“Learn New Lessons Each and Every Day”

“Can you say that,  “YOU” are learning new lessons every day?”

“Are you really trying to LEARN… something NEW each day?”

Just yesterday, I had a piece of furniture sitting in the garage… just waiting for the correct time for me…  to have someone move to the basement. I am guessing that this  was that project…  just waiting and finally yesterday,  well this was the… “D-day… to DO IT!”

As one gets older…this “ONE” forgets that she is no longer “eighteen” and still full of strength and power to move  those heavy mountains. I just seem to think that I can do… that which I was able to do … when my Mother called me…  “Powerful Katrinka!”

A-20G 42-86713 „Powerful Katrinka Milly” from 13th BS, 3rd BG

Douglas A-20G-20-DO Havoc 42-86713 “Powerful Katrinka Milly” from 13th BS, 3rd BG

Yesterday was “D-Day”… you heard people say “Do-It”…well that is what I told myself…I am now going “to do it”… piece by piece!

Into the garage I go… have to open the garage door, some things have to be pulled out of my way,  just so I can see how I am going to do this maneuver all by myself?

Pulled out one drawer and find that it needs some extra care, as that is probably why someone gave this chest of drawers to me… they did not have that which… it takes to return it to the store where they  made the purchase.

There were several things wrong with this piece of furniture, that the store should have taken care of  for the previous owner,  and would have done so…  if this was something that I had purchased, because I do like to let the stores know, when merchandise is not quite up to par!

My son, Al came out to see that which,  I was doing and also  took notice  of those things, that  I had in my hands, that  were in need  of  immediate care, before  my even trying to move… piece by piece… as I was  planning              to do.

So… I took the next drawer out and took it to the basement and came up stairs, and there was another drawer standing on end, inside the door and waiting for me to take downstairs, too. The third drawer was also ready and when I came back up… there was Al with the frame  empty and on a roller cart … ready to be brought in.

We  maneuvered this cart and cargo to the top of the stairs going to the basement and in deciding just  how to do… my Grandson Alan comes in… just at the correct time.

Alan immediately moves a few things this way and that… to have a clear path heading for the stairs to go down… and he being first going down the stairs… was with a heavy end load that … I only wish that I would have  had more time to think about.

It came to me… over night!

Everyone should have an extra set of ropes to use to move heavy loads of furniture up and down stairs… and or anywhere in or out of a house or business.

Regular movers in the business have these ropes that you sling under the edge of the item,  that you are  to move that will also go around your shoulders… and can be adjusted to your  size and your partner will have a set to sling around his portion of the  same item… so that when you are moving something heavy …you are using the stronger parts of the body to  help  in this  heavy maneuver… instead of just using you hands and fingers…and just letting the item that is to be move…just bounce along for the ride!

BEfore moving…  large and heavy items… use your brains  and not your brawn.

powerful katrinka b17 - Google Search

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“Why I am the WAY I am”

“MOM” I’m doing a Word Check?

When I was going to school, and had “homework” to do – there is always a word or two that I did not understand – and in some cases couldn’t even begin to spell. 

Well, when you know that your  “MOTHER” knows “WORDS” inside and out…  I would just ask and expect an answer to solve my problem?…  That did not work for me after awhile.

My “MOM” was way ahead of me, she knew that if I did not do some work on my own to find out about the words… on my own… she would be doing me a complete disservice!

So…  for me the message came loud and clear,  “Use the Dictionary” and read as much as possible to improve the brain and learn as I go. That’s what I did.

When I started Collage, and had a list of books to purchase…  I bought them all, and one of them was a very good dictionary. I just love  good books and if I had to put out some good and hard earn money for the books,  you know…  that I was going to have those books,  forever!

So, as I am getting older and reading more,  looking at words,  probably the way that I should have,  a hundred years ago?  When I was younger, I took it easy in my word search,  and did not really do the best job of studying words,  that I could have done…  when I had the time and now … feel guilty about that which…  I did not do,  back then when I was a kid!

One book that is really important for me to read today and daily… is the Bible. In my reading… have to do a real search into the words as written and try to fully understand  them… what the message is that I should be receiving.

As I was reading in Psalms,  came across a couple of words,  that as I was looking at the words, saw another word in that word, and immediately a meaning came to mind. So, that is what I started doing and wrote down a few words.

First…  the word, “SWORD” and immediately saw the inner word, “WORD” realizing,  to use the wrong word to  and or with someone…  it is like using a sword against the other person and perhaps even cut off a very good friendship with some of the mean words, that  I, use toward  a friend, and or family.

The next word on my list is “MOUTH” …  so big that  word “OUT”…  meaning to me that…  good and bad words can come out of our mouths so fast… that before we even think how “hateful” and deceitful and hurting we can be…  and once the words are out of the mouth, they can never be recalled… put back in, and a tremendous amount of damage has truly been done.

In my reading in Psalms, part of the understanding  of, and what I am reading…  is that some of the words used…  are there to hopefully help us to learn a new  and useful lesson, so that we are not killing our family and friends with the words we are currently using.

Mom, since it will soon be your “BIRTHDAY”…  I feel that you are still and  always with me… and that you are still encouraging me to use  only good words… “The King’s Language” …  like you, used to say to me!

“Good Words Never Hurt Anyone” …  and so…  I will always  and forever feel good… “that I did it your way!”

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“September a Good Month to Give Thanks”

A BIG THANK YOU… to all that remembered my Birthday… also that it was the same day to CELEBRATE being a Grandparents’ Day… How Lucky can it be for ME!” oxxoxo
Thanks for the Memory
Thanks for the Memory
Bob Hope and Shirley Ross from “The Big Broadcast of 1938”
Just thinking about all of the good old movies that we were lucky to see… way back in the good ole days, when movies were really worth the dime  to see!
Just have to add the words of the song… just in case you may want to sing and give THANKS for  all of your Blessings, too!

Thanks for the Memory

Thanks for the memory
Of sentimental verse
Nothing in my purse
And chuckles
When the preacher said
For better or for worse
How lovely it was
Thanks for the memory
Of Schubert’s Serenade
Little things of jade
And traffic jams
And anagrams
And bills we never paid
How lovely it was
We who could laugh over big things
Were parted by only a slight thing
I wonder if we did the right thing
Oh, well, that’s life, I guess
I love your dress
Thanks for the memory
Of faults that you forgave
Of rainbows on a wave
And stockings in the basin
When a fellow needs a shave
Thank you so much
Thanks for the memory
Of tinkling temple bells
Alma mater yells
And Cuban rum
And towels from
The very best hotels
Oh how lovely it was
Thanks for the memory
Of cushions on the floor
Hash with Dinty Moore…
Thanks for the memory
Of rainy afternoons, swingy Harlem tunes
Motor trips and burning lips and burning toast and prunes
How lovely it was
Thanks for the memory
Of candlelight and wine, castles on the Rhine
The Parthenon, and moments on the Hudson River line
How lovely it was
Many’s the time that we feasted
And many’s the time that we fasted
Oh well, it was swell while it lasted
We did have fun, and no harm done
So thanks for the memory
Of crap games on the floor, nights in Singapore
You might have been a headache, but you never were a bore
I thank you so much
Thanks for the memory
Of China’s funny walls, transatlantic calls
That weekend at Niagara when we hardly saw the falls
How lovely that was
Thanks for the memory
Of lunch from twelve to four, sunburn at the shore
That pair of gay pajamas that you bought and never wore
Say, by the way, what did happen to those pajamas?
Letters with sweet little secrets
That couldn’t be put in a day wire
Too bad it all had to go haywire
That’s life, I guess, I love your dress
Do you? Thanks for the memory
Of faults that you forgave, rainbows on a wave
And stockings in the basin when a fellow needs a shave
I thank you so much
Thanks for the memory
Of Gardens at Versailles, and beef and kidney pie
The night you worked and then came home with lipstick on your tie
How lovely that was
Thanks for the memory
Of lingerie with lace, and Pilsner by the case
And how I jumped the day you trumped my one and only ace
How lovely that was
We said goodbye with a highball
And I got as high as a steeple
But we were intelligent people
No tears, no fuss, hooray for us
Strictly entre nous, darling, how are you?
And how are all those little dreams that never did come true?
Awfully glad I met you, cheerio, tootle-oo
Thank you, thank you

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“The World Needs More Angels NOW… Today”

“Mama has three Angels”

This is May of 1946… only seventy-four  years ago and this  is what…  we three “Angels” looked like!

Just looking back at this old PHOTO… It almost seems … that the way we are looking then… is how “Angels” would look,  just standing still.

Do not think of anything at all… because,  TODAY – You three children belong to the Almighty Creator, your Heavenly Father and He will  guide you on the road that you are to take… if you will but… just  listen to HIS directions… from this day,  till the day that HE calls you HOME…  to be with HIM for all eternity! 

From the left is DENNY, Jr., Mary Ellen, Tommy and we are standing in front of the  “Lady of Lourdes, Grotto on the west side of the German St. Vincent Orphanage…  after having just made our “First Communion” with several other children in the First and Second Grades of School.

 This was a “Visiting Sunday” and our Parents were here for all of this… and since this was all “NEW”  to us three, we were just statutes standing still and not moving,  until told  what and where  and how to do whatever…  as  this is probably, the one  and only day of the year… we spoke very little…  listen… and did exactly as we were  directed to do!

My Parents did not know to bring a camera for this Visiting Day… and just by “LUCK”  some other Parents that  did have cameras…  were willing to take extra PHOTOS and send to my parents these wonderful PHOTOS!

If we were not standing in front of the “Saint Bernadette, statute” … you would have seen  something     like the above…  but, not in color,  as far back in 1946… 

I do not believe that they had color photos… partly due to WWII … as everything necessary went to the WAR effort to WIN.

Some may have had color photos… but I never saw any. At least not with the camera that my Parents had.

When the next year came around,  we were dressed similar to the above PHOTOS…  all in white again and this was for the “Confirmation Ceremony”.

Before this  “Conformation” we were all reading and learning about different “SAINTS” …  so as to pick a name for ourselves… a Saint that had done something that would influence our future lives in a similar way and watch over us…  if the Almighty thought that was necessary?

For one of the “HOLIDAYS” prior to the “CONFORMATION” we saw the “movie” called “Song of Bernadette” and that was really some story and LIFE for little  “BERNADETTE” …  a real struggle but,  she made it to  “Sainthood”  and my Mother even  purchased   that  book…  but, since I  had seen the movie…  hate to say  it, but…  “I  just never  took  the time, to read the book!”

My  classmate, “Stella Santoyo” and my self,  were the only two  girls,  that took the Conformation name of “Bernadette!”

Since this was about  us little  “Angels” …  just thought for  some  future  reference …  at least for myself , would have something about real “Angels” …  see below.   D.V.



Seven angels or archangels are given… as related to the seven days of the week:

Michael (Sunday), Gabriel (Monday), Raphael (Tuesday), Uriel (Wednesday), Selaphiel (Thursday), Raguel or Jegudiel (Friday), and Barachiel (Saturday)

What are the nine orders of angels?
First Sphere
  • Seraphim.
  • Cherubim.
  • Thrones.
  • Dominions or Lordships.
  • Virtues or Strongholds.
  • Powers or Authorities.
  • Principalities or Rulers.
  • Archangels.

“Would you the reader… have some additional information that you… would like for me to add to this post?”

“Thanks for reading and sending  to us… your additional  information!”

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Constitution Day and Citizenship Day on September 17th commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of the United States and those who have become United States citizens. On this day, members of the U.S. Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in 1787.

Constitutional Convention 

While many contributed to crafting the document known today as the U.S. Constitution, James Madison wrote the draft forming the basis for the Constitution. Those who participated in its development gathered in Independence Hall in Philadelphia that sultry summer of 1787. George Washington presided over the Convention. But many “Founding Fathers” attended to other diplomatic duties, unable to participate. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, served overseas on behalf of his country. John Adams also served abroad. However, Patrick Henry refused to attend due to principle and preferring the Articles of Confederation. Others eventually swayed Henry when convention leaders added a Bill of Rights.

When is Bill of Rights Day?

The convention lasted from May 25 to September 17, 1787. During that time, the 55 delegates debated the duties of the government, checks, and balances, and the rights and freedoms of the people. They divided the government into three branches: the legislative branch to make the laws; the executive to execute the laws, and the judicial to interpret the laws.

The delegates suffered through rough weather, heat, and illness. Despite the conditions, the formed a Bill of Rights enumerating the rights and freedoms of the people.

Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and George Washington all signed the Constitution.

On December 7, 1787, Delaware became the first state to ratify the Constitution. So the process began, obtaining each state’s approval. Rhode Island didn’t send any delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Their headstrong character did not appreciate a powerful government and held tight to their independence as long as they could. As a result, they were the last state to ratify the Constitution on May 29, 1790.


The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution defines citizenship as “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” On July 28, 1868, Secretary of State William Seward proclaimed the amendment ratified.

While the 14th Amendment was the first step in a long line of amendments defining citizens and their rights, it took decades to enforce some of those rights.

For example, one of a citizen’s most valued powers is the power to vote. The 15th and 19th Amendments define those rights for blacks and women. However, it wasn’t until 1924 that all Native Americans were granted citizenship. Through the Indian Citizenship Act, many Native Americans were allowed to vote for the first time. Still, this legislation did not stop some states from preventing some from voting.

HOW TO OBSERVE #ConstitutionDay or #CitizenshipDay

Learn more about the U.S. Constitution and the process of becoming a citizen in the United States. Explore the history of the Constitution. Study the people who brought the Constitution to life and the road to its ratification. 

While you’re exploring, use #ConstitutionDay or #CitizenshipDay to post on social media. 

Educators, families and students, visit the National Day Calendar Classroom for more ways to Celebrate Every Day!


This holiday dates all the way back to 1911 when schools in Iowa first recognized Constitution Day.  Then in 1917, the society known as the Sons of the American Revolution formed a committee to promote Constitution Day. Members of that committee included Calvin Coolidge, John D. Rockefeller, and General John Pershing.

In 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared “I am an American Day,” and Congress designated the third Sunday in May to celebrate it.  By 1949, the governors of all 48 states had issued Constitution Day proclamations.  On February 29, 1952, Congress changed the name from “I am an American Day” to “Citizenship Day” and moved its observation to September 17.  In 2004, the day was renamed Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.

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“What was OLD…Is almost NEW…TODAY”

“Starting Saturday out Early with – The Complete Story”

From the “The Complete Story”  a program that I listen to – on radio 91.5 fm  the”Father and Son” on the   “Join… Dick Bott founder of Bott Radio Network”  

The program started out with this song,  “When You Were Sweet 16″ …  by The Mills Brothers.

So, just  to  hear the  “Mill Brothers”  singing, took me back to the days when I was just a  very young girl – and really enjoyed listening to this song – and I do believe that I just may have some of their old records!

Carrol Roberson has a terrific voice and his music  is “Top Chart”  with me and I would guess with anyone that wants to hear good music.

Be sure to check him out and listen – you will want more of his songs – as they did play a new release, “Praise the Lord”  which you will want to buy – as it is so good!

Before and between the music the “Father and Son” Botts were talking about several things  and since everything was so good – all I could think of –  “I have to get to the computer and pass on the terrific music and the next item. 

“Paul Harvey” is another personality, that I like – and I am guessing, if you are old enough – “You will like him, too!” 

“Mr. Bott” always brings  on something  “old”… for all to hear, just because…  it is so up to date – that which we may have heard in the past – and, of course have  now forgotten – but this next item – just got my ears turned on!

“It is…  “SO”  for TODAY”… if ever,  I heard anything…  so right on!

Sit back  now,  and listen – if this isn’t so right on – let me know? 

We have been hearing things that  we may have just dismissed in the past… but the TIMES of TODAY are all…  just so falling  right into place… like never ever… before!

Sometimes, when you start to get old enough, and you have stored away in our old brain… bits and pieces of things long gone by… they tend to start adding up to something… that just might be right around the corner?

“What do you think?

YOU can…  Let me know what you think… anytime?”

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