“Save THIS, for when You forget Something”


Remember that  “OLD FOLKS”  are worth a fortune,  with silver in their hair – gold in their teeth – stones in their kidneys – and gas in their stomachs!

I have become a little older since – I last saw you – and a few changes have come into my  “LIFE”  –  since then. 

Frankly,  I have become a “Frivolous”  –  old gal!

I am seeing five (5)  “gentlemen”  – every day!

  As soon  as  –  I WAKE UP  –   “Mr. Will Power”  helps me get out of bed! 

And then –  “Mr. Charlie Horse”  comes along and when he is here – he takes a whole lot of my time and attention!   Oh,  and when he leaves – 


“Mr. Arthur Ritis”  will show up –  and has the nerve to stay the rest of the day!

He also  does not like to stay in only one place very long – so he will take me –  from “joint to joint!”

Now, – and after such a very busy day – I am really tired and “OH” –  “so glad”  – to go to bed with “Mr. Ben Gay!” 

– And  – oh me my oooh  what -a “Life”  – that I live?

P.S.     The “Preacher”  came to call on me, the other day.

 He said  – that at my “AGE”  – that I should be thinking about the  “HERE – AFTER?” 

I told him – “OH  I  do –  and all the time. 

No matter where I am – in the parlor – upstairs – in the kitchen or even down in the “basement” – I ask myself –

 NOW  – what  am I  –  here after?”

Submitted by Deloris Engemann

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