“Must DO ALL That Needs Correcting, NOW”

Dull Facts make Exciting Story!

My son, Lee Jr. and I were talking on the telephone – and when talking with me… we usually get to talking about some subjects, that require using the old brain… as there are so very many things… that I have done, over these  long and many …many years… sometimes, it just takes a real good and long while to start  remembering them all, and  then … to remember them correctly.

Like most things that you want to start up… you have to put the correct key  in… and or information into that old blocked brain… something like a shot of oil to get all of those old marbles… to just start rolling around… and as “LEE”  was doing  his job…that is when… he started to give me some  real good ideas of old stuff…  I had done a long time ago… and almost completely forgot about!

All kinds of silly stuff that one would put in “FILE 13” – Lee was telling me to start to write something about that which…  everybody would like to hear about.

I’m telling “LEE” that I want to be reminded about stories… that I had told him or maybe someone in the family, that he remembers, and if I were to re-tell them now, would these  old  stories mean something special to the reader… and would  they also be… something  that…  they would really enjoy?

The time just flies so fast, when you are talking about “NOTHING!”

The days between Christmas and New Year’s – are those days, that we do not know what, in the whole wide world…  we should be doing … everything and  anything special  was all done… long ago!

And… because these days are  NOW… those “extra days of the year”  –  as some of us, are on “HOLIDAY” from work and without a regular schedule, to work from – “WE ARE LOST!”

We all have heard a million or more  times of all the “NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS”  that … we should be making… and that we are to make amends, for all of those wrongs – and then… resolve to make this coming year  “a so  much better  year, than any other year” – we are  NOW  –  moving up and to a much better than ever position, in time! 

This requires …  that maybe using our  “BRAINS”… for something more important than…  just a “HAT RACK!”

It is important, that we, NOW… take a  look back and take note of some corrections, that we can make toward  putting  forth…  a much better effort in all that we are now planning…  to make our life and the lives of our family … so very much better.

Have a pencil and pad of paper ready for this list – so that, by writing down – we are now making sure… that, we have a written record and  a date  of this… with dates, as to when… we are going to do something…  and  or start  with new resolves, to correct those ways, that were not productive in the past.

This of course does takes time – but we will find  that, this will be the best start for a new and fully indigenous new person… that we will be in this NEW YEAR!

Time spent now on these plans to make ourselves a better person… to be and to live with – will make wondrous results in all aspects of our life – today, tomorrow and forever!        D.V.

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“Every Christmas Tree Needs Its OWN CAT”

Sunset Cat Ancestor

Sunset Cat Ancestor 001

The Sunset Cat that visits me – looks just like this cat we had in the 1970s. Our cat just put herself in the center of the “CRIB” setup… that   we had under our tree.

Could  todays’  “SUNSET CAT” be a relative?

If you have a wonderful “CAT” that just loves you and all those in the family… and that is all of the invited guests as well… then I am guessing that you have a “Sunset CAT.”

From that day… so long ago… that I can remember … and now that is almost a hundred years ago… as we all know “time does fly by”… when you are having FUN!

As I remember… to way back and when ever… my MOM always like “CATS”,   but… as a child her Mother would not let her have any cats… and to make sure that little Marie would stop bringing a lost cat home with her… her Mother promptly drown then in a big bucket of water… and my Mother, as a child was so young and heart-broken… would hear those poor little kittens crying for help… but little Marie was unable to help the poor kittens.

So… when I was a little child… My “MOTHER” would allow for me to bring to our house any and all small kittens that I would find.

As I grew older and had a family of my own… we also would have a stray cat come to our house… as I am guessing that the word is passed around … that is from one generation of cats to another.

We did buy three acres of ground in the Fenton, Missouri area as my sons wanted horses and a dog. So… when you have a horse and a barn for them to stay… you also need the feed on hand… that is stored in a barn  in some kind of big metal containers with lids ,,, that is to keep it fresh and keep the mice out… that they need fresh each and every day!

Seems like the word does get around, when you have horses… that friends and family will then start to bring over to you… a real nice “CAT.” 

Over the 25 years of living in Fenton… we did receive at least twenty-five cats. Some Mama cats and her family … and other family of cats… and it just seem that … some people had a few cats and just would drop off a cat or two … may when the lights were out, and or else when they thought none of us were at home!

The above “CAT” in the  photo… was Lucky to get to live in the house around the clock… she was pretty well behaved.

This sweet kitty … would follow you around the house… a regular “Miss Nosey”… herself,  as she would put herself… just exactly where you would put her… if she were a toy!

“Little Miss Mosey” was right there watching all of the Christmas tree being put together … and all of the lights put on the tree with care… and then those fancy ornaments were hung with care.

Now the most important part of the Holiday… is to put the “CRIB” together and  then… to stand all of those little statues in just the right place…  just to be so sure… that everyone knew whose “Birthday” it was!

If you look closely… you can see that our “CAT” took over… she scattered the little statues… and parked her rear end…into the front of the “CRIB”.

I’m guessing the the “CAT” thought … that I was making a very special house … just for her!

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“Family and Friends Celebrate Birthdays in December”

Must Remember these extra special…

December Birthdays

Would like to wish  Family and Friends a very Happy Birthday, in this month of December. 

Sometimes  you can not be with those who have a  Birthday  or an occasion to “Celebrate,”   that is why I like to spread the word  –  any occasion worth while celebrating needs at least a whole week for  contacting  all of  our  “Love ones.”

Today, everyone has  a work schedule  and or some  assigned places  to be conflicting with our own schedule and good connections on certain days and times are not always available?

We  do have to make changes in our schedules and also try to make  the right choice to show  –  ALL of Our Love  –  for another!

Happy Birthday:

5th Lee  G. Aldrich,Jr  – 

13th Thomas H. Aldrich  – 

16th Mary Jane Ludwig Greco  – 

  23rd Carolyn Jean Ludwig Caito  – 

20th  –   Thomas Brady  –   20th Oliver Brady  – 

24th William B. Riley  –  

28th Phyllis Ferris!

I receive more Joy, just because  Family and Friends  take the time to share  more “Love” in a way that helps all of us promote healthy living, fulfilling  our  “Dreams’  one for another.

The  “Love for Life”  knits us  all… so close together that we  grow stronger in our  “Love”…

just being there,  wherever needed. 

Our Creator’s  most wonderful and HIS enduring  abundant  Love  and Blessings …   is wished …

…  for us all!

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“December 13th 2022 Tom Aldrich Birthday… Today”

“Chrissy Aldrich” and “Thomas H. Aldrich”


“Grand-Daughter Chrissy  and Grandma Aldrich singing as loud as they can… ”  and …

Christa’s DAD,  Tom Aldrich on the top left with  Christa’s uncle Al standing on the top right …

Looks like the guys are playing some real good music just as “HOT” as they can … and … all on those “invisible ” instruments… –  that  – they carry  along with them –   and  always ready to entertain!



“Anyone for a game of Chess???  

Tom Aldrich on the left and brother Lee – sitting on the right…  I’ll  just bet … you can guess  when this picture was taken???  

  “YES!” —  “This is back in those golden olden times – when men  would wear their hair long…”  

“What a woman wouldn’t give…  to  have  had a beautiful head of hair like Lee’s…  so nice and thick  and wavy –  so easy to do a whole lot  of different  kinds of fancy “HAIR”-do’s!”

Getting back to that game of   “CHESS” …  no matter what else is going on in this “Rathskeller” –  – even having the “TV” on – they will be sitting there…  just thinking ???

This game is still going on  –   somewhere…???


Happy Birthday Tommy and many more in Heaven with your friends!Tom 64-65 001

Tom Aldrich  is standing and on left

In the 1960’s… when Tom was in the Army… the K-9 group, he was in HEAVEN   because he just LOVED  training and working  with dogs.  He had  some extra special communication skills  with animals and  especially with the DOG!  In the Army K-9 group,  this  was the best  place for his talents to be used.

Even when TOM  had finished his  tour of duty and service requirements, he did continue to raise and train “dogs” for himself and for others.

Those that had no idea as to what needed to be done  when desiring to purchase and have a DOG, that is  to have the best of  best friends, or should I dare to say…”Man’s Best Friend” the “DOG”  and have  him well trained  and able to fully communicate with  you, as you would. to your best fest FRIEND – Tom was able to help you succeed with your venture.

So… I THANK the ALMIGHTY  Yahweh,  for giving to some of  HIS  special friends  here on earth   a very special gift, that gift to train and LOVE  the four legged FRIEND, which becomes our  extra special FRIEND,  and for our Life Time… the DOG.

NOW that TOM is no longer here on earth, I’ll bet  that he is now working  as he enjoys so much with all kinds of DOGS… in all of the Heavenly PLACES, above!       D.V.

“Tom have the best of Birthdays in Heaven, every variety of Dog and many  varieties,  even with all  of the  other animals – just for the FUN and enjoyment… up there!


“On the Thirteenth is Tom Aldrich’s Birthday”

       “Happy Birthday to TOM Aldrich”

“Just adding to the good memories,  that we all have of  “TOM Aldrich”  for his BIRTHDAY,  on the Thirteenth!”

    Tom Aldrich with “MAN’s” Best Friend!

Tom & Shane 001

Thomas H. Aldrich in Korea with   “WAR-DOG SHANE!”

This picture of Tom and SHANE …  his “WAR-DOG”  reminds me of that  movie “Call of the WILD”  – the stars were  “Clark Gable and Loretta Young.”

You will like it,  if you  can take the time to find it.   What caught my attention was  –  I  was watching   “Clark Gable” with this very “WILD DOG – Duke.”  The  absolute control that he had  in getting  the dog  to obey him  and then  becoming his “BEST FRIEND!”  If anyone would even get near “DUKE”  – he would come after them and kill  them…  man or other beast!

That is what Tom had – that personality – that  – no matter what type of dog – TOM would be working with – the dog and Tom were able to become best of friends  – both knowing that Tom was the one and only  “MASTER”  – and the dog would know that he was protected by Tom and that the two of them would work as a “TEAM” –  with the both of them  – being able to read the other  – a move  – a whisper – a nod  – each  other would know exactly the very next action that would be  needed and precisely  performed  – only masterfully  taking  place.

When you can work with “DOGS”  as Tom did…  my feeling is that you have received a very special talent, I should say; an extra special “TALENT” that not too many receive  from the Almighty Yahweh, and  more of us  should try learning very early… what natural talents – they may have and work with them… to  the glory  and  with much  thankfulness  be to our “Creator!”   

Everyone should know that, those  extra special gifts that you receive,  you should use  to the very best of your ability and then,  you will receive  even more!

 “Try it out,  and see if you don’t receive  so much more   – “YES”  you will definitely know,  when you stop to take that special notice of the increase of your  “TALENTS” … just exactly  where that extra  “MORE” is coming from!”        D.V.

“Start singing “Happy Birthday” to dear ole Tom – as he is celebrating in that Cloud #9 … up  and beyond!”

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“December 13th calls for so many Celebrations”

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December 13th, 2022



NATIONAL GUARD BIRTHDAY December 13th commemorates the National Guard Birthday. On December 13th, 1636, the Massachusetts General Court established an official militia for the first time in the American Colonies. #NationalGuardBirthday A component of the United States Army, the National Guard is primarily composed of citizen-soldiers who hold down full-time, civilian jobs, attend school, or as is often the case, …
National Guard Birthday | December 13


National Violin Day | December 13
NATIONAL VIOLIN DAY Honoring an instrument also known as the fiddle, National Violin Day on December 13th celebrates the bow stringed instrument loved around the world.  #NationalViolinDay By drawing the bow across the strings, the violinist manipulates the sound in several ways. A violinist uses numerous bowing techniques to master the violin. The strokes dictate not only notes, but the …


NATIONAL COCOA DAY December 13th ushers in a celebration worthy of the winter holidays with National Cocoa Day. What better way to warm up after a cold day outside? #NationalCocoaDay We make hot cocoa with cocoa powder, heated milk or water, and sugar. However, Americans often use hot chocolate and hot cocoa interchangeably, sometimes causing a bit of confusion. There …
National Cocoa Day | December 13


National Day of the Horse | December 13
NATIONAL DAY OF THE HORSE National Day of the Horse on December 13th encourages people of the United States to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States. #DayofTheHorse The domesticated horse we know today, also known as Equus caballus, was introduced into North America by Spanish explorers. Escaped horses eventually …


PICK A PATHOLOGIST PAL DAY Pick a Pathologist Pal Day on December 13th encourages us to make friends with a pathologist or coroner because we never know what tomorrow holds.   #PickAPathologistPalDay While life is short, making friends with a pathologist or coroner may improve our outlook on life. Despite life’s challenges, most of us overcome them. A pathologist and …
Pick a Pathologist Pal Day | December 13

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“Are the Children Asking to SEE SANTA”

“Santa is waiting to see the CHILDREN”

Take Your Little Children to Visit “Santa”

At this time of the year… early December… when  you and the family go to all of those big “Shopping Centers” and, if  YOU are really paying attention…

You will find the just right “SANTA” sitting  in his “Toy Land” and even  before you know what you are doing…

You will find that you and your children are now in that very long line to see and talk with and  also…  to give to  their  most favorite person… that long list of all those important things, that they are wishing  for “SANTA” to bring to their home on Christmas Eve…

Some children  are just too excited while waiting in line… that they almost forget…  all that which  they wanted to ask for…  from this most important person at this time of the year… as this  real live jolly old   “SANTA” himself… is  waiting  patiently  to hear  directly from the small children!

Al's 1st Christmas 001

Baby Al Aldrich, is just 11 months and this will be  his  very first Christmas.

And  with our new baby AL  is also  and standing  the big brother Lee, Jr.,  who  has just  celebrated his 4th birthday on the 5th of this December!

Now this is all new and different for the both of my small children… and from their looks of  “wonder” of all that is going… with having a picture taken of them… and with someone all dressed up and with a white beard… what in the world is going to happen… is probably… what they are thinking?

You can tell…  that this picture was taken in a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, store… 

Since it is not cold …. like it is up here, now in Saint Louis … and with “SANTA”  wearing his best  and warmest suit of clothes from the North Pole… as it  does look like… our dear ole  SANTA is over heated…  with his extra  heavy red suit… and as you can see…

The children have  no winter clothing and no heavy coats!

It is so wonderful to shop  long hours in all of the highly and so CHRISTMAS  decorated  stores  in Florida for  all of the Christmas   items that we will be needing  and…

These stores in these Winter months…  shopping is made  to just enjoy and have lots of FUN…when in Florida!

You do not have to wear heavy and or extra clothing that will ware  you out.

Just thinking about being in Florida… for the Winter months…makes me feel warm all over… knowing … that it will be FUN!

“Merry Christmas”

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