“Father’s Day is coming SUNDAY the 16th”

 “Just Remembering DADDY”   “DADDY and DAUGHTER”

This first PHOTO of DADDY and  DAUGHTER (me) is when I was eight months. Since I do not have the photo handy,  can not write the whole list of stuff ,  that my MOTHER wrote on the back side, as to what I could do and say, which is  a good thing for parents to do  because, without a written record, who would remember everything that a first child  is learning  and then, is also able to do.

  • Should I run across the “PHOTO” above, I will add those wonderful things  that my MOTHER  did take the time to make a note of   especially for me  as I am one of those  “types”  with inquiring minds , sometimes people get sick of my questions, but how then, does one learn, if they can not ask  more than enough  “QUESTIONS” so as to be well informed.
  • “What television series is that,  where the investigator always comes back,  just after taking a few steps to leave,  and he says, “I just have, ONE MORE QUESTION?”              **********        **********
  • This is JUNE 12th, 2019  and I have the answer, to pass on   to one and all,  so and since ‘no one’ sent  to me an answer,  will have to save this “PRIZE”  for another time, so the  wonderful  “STAR of Colombo” is the  man in the very old   “Rain Coat”  the one and only  “PETER Fault”   himself. “Good Luck,   till  next time!”
  • “Every one has my “number”  for doing that exact thing,  when they think,  that I have turn to leave, and  then, with a quick step back,”  I will ask,  “Just one more thing!”

“Do I look like,  I  am pushing  the old  age of  ‘two’  in the above photo?  WELL, that is  my DADDY,  holding “ME”   and we are in the back yard of my  “AUNT  Irene RILEY”  on ASHLAND  Avenue, in Saint Louis.  We would visit  Aunt Irene,  as it was only a quick  run through the FAIRGROUNDS  PARK, a very  short drive, no matter, how fast my DAD would drive!

This was a “BIG DAY”  for me. It is JUNE 8th, 1952, and I have graduated from the eighth grade!   “WOW”

That is DADDY, DENNY, SR. standing on my right side, and on the  left of me  is my younger brother DENNY, Jr.,  who is in the seventh grade , and next year   he  will be graduating from the eighth grade.  Isn’t it wonderful, to have a child of yours,  graduating each year,  after so many years of the same thing, you finally know the general routine and  can almost,  do it in your sleep.

After living a fairly,  long time,  it is  the the good memories that you have and if you also have old photographs to jog the old marbles floating around in the old brain well, “It is a wonderful WORLD, after  all  is said and done!”

“Thanks to the ALMIGHTY ,  for all the wondrous things,  that ‘YOU’ have provided me with,  I am grateful and thankful  for each and every day,  LIFE is every thing and more,  some times, we just forget to give THANKS!”      DV

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