“A Picture is worth a Thousand Words”

Just have to post this series of pictures … for all of those, that will be celebrating their  BIG “BIRTHDAYS” in this  very special month of SEPTEMBER  in the year of 2022!

First of all … someone does have to do all of the planning of this very  special occasion… the … BIRTHDAY PARTY…

Must have a list of the guests… you know all the family and special friends that like  and do enjoy a special party …

 A party that will have… just the best of  “BIRTHDAY CAKES” and some very  delicious  “Ice Cream” … because we all know, that  in every family that there is always a  “someone”  that just lives on cake and ice cream … and that person will usually sneak some seconds… when no one is looking and  also when the  “coast” is clear… for them to just help themselves… “you know who”… right on!

“Okay… the candles are nicely placed  on the top of the  cake … and it looks like we just  may have to call the “Fire Department” … we are getting  entirely too much smoke  and fire …by putting  such  a great number  of candles  on that most delicious  cake, too much fire  can really cause problems  sitting on the top of a very delicious Birthday Cake!


Start singing NOW… we want everybody to hear all of us… all the way down on “GRAND AVENUE”     as we all know who lives down there… and hope he can come over for the party!


“Hurry up… and start to blow out all of those candles… we do not  like to eat  melted candle on the wonderfully made cake!”

Just in case … we need a little help with the “Birthday” song… just had to add some expert help … a little of that most famous of songs with singers to help make us all sound like we know how to sing along! 

“Just terrific… if…  I say so myself!”

“Almost looks like… we will have to all give  of some of our “WIND”… we need to get in and help put that big “FIRE” out… and save the “CAKE” … before we end up  calling  the “Fire Department!”

“You know…  that the “FIRE DEPARTMENT”   will want to take the whole cake for themselves… only because they saved it… from burning up!”



This is the best part of the “Birthday PARTY”… now we can get some  of delicious Ice Cream and Birthday cake, and  then… we can now… just sit back and watch the  “BIRTHDAY PERSON” start working … opening up all of the wonderful gifts and cards … and making stacks of all those goodies… and somewhere along the way,  try to remember whose card goes with what gift… because this part of the party… lets you know just exactly how old you have just become!

It just came to me … that I just have to make one more remark about “Birthday Parties”.

By our having a “Birthday Party” every year… we are making  sure that we are getting older… just like regular old clock work!

So… what if we were to skip this yearly “Birthday Party”  stuff … and just live LIFE without getting older… because,  if  we stop counting up years as they go by… we could always be just so young and nice looking … for our very good and young age… maybe we could just  live forever and a day longer than the next guy!

“What’s the good word on that?”


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“One Step on EARTH, Two STEPS ABOVE”

“Would YOU like to be, UP Here”

AA 001

When a family is on a “family trip” to visit relatives in a city or a very small town, and not too far away, but a pretty good drive  with lots to see…

and  also has lots of  extra special  items to see of the “Kennedy Space Station” with very good  back ground scenery… all of the lovely  landscape with some small parts of the Ocean  to quickly catch a sneak  view as we fly by on the road, never driving  too fast, as we do have very precious cargo in this vehicle, and we do want to be all in one piece … when we arrive at our destination… our  relatives’ home  and land, to enjoy  seeing as  we just seem to be flying by along the coast of Florida….

but still a pretty good drive…

does each of the family members get to say or put in their two cents worth of their mind… as to what  or where they  will be put in this PHOTO?

 In the Photo coming up… is the youngest in the  “Aldrich FAMILY”  a little Al , himself was just “AIR” lifted up and onto  the footing holding a much larger and permanently place Aircraft… to be displayed, forever!

As you can see  “little Al” is looking to his father for help… and his Dad and young brother Lee, standing down below him are also keeping their eyes on our, little Al… just in case, he would make a quick move and start to come down… from  above.


  L to R – is Donald and little Al and Lee, Jr. Aldrich

We are at ” Cape Canaveral, Florida” and on our way to visit our cousin,  “Jimmie Brady Shilling.”

She and her  husband live on “Merrit Island” which is  just a little further for us to travel.

“just in case I forget, how to get where I am going…posting a map” “Only 171 miles one way!”

What is Merritt Island Florida known for?
Image result
The unincorporated “town” of Merritt Island is located on Florida’s largest island, which serves as the home of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, still a major tourist attraction, even though space shuttles are no longer being launched from here.
What is there to do in Merritt Island today?
Top Attractions in Merritt Island
  • NASA Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. 20,538. …
  • Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. 953. …
  • Black Point Wildlife Drive. …
  • Space Shuttle Atlantis. …
  • Brevard Veterans Memorial Museum & Military Museum. …
  • U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame. …
  • Sams House at Pine Island Conservation Area. …
  • Obloy Family Ranch.
 We finally got to where we were going on Merritt Island… our cousins had their own swimming pool… just something,  that all of the family enjoyed and we spent a lot of time there,  just watching  as the kids did all of their fancy swimming…
we had a wonderful week with family and then… like all good vacations, there comes a time…  for the end of fun… we then packed,  and took that long  and slow  drive home… to relax!

“A very good time was had by all”

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“Time to Share My Son, Al’s Enjoyment”

“St. Vincent Home Children and Alumni Picnic”




Sep 27 @ 2:30 pm – 6:30 pm
7401 Florissant Road – Normandy, MO  63121

BBQ & Kids smallSt. Vincent Home for Children Picnic

Please bring your family and join ours!

St. Vincent Home for Children wants to invite you and your family to our Alumni Picnic. We will provide the food, fun, entertainment, and


beer/wine/beverages. The picnic will be a celebration of our wonderful past and an opportunity for you to meet our Executive team and see how our programs are working today.

Most of all we want you to come to enjoy a great fall afternoon among friends!

RSVP: Number attending to Mike Garavalia, Director of Development here.


“St. Vincent’s Home – Chapel”


Here we are … in the St. Vincent Chapel… on a tour guide to see all of the new and different things going on…     today… September 27th – 2015!

GRANDMA MARY ELLEN ALDRICH,  Grandson, ALAN  and his Father, big Al and…   Al is  the  published author of   “AEROS: THE STAR  GOD  of AEROS” –  and several others… Book  by Al Aldrich *********

This was one of the best days  for a “senior citizen ” to have – and to think  – – that I had to wait all  of the ‘seventy” and more years to arrive – and be surprised…

 “WOW” what a wonderful   LIFE – and if we just  –

do not weaken…  – –

Let’s do it again!

We are just having lots of FUN – – at the “GERMAN ST. VINCENT ORPHANAGE  PICNIC – –   in blue dress  Mary Ellen Aldrich – – and next to me – grand-daughter, ALYSSA – – and standing behind Alyssa  – – is grand-daughter JAIME – – and that is their MOM, JILL  – –  we sure would have liked to see ….   more of the old timers… ALUMNI  – – from way back and when – – but maybe there will be another  TIME…  and soon!



  • Alyssa Aldrich says:

    Hi Grandma!

    Yesterday was a lot of fun visiting your old stomping grounds and seeing Tommy, his family and even your old friends! It was interesting hearing all the alumni’s stories as they were reminiscing during the tour of the place.

    Most of all, it made me feel very blessed and filled with gratitude to belong to such a beautiful family. I always cherish all of our “get togethers” and time spent laughing and enjoying each other’s love and light~

    I also especially appreciated you printing out photos of you at the orphanage as a child to share with us.

    (Grammy asked if we could pick her out from a photo of a classroom full of girls, and as I scanned the photo, I picked out my Grammy right away!!

    She still has the same look after all these years 🙂 and plus I recognized my own face in hers!)

    I am very grateful for my Grandma! I love you Grammy!! What an uplifting day this was…

    Cheers to honoring the past, and even more importantly GUARDING THE PRESENT MOMENT- right “NOW” is all that is, all that ever has been and ALL that ever will BE.

    This moment is what creates the ripple effect out into the vast interconnected universe so it is wise to be AWARE of this power THIS MOMENT has…

    Today I will be meditating and giving thanks to the Universe~ feeling the resonating GOD within me FLOURISH ABUNDANTLY with JOY, LOVE and LIGHT which through my conscious being I will echo back into the universe for ALL ETERNITY. <3

    Thank you & God Bless ALL now & always~

    XOXO Love, Alyssa XOXO

    • Mary Ellen says:

      Like I have mention – so many times before – – the Almighty Yahweh has truly sent special blessings to me … especially with the whole FAMILY – – I had to read and re-read…your comment – it was a perfect PRAYER… NOW – I know that we will continue to be BLESSED…

      LOVE to ALL the FAMILY…xoxoxoxoxo…. the BIG G – herself

  • Chris says:

    Greetings, Mary Ellen. Thank you for sharing your stories and insights in the blog. I am enjoying reading your posts. I came across your blog while researching the St. Vincent German Orphan Home. My father and his siblings were residents there at the same time as you and your brothers. I only know this because the 1950 census results (released less than 12 hours ago) list all of you who lived there when the census was enumerated. I’m going to order a copy of your brother’s book as soon as I get home (currently riding in the back seat of the car, returning from a spring break trip down south). Thanks again!

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“A #1 Memory Clip, from Daughter Alyssa”

Dad – my A #1 guy – I’ve never cried so many tears in my life, and I don’t forsee ever stopping because I miss you so deeply and always will.

You were a phenomenal human who accomplished so much and truly made the world a better place thanks to your unique contributions.

I slept right next to you in your bed on your final night, just you and me, and I played relaxing piano music for you. Grammy, Alan, Jaime and I gathered by your side as you took your final breath at 12:12pm. Now we are left to cope with this incredible loss.

We are having a Celebration of Life party for you today at my house. We’ll serve your favorite foods – roast beef sandwiches, pork steaks… We’ll eat like kings! We have a 4-hour, carefully-curated playlist of all the best classic rock songs, photos throughout the decades on display, gifts to giveaway, prizes to win, and even ALottery game so one lucky winner can go home with a pot of gold! All your friends and family will be there to honor you and share favorite stories of the good times we’ve shared. Words cannot explain how much you are loved.

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A Letter From Heaven

To my dearest family, some things I’d like to say,
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I’m writing this from heaven.
Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there are no more tears of sadness;
Here is just eternal love.
Please do not be unhappy just because I am out of sight.
Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through.
God picked me up and hugged me and he said, “I welcome you.
It’s good to have you back again,
You were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family,
They’ll be here later on.
I need you here so badly, you are part of my plan.
There is so much that we can do, to help our mortal man”
God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do
And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night, the days chores are put to flight
God and I are closest to you… in the middle of the night.
When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving years.
Because you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears
But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.
I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
But if I were to tell you, you wouldn’t understand.
But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is over
I’m closer to you now, than I ever was before.
There are rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;
But together we can do it by taking one day at a time.
It was always my philosophy and I’d like it for you too;
That as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.
If you can help somebody who is in sorrow and pain;
Then you can say to God at night… My day was not in vain.
And now I am content… that my life was worthwhile.
Knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.
So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low;
Just lend a hand to pick them up, as on your way you go.
When you’re walking down the street and you’ve got me on your mind;
I’m walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.
And when it’s time for you to go… from that body to be free
Remember you’re not going… you’re coming here to me


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“Lee is with new born Baby Al”

This was a prize winning photo … back when it was taken… 1962.

You see here…  Little Lee looking into  the baby crib of our brand new little baby “AL” …

Al was just born on January the 9th…  just with in an hour of Elvis Pressley’s birthday… as our little Al  … had decided  as only he could… Al did not want to share the same birthday… as  with someone that  has already  had his birthday on January the 8th……

As Elvis just  had the biggest of events… for years to come!


Don’t criticize what you don’t understand, son. You never walked in that man’s shoes.” –
Elvis often used this adaptation of a well-known quotation.


After having taken this PHOTO of our brand new baby boy, “AL” just had to send it to all of the relatives living in Saint Louis… as we were living in Florida!

My Aunt Irene Brady Riley… just loved this PHOTO so much, that she had to have  it enlarged  and sent back to me…  a copy of it enlarged … since it was just the best  ever PHOTO she saw!

Lee & Al 001

Aunt Irene said…”It looks like Little Lee and Baby Al are talking… as baby AL is holding his ear to hear… each and every word that big brother LEE is saying… and Little LEE is trying to be so quite, so as not to disturb his little baby brother Al… as he needs to sleep to get big enough to play…  with him!

When you bring home a brand new little baby… you sometimes wonder how things are going to work out, as the older child was always the center of all of the attention, and now things look like they are going to be changed.

In LIFE… things have a way of working out for all and for many years.

Each child has and receives all the things in their LIFE time here and learn to make the most of their situation.

Both sons were well educated in all of those things that they each like to do and  in life did share so much  as they traveled the path that they selected to follow.

Al did learn to fly and built planes and travel and did get married and  was Blessed to have had one son and two wonderful daughters… and the topping in this LIFE is to then have… the best of best, “Great Grand-Children!”

With all of the Blessings that we receive in LIFE… I guess that most know that there will be some “RAIN” to fall just when everything is going so well… for all  of the family and in these times in LIFE…  here on Earth…we just are  not  prepared to receive… an unexpected tragedy to hit us!

In these times today… with so many things hitting people head on with all kinds of  pain… there is nothing like “Cancer!”

The sneak thief of “CANCER” has a way hitting a person… so that  it is not detected and or known by the person that is slowing receiving…  and into… different parts of the body without sufficient pain… to know that this “CANCER” is killing you… and when you finally detect that you have been hit with it…”You are just  too for gone… for a cure!”

“Al has left… EARTH…NOW”

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