National Daughter's Day - September 25

When it comes to offspring, National Daughter’s Day reminds of the young women and girls in our lives. On September 25th, spend time with your daughter.

Daughters bring a certain kind of joy into our world. Like all children, they have their own personalities and strengths. As parents, we look forward to discovering the world through their eyes.

Depending on where you live, International Daughter’s Day is observed on the Fourth Sunday in September. Elsewhere the day might be observed on October 1st. No matter when you celebrate, the day provides an opportunity to show your daughter genuine support, encouragement, and love.

In some countries, daughters face a rough start in the world. They are sometimes denied an education, equal employment or even healthcare. Sons are put before them and given priority. Social stereotypes set certain expectations of behavior for daughters including how they dress and behave.

The day offers us an opportunity to be thankful for our daughters and to find ways to ensure daughters around the world have every opportunity to succeed.

HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalDaughtersDay

Share the day with your daughter. Look back on memories or create new ones. Some other ways to celebrate the day include:

  • Send your daughter a card.
  • Take a selfie every year on National Daughter’s Day. Over the years, you will be able to see how much she and you have changed.
  • Donate to an organization that supports educating daughters. For example, Women One provides support to women and girls worldwide. Another is Helping Women Period which supplies feminine products worldwide.
  • Teach your daughter something new. Whether it’s useful or fun, practical or vital, your daughter will appreciate you for it.
  • Learn something from your daughter. Our daughters’ growing catalog of experiences offers us a treasure trove of information that they will gladly share with us.

While you’re celebrating daughters and YOUR daughter, be sure to share your day with us, too. Use #NationalDaughtersDay to post on social media all the ways you celebrate.


National Day Calendar continues researching the origins of this family holiday.

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“Good Memories for MOM and for US”

Just looking back at this old PHOTO…


It almost seems … that the way, in which we were looking then… is how “Angels” would look…  just standing still.

Do not think of anything at all… because,  TODAY …

  You three children belong to the Almighty Creator, your Heavenly Father and He will  guide you on the road that you are to take…

if you will but… just  listen to HIS directions…

from this day,  till that day…  that HE calls you HOME… 

to be with HIM for all eternity! 

From the left is DENNY, Jr., Mary Ellen, Tommy,  and we are standing in front of the…

  “Lady of Lourdes, Grotto” on the west side of the German St. Vincent Orphanage… 

after having just made our “First Communion” with several other children in the First and Second Grades of School.

 This was a “Visiting Sunday” and our Parents were here…

to  share in all of this… and since this was all “NEW”  to us three…

we were just statutes standing still and not moving,  until  we were told … what and where  and how to do whatever… 

as  this is probably, the one  and only day of the year…

we spoke very little…  we did listen… and  also did exactly as we were  directed to do!

“Blessings to all”      D.V.

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“TODAY…I lay ‘ME’ Down to Sleep”

“Little Miss Bebee…  just passed away on the 20th of this month…
just a real Blessing to all of her family and those that she would be praying for”
Everyone will miss … little Miss Bebee. xoxoxo

“Now I lay ‘ME’ Down to Sleep”

Bebee praying for peace on earth and good will to every human she knows and loves;

especially the ones she loves to bark at, Donny Crangle, Melissa Crangle (Meme), Alan, and those she hears coming thru the door everyday, Amen.

Oh, and she forgot to mention Grandma Mary Ellen Aldrich, who visited us at Thanksgiving and on Alan’s birthday!

She loves everyone who wants to hold her, like Ryder, Donald Crangle (Papa),Owen and his mommy Taylor Nicole Dalton.

Bebee goes everywhere with Mary Quinn Crangle whenever she can.

She misses seeing her friend, Daisy, but hopes to visit her soon at Donny’s house, where she spent most of the summer with Mary Quinn Crangle.

She loves her family of friends who she runs with, especially her true love, Turbo, who always comes home to her, after his busy days in the back yard and the woods, with Bedee and Zecee, guarding us.

God bless us here and there and everywhere

Mary Ellen Aldrich –  I think that little  “Miss Bebee BABY”  is the sweetest of all … looks like she knows how to pray for all of her friends  – D.V.

“Little Miss BEBEE – Up and Ready to PROTECT”

“Good Morning to everyone” – – “I know that there are lots of people … that think that I am “CUTE” – – but… I’d  just like to say  – “I am a very protective watch dog”… that likes to keep an eye out  for those that just may need my HELP!”


“Here I am… dressed in  my favorite “chest protection” against all of the strong winds – – when I have to run as fast as a “MIGHTY MOUSE” – – to defend all those in my household – – one never knows – – without my steady bark – –  just “WHO” would dare try to  – – get past my “eagle” eye.”

“There are some … that think … that I am … the bravest and one of the smallest of the  tribe of   “GERMAN SHEPHERDS” – -since I have all of the “trade-marks”  – – and abilities to prove – – I will guard my “FAMILY and FRIENDS”  – – till the longest day… that I am alive!”

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“Some Photos are worth a Thousand Words”

“Everyone  remembers this PHOTO… this  is the President of our organization  and he is also called…Mr. Wonderful…TOM, himself”

1-more 001

“Before the above PHOTO was taken at St. Vincent’s… we three younger small fry,  were at the Fairgrounds Park in North Saint Louis, and just by taking a good look at these photos, and  then…  taking note of  “WHO” is the one running the SHOW!”

That is  MARY ELLEN…TOMMY…DENNY  – – and we are HAPPY…because it is Visiting Sunday!


Over  Eighty Years  ago… can you believe,  this is what the three of us looked like!!!

When I look at this photo…I am now taking note that there are so  few   parents  in the back ground,  so few of the children were as LUCKY … as  the “McClarrens” – –

to be able to see and visit with someone from their  own  FAMILY…

to receive some sign …that there is someone in this world… that will  even bother to come out on the second or fourth Sunday of each month… and spend a couple of hours…

sharing “FAMILY LOVE” with the ones you LOVE the most!

What I really LOVED… was the surprise  “VISIT” – – that would happen any time…any day of the week …when either my FATHER or my MOTHER would just show-up and always with a bag full of  goodies…

just reliving and thinking back …as to what was good and enjoyable about being in an Orphanage… especially when at the time… I could hardly stand to be there …and could hardly wait for the day that I would graduate …

and be able to leave …and forever be in my own HOME!!!




This PHOTO  is  MOM – – TOMMY – – DENNY Jr. and  our DAD, Denny, Sr., up  on the Pavilion –  with  one foot on the bench, leaning forward…  so as to give me directions on how to take this PHOTO… and still it is not as clear  as one would want it, but the memory is with us forever,  and this visual  is just a reminder, this was a “VISITING  SUNDAY” at  SAINT  VINCENT’s”


“This  next picture,  is with MOM and the three of us…

February 1946  as our baby sister,  “EVE KAREN  Francisca McClarren” … was born on the 16th…

and when “MOM and DAD” took our sister to the  “HOLY NAME CHURCH” to be baptized…

and  when asked…  what the baby’s  NAME will be… 

the  Priest was told  “EVE KAREN” … the Priest said … “there is not a   “SAINT  EVE KAREN” …”

“DO you have a DOG?” … “I  need a  “SAINT’s  NAME” ….

So as not to hold up the ceremony…

MOM … remembered that  a “Francisca CABRINI”  was in the NEWS … as just having been canonized a  “SAINT” … 

so that is  “HOW”   our sister “KAREN” received her  long and full name.

This was…  an “IRISH PRIEST” and his “IRISH brogue”  was so strong … “you could  hardly  understand  what he was  asking and saying… as the word “DOG” really sounded like “DOGUE!”

Just an added footnote…


Is a Dogue de Bordeaux a good family pet?
Image result for DOGUE

Despite its powerful appearance, the Dogue is quite gentle in demeanor. On the other hand, its intense loyalty makes the breed a highly effective guard dog. The Dogue de Bordeaux is an excellent dog for most households.

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“And These were those GOOD Old Days”

This year is 1946…easy to remember when you look at those in this PHOTO!

Looking at this picture…Baby, “Eve Karen” in the arms of  our Daddy, and she is all bundled up to keep her warm, as this picture must have been taken on a second or fourth Sunday of a month, as those were the Visiting Days at St. Vincent’s… and the background … it looks like Spring!

Our baby sisters were born on February 16, 1946… and they were   identical twins… and the first born twin, Kathleen had a crushed lung and only lived a week.

 So, as I am looking at the trees…  in this picture… this could be early May, 1946.

That “SAILOR” out-fit that   our “TOMMY”  is wearing… is the very same  “out-fit” that  older brother, “DENNY” wore on his trip to “OHIO”  when he was  only “four years old”.

Wrote about that trip a couple weeks earlier, and posted the news-paper clipping along,  giving all of the particulars of that   long “trip”  that little  DENNY took … all by himself … when “DADDY” had to go to  “CALIFORNIA”  to work on the  “NAVY SHIPS”   during WWII – – just some the exciting things that the  “McClarren”  children did during those  “hard” times  of WWII, and we NOW all have  lived  long enough to talk about it!

“Just some of the memories of our little sister, EVE KAREN” …  just good to have a few  old  PHOTOS …  for a “BACK-up” – otherwise – no one would believe…  half of  the good old days… when we were  in those bad times of  a  “WAR” and what  all “AMERICANS” all  working  together, did to help  our “COUNTRY”  WIN…  those were the days … we  “ALL”   just did that which we could… to keep AMERICA, FREE!


This next picture is taken years before that  above.

Here we are in Pine Lawn… and it looks like our little brother, “TOMMY” is the brand new baby in our household.

“Tommy” was also born in February and on that Lucky number 13! And Tommy: has been Lucky  every day of his life… as he was the “BABY” of the family… and all families delight in having a “baby” that is smart and learns everything so fast and with all that … he could entertain everyone with so many stories and songs…I always thought he would make it big in Hollywood!

2,3,4 yrs, old 001

In 1942… we moved from the County to the City of Saint Louis and this next picture shows me in the back yard of the house we moved to… and as a nosy prospector …looks like everything and anything that was left in the backyard… will be inspected by ME!

ME 1942 001

During those WWII years, we did makes some changes to this picture! For starter the yard was cleared out and my parent plants some tomatoes and a couple of other things they enjoyed eating.

That two car garage soon became a place to raise chickens and have eggs to eat. Further to the left… my Dad made an opening low to the ground… so that the chickens could come and go.

With chickens and eggs and a few items that were planted… how could you go wrong?  Every family had those ration books with coupons that allowed you to buy certain things, and without the coupon…you were out of Luck in getting.

Times were different and difficult, so everyone worked together and did their part for the WAR effort… and now as we all know… cooperation of all the people working together… makes for our winning the WAR!

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Remember, September 22nd recognizes National Elephant Appreciation Day. The elephant probably won’t forget. 

People of all ages are fascinated by elephants. Discover some interesting facts about them to celebrate with us! 

These captivating and social animals live between 60 to 70 years. Like humans, elephants develop remarkably close family bonds. Two species, the African Savannah and Asian elephant, exist. However, recently scientists suggested that the African Forest elephant is also a unique species and not a subspecies. 

Each day, poachers kill approximately 100 elephants for their ivory, meat, bones, and skin. 

These pachyderms are closely related to rhinoceroses and hippos. In fact, pachyderm describes thick-skinned animals with hooves or nails similar to hooves. While the African elephants outgrow the Asian, both hold the prize for the largest land mammal on earth. However, there are some differences between the species, though. 

Differences Between African & Asian Elephants:
  • The African elephant grows larger ears.
  • In the Asian species, only the male grows tusks. However, in the African, both male and female elephants grow tusks.
  • One of the things that fascinate us about elephants is their trunk. It’s super sensitive. At the end, a small finger-like appendage grows. The appendage, also known as a lobe, gives elephants the ability to pick up small twigs, bits of grass and other items. On the Asian elephant, the lobe grows at the top tip of the trunk. However, the African elephant grows a lobe at the top and bottom, giving it extra pinching dexterity. 
  • Both species live in herds. The herds are led primarily by a matriarch and comprised of sisters, daughters and their young. As the males grow, they move off on their own. Asian herds tend to be smaller than the African herds.
  • While both species are herbivores, their diets vary based on the available habitat. 

Elephants are spirited and playful animals. Have you ever seen them frolic in the water?  And they will defend their own with their mighty tusks. Whether foraging for food or digging a mud hole, their tusks are vital for survival. Since hunters value the ivory more than the life of the elephant, they endanger the continued existence of these majestic animals. 

Do elephants never forget? Well, studies have determined that elephants have excellent memories. They remember vital locations over large areas of land. Elephants also show recognition of faces and other elephants even after a long time has passed. And while we may be forgetful from time to time, we don’t recommend forgetting this holiday!

HOW TO OBSERVE #ElephantAppreciationDay

Don’t forget to celebrate the Elephant on September 22nd! Show your appreciation today by visiting the elephants at your local zoo. Get involved. Learn about conservation and eliminating poaching.

Read up about elephants. We suggest The Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence Anthony or Love, Live and Elephants: An African Love Story by Daphne Sheldrick. You could also read Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss or any of the Babar stories by Jean de Brunhoff.

Documentaries bring the life of the elephant into our living rooms. Watch Elephant directed by Mark Linfield or When Elephants Were Young directed by Patricia Sims.

Use #ElephantAppreciationDay to post on social media.

Educators and families, visit the National Day Calendar Classroom for even more ways to Celebrate Every Day!


National Elephant Appreciation Day originated in 1996 to raise awareness concerning the plight of elephants. 

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