

Besides, when our lives are simpler, our stress decreases. We no longer feel the pressure to acquire more things. We have time to pursue adventures and spend time with people we enjoy.

“It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has.”

– Henry Ward Beecher

“The simplest things are often the truest.”
– Richard Bach

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalSimplicityDay

Do or stop doing things to simplify your day. Read about Henry David Thoreau or Walden

Tips to Simplifying Life
  • Identify what’s important to you. This list will include things, goals, and activities. While we don’t all have the ultimate goal of reaching Mars, don’t dismiss the small achievements. Those don’t necessarily equate clutter. They’re stepping stones. However, if they aren’t a part of the bigger picture, consider slashing them.
  • When it comes to things, you have to admit, we hold on to some things for sentimental reasons. On the other hand, we buy too much junk for all the wrong reasons. Identify the ones that are the most important and get rid of the rest.
  • Put a ban on impulse buying. Make a list before any shopping trip. If it’s not on the list, it can’t be bought (unless it’s toilet paper, that’s the one exception). Otherwise, you will get by until the next trip. You will also see an improvement in your bank account.
  • When it comes to activities, consider the ones that are time wasters and have no value. Again, which ones are important to you? Do they bring you joy? Do they improve you or the world around you? If the answer is no to any of these questions, why is this activity still in your life?

Post on social media using #NationalSimplicityDay to encourage others to join in paying it forward.


We were unable to identify the creator of National Simplicity Day.

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“Happy Birthday Alan… from All of US”

What a wonderful day it was…. all the family getting together for Alan’s big BIRTHDAY Party… and all of us finding things to do… while  the finishing touches were made on the  “Good Eats” that Alan had requested.

When there are little ones … especially when they are your favorites’ and just want to be helpful and learn new things to do… I kinda planned on this ahead of time… by bringing my “arts and craft”  handy dandy box of stuff that would keep Little Lex and ME busy doing… making some important stuff… while everyone  else did all the hard things,  that you need to do when getting everything  ready and done  up and  just right on!

Little Lex was so busy with all of the “stickers” that we had to work with … putting on sheets of paper that would turn out to be “BIRTHDAY CARDS… for his UNCLE ALAN” and then we had  every color of pencil and crayons… fat and thin of every color possible… we had string to make garlands  and even a hole puncher so as to thread this  all together… and even envelopes for the finished products …. just so we could tell “Uncle Alan” all of these  beautiful creations… came VIA the Express MAIL… from our  extra special “Mail Carrier Lex… himself!”

Just so Little Lex knows… a hundred years from NOW… that  the little arts and craft table that you are sitting at… is so cute and handy for the little one… and I am so pleased to see that Lex is sitting so comfortable and doing so well… but … for starters… I could not sit at the same table with little Lex…. my bones just will not bend… backwards and sidewards and upside down… and or how every one would need to bend them… just to be able to sit at your “CREATIVE” table!

Somehow… I did find something… like a footstool… and how I ever managed to get down there… I do not know?   But…  you should have seen me looking for something to pull myself up from there … when we were done.

I looked and finally figured out… that I would need a strong arm of  a person to pull me up and get my legs straight… hopefully wanting  me to stand on them… as I think that my legs  had temporarily turned to mush…were  now wondering and would have asked me the question… “If they could only speak and scream”… “What in the world do you think “legs” are suppose to do…. when they are no longer working… as they once did so very well… in that  young eighteen year old body… that you now… no longer have!

Little Lex did see to it … that his favorite UNCLE Alan received all of  his fine gifts and mail  that we made … and Uncle Alan carried Little Lex in his arms… because Little Lex just loves to be in his strong arms for long as possible…because Little Lex does not want Uncle Alan to leave… he just loves him so much!

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“Grandson Alan is is WINNER”

“Grandson’s ART Wins Prize!”


My Grandson, Alan took the honors – where I worked for a prize for the excellent artwork attached to the pillar – next to me, Grandma.

Jane  Amati, has the cubicle –  next to me and she had heard me talking about the fine art work my Grandson, Alan does and asked me to find out if he would make a “Court Jester” as tall as the pillars in our office  – if she provides the construction paper – for him to use (Jane wanted only the colors she would select and give me – used for the project – any arrangement of those colors).

So I brought the selected papers, that Jane  wanted used to my Grandson Alan…  (Alan was only in High School)  and  in one day’s time, Alan had all these pieces laid out for me… with  instructions as to how to join the body parts,  so that they could be moved  to fit around the pillar… all depending on how,  Jane  would want  the “Court Jester”  to be looking down on all of us.

This aisle was called “New Orleans – Bourbon Street” as Alan had created other items for us to  also hang from the available places in our office on the eighth floor…  for the “Mardi Gras” atmosphere!

I have my ‘mask’ on and  have to say that everybody  enjoyed working  in our section …  and other departments sent workers just to see what … how and   where  our  group  had all added their  extra special touches  – to what my Grandson, Alan – inspired for our department!

“I just have to say … I felt like a QUEEN at a very special party… since I was receiving all these  lovely remarks… regarding this terrific “ART WORK” that my Grandson Alan was able to create… in one evening while I slept …my fellow workers just thought that I had the most wonderful GRANDSON… in the whole world… to be able to create things for me  to display at work… for all of the different types of occasions that we would be celebrating…  and for maybe weeks at a time…and I was so LUCKY to be receiving  these prizes for his work!”

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