“NICE” is the Good word for TODAY!

“NICE”  =   “Now I Can Excel”

Did you ever hear,  someone who would  “over use” a word? Well I did. When I was very young and in the Orphanage  – the children were assigned “jobs” to do for six months. The six month “JOB”  assignments changed  in September, when we had celebrated the “Labor Day Holiday” with “races” of all kinds of activities,  that we would  spend as much time competing  and practicing  as some of these races required you to work with another as a team  and training   for weeks – each of us trying to see what we could excel at  and maybe just be FIRST – so as to WIN a PRIZE!

I may have been in the third or fourth grade and this JOB CHANGE came  – and I was to work in the “BABY ROOM”  – a job that not many ever wanted, as you were no longer with the rest of the girls on the Play Ground –  you were NOW always with the BABIES.You did miss going to Church in the mornings as you went to the kitchen to pick up the food for the “BABY ROOM and yourself.  You did go to School and when it was time for you to go to bed –  you went there – so the only good part of this – is that you never got into any trouble with any of the NUNS!

Just a couple of PHOTOS of  the “BABIES” that were taken for the “YEAR BOOK”  and  this top one is of them getting ready for their nap time – in looking out the windows you can see the “CHAPEL”  in the distance – and that roof area in between is the top of the “KITCHEN” roof  that  is visible.

This is the area in their Playroom that is used for the “BABIES” to eat their meals. The NUN in charge is “Sister ZITA” – and I do not believe that any posted PHOTOS would ever have her face available. She did seem to me, back then to be an older NUN – but with so little of their faces to see – what would I know? But what I remember is that  – no matter what she said for me to do – the very last word of the sentence was “NICE” –  “Do this NICE!”   “PICK up the clothes for the laundry, NICE!”   “CLEAN up this NICE!”   “TAKE all of these Pots and Pans back to the Kitchen,  NICE!”

“NICE”  was that one word that hung on to every sentence – I can not remember  that anything was ever said,  without  a “NICE”  hanging on to the end of it. That goes for when she would speak even to someone else –   “NICE” was there,  and of course she was “NICE”  to the “BABIES” – almost like a “GRANDMA” and I guess those “BABIES” picked up on her kindness to them and with soft voice – that was a very good environment for a BABY to be – and to be taken care of round the clock.

In that first PHOTO with the “BABIES” getting ready for their nap –  “What you do not see is – behind the Photographer” –  and that is a small “CELL” which is where “Sister ZITA”  sleeps and has for herself  a  small table to hold her wash basin and a chair and there is a small window in the side that she can look out,  should she need to – to check on something before getting into  her “habit” –  as this was her basic home when not in Church or in the “NUNS’ DINING ROOM” –  as who ever, like “ME” when I worked for her – would spend   all  meal  times  eating with the babies!

It took all of these years –  for me to give the word, “NICE”  a second thought –  what could those letters N – I – C – E  even mean to someone – so –  the other night,  while going to sleep – was thinking –  and the inspired word was  –  “If you can be ‘NICE’  in all that you do and or say to another on EARTH  –  at the end of the day –  your thoughts to go to sleep on, will be,  “Now I Can  Excel!”

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